Quickly, I wanted to tell you something You were born in a place, you did not choose Where you are, is because of an accident So do not feel obligated to give them an inch The boss unfit to lead a workplace The politician out of touch with the common man You do not owe these men a thing for your accident Your job is to live Not to give into their demands For their profit For their pleasure For their God For their sadistic greed You are beautiful Seek likened minds -For they are your greatest assets in achieving your happiness Do not be blind -For the people, denied of the streets, are growing restless You are beautiful May the inner voice of this reading dry at least one tear If you have not heard it in a while I love you I love you and you are special I love you because you are proof that art is natural, and, It started when you were born- You are, Where ever you are, Walking, Sitting, Breathing Art