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 Nov 2014 Piper Wilde
Climb up my rib cage.
Make it your own personal
stage. Carve your name on
every bone you touch. And
as i told you darling before
I am the only home that you'll
ever own* ~
 Nov 2014 Piper Wilde
The fire made
a home in me.
If I tell you to come
and see would you
stay and burn with
me. We'll be brighter
than any star up in the
galaxy. Our light will
shine for an eternity.
Have a seat and drink
your whiskey beside me.
While I'll tell you how all
this could turn into reality* ~
In the heat of welcome change
I gaze upon my patched up scar
And think it must be truly strange
How much I miss that one night's star

I dream of days spent in our creed
And seek the comfort of our shell
But find I've fallen out of need
And almost regret that all is well

You saw my trouble and made it kneel
It was a true magician's role
How good you made bad feel
It only took your beautiful dark soul

And in the midst of life's most grand roulette
I owe my fate a kiss
Never will I forget
The way we danced in the abyss
 Nov 2014 Piper Wilde
 Nov 2014 Piper Wilde
Tomorrow may never come,
So, appreciate this day.
Today is waning so fast,
Soon night shall be descending.
All we have is this moment,
Tomorrow may never come.

Make the most of each moment.
Something I need to take to heart.
 Nov 2014 Piper Wilde
His love
is the winter  
solstice, mounting  
the top of her world
her love  
is the summer  
equinox, embracing  
the basis  
of his
Cupid's arrow is such a dangerous thing,
Hitting people without a clue,
Fixing their hearts together to never fall apart, stuck together like glue.

Until one day,
Cupid's arrow disappears and the glue fades away,
The people become depressed and lose all interest in life,
Their hearts feel like they've been ripped apart with a switchblade knife.

And once again, that stupid arrow comes flying past,
Creating love too fast, and destroying people's hearts,
Cupid's arrow is such a dangerous thing.
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