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Aug 2014 · 720
Nothing to Glance Back
Pia Capiral Aug 2014
I can feel delicate touches
Weakening my fragile skin
As flimsy as her finger
But it’s not hers. I am DEFINITE it’s not!

That is where we used to eat
In every start of what they call “week”
SHE used to talk and I just LOOKED at her
I was HAPPY! I knew SHE knew.

I used to wear my white shirts
Blue pants matched with candies
That was when I was afraid, for SHE might leave the window
But I knew SHE can’t. She will never!

That time when hearts started to collapse
I learned to love another Her
SHE hated me for a while
Next, SHE loved me, but I will ask why?

WHY did SHE let those delicate touches
Weaken my FRAGILE skin?
WHY did not SHE let me sit, eat, and be happy
Beside you?
WHY did SHE stop love to connect hearts?
WHY did not SHE let me wear my chance?

TIME stayed behind and SHE left me in a box
Those reminiscences were not mine
But if SHE had just given me the chance
I would LOVE to THROW them BACK.
Aug 2014 · 547
Not to be afraid
Pia Capiral Aug 2014
I am fearful.
I feared the darkness,
The monster under my bed
I feared the haunting nightmares.

I fear the lightning
I fear the storm
I fear that it will wash away all that I have.
I fear the phantom in the night.

Tomorrow I’ll fear people’s words.
I’ll fear that time would fly so fast
That life would be unkind
I’ll fear the misfortunes I’ll be in, tomorrow.

But I’ve always wanted to be bold.
To be brave.
For the greatest fear I ever had,
Was to fear FEAR.

I want not to be afraid.
Not to be afraid anymore.
The greatest thing I ever prayed for.
To God, for  all this fretting to stop
Aug 2014 · 6.1k
Pia Capiral Aug 2014
I can't feel my feet
nor my arms
nor my face
nor my beats
nor my senses
nor my nails
nor my body

nothing i feel.
Aug 2014 · 861
Simple Mathematics
Pia Capiral Aug 2014
up times up
Is synonymous to up

harmful times harmful
It will be helpful

But helpful times downbeat
Dominates downbeat

Because people could be either
Jul 2014 · 987
When I Learned to Run
Pia Capiral Jul 2014
When I Learned to Run*

I Walk and walk and walk
Eyes are at my every step
I walk and walk and walk
Lips are narrowing my way
I walk and walk and walk
Few smiles, thousand grins

I walk and walk and walk
I stumble, fall, it hurts
My vision bubbles shame
My chest feels the surface of humiliation
I feel the gravity against me

The utters weakening my bones
It disperses all over me
But my heart holds sturdily
And so,
I kneel, launch and stand

My ears are back to reality
I walk and walk and walk
My feet, ankle, knees stronger
I Walk and walk and walk
One… two… three...four
I run, stronger, faster
Jul 2014 · 389
Heart above all
Pia Capiral Jul 2014
Right from the start you started to act,
I’ve seen your passion in every wave of your hand.
Even tons of works created a great wall,
Still, I can see heart above all.

Millions of rulers measured your patience,
Thousand of situations made your day unbreakable.
Hundreds of mess distracted your silence,
Still, I can see heart above all.

Hurdles that come along your way,
Are nothing because of the strength of your sway.
Even those talls make you small,
Still, I can see heart above all.

Your desire have showed, you’ve proven it through your action,
To inspire and change the old, keeps everything in motion.
In times of choices, you even roll,
Still, I can see heart above all.

Sacrifices had proven your words,
The aura of commitment, responsibilities you owed.
Your sweet response to every student’s call,
Still, I can see heart above all.

Your deeds will reflect ‘til eternity,
I know it ‘coz I see your gaiety.
Someday the volume may be low,
Still, I can see heart above all.

East to west you are always the best.
North to South I have no doubt.
Years will pass; distance will be far as stars.
Obstruction will come; it’ll build a hall,
Still, what I see is a heart above all.

— The End —