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 Sep 6 Peter Garrett
This FIBROUS material is sinister,
It weaves right through the meat.
The only way to humble it.
Is to use it, rather than defeat.

Now light is good, don't get me wrong.
But it seems elementary to me.
The  plastic will be ruining earth.
Before you have light to see.
NOTIFICATION - Sierra Club, Tree Huggers Corporation LLC (aka - THC), "Save the Walls Society", Vegan's Club Anonymous, and my local coroner notified. But how are you reading this?
Were I in Beirut
A peninsularity of sand water . . . and time

Were I to cross the street to  Rue Monnot or cruise Hamra . . .

The air vibes incessantly .
The faces intrigue
The scents taunt and make my imaginations swirl

Laughter , chatter and comebacks in a language I don't understand

The feelings real , tangible
as the sunsets of their dreams
“Are you okay?”,
my wife asks
when I cough.

“No. I’m fine.
Yes. I’m not”,
I respond,

stumping her
in the poetic irony
of words that

encompass the
yes and no
and the in between.

She flips the finger
at me and I return
the bird to the nest.

We go back to our life
and our tablets,
the drip, drip of my chemo
and I wonder about okay.

“No.  You’re fine.
Yes. You’re not.”,
the bag stares in response.
I see it in your eyes, you want to **** them. But first you’d like to torture them for the atrocities that they have committed. Slowly tare them apart peace by peace. You’ve made yourself quite clear, I see..
Hell we all see your demons…
Traveler 🧳 Tim

I conjured this up after watching the news this morning.
No matter what I do
The loneliness comes in
She peeks through the window
And lifts up my chin.

No matter what I do
The loneliness is there
She looks at me sadly
And doesn’t seem to care

No matter what I do
The loneliness gets more
She wraps her arms around me
While I lay motionless on the floor
Trying to get back into writing
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
Me my
Laid the
Road for me
A rich woman
She saw it
Run rivers dry
Right through
The ages prove
If it was another way
To do this I would've
Welcome it
They have no clue
I will not lose
All ships dock
All tides wane
Every beginning
Has an end
Within each of us
Resides wide, eyed adventure
Waiting to break free
Joyful glee play all day long
A child’s heart beats strong

Inspired song
Daddy's little girl  
by Tim McGraw
A tanka is A type of haiku that lens itself to five lines 31 syllables broken down as follows
5-7-5-7-7 Syllables
Survive rejection
Poet's must be durable
Celebrate, poets

Modern haiku
3 lines 5-7-5 syllables

Inspired songs
1) You’re no good By Linda Ronstadt
2) so far away, by Carole King
3) where you lead(I Will follow)
By Carole King.
4) you’ve got a friend, by Carole, King
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Durable 8-10-24
Things or people that are durable and remain strong over a period of time. Something that lasts, in good condition.

There are times I will write a poem, and it  will get 20 views. The next poem will get None.
In today’s climate, you’re lucky if you get 10 comment. It’s rather frustrating when you review minimum 30 poems a day and people don’t reciprocate. Sure you benefit from reading their poetry. But when others read your poems, you can get a sense whether you’re on the. Mark or you missed it all together. The societal climate is fickle. However I am blessed to have a community of friends here on HP.
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