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PaulSta SA Sep 2015
A Man who believes
In word of affirmation,
To love and cherish a woman
Entice with his natural charms
To court a real woman,never
Mistreat her with his immature

A Real Man,A nor womanizer
Who impregnates bunch of girls
To use his babies,as a trophy
For the glory as of a stolen
Diamond to his gang.

A Lad who *******
Of a Lady for dump victory
To find gold.

But,He who takes responsibilities
When they occurs and never denies,is a man.
Who share a burden of his brokenheart
Angel and embrace,
Is whom who wakes up early,
Say a prayer and hustle to care
For his family,and never backs down.

Vanquish life with vasted hopes.

A Man who knows Man's presence
To a Woman's heart...
...**He is The True Essence Of A Real Man
4.2k · Oct 2015
Rest In Peace My Best Friend
PaulSta SA Oct 2015
This poem is to
My late brother,
My best friend
Who we use to plant
Memories from the

We used to play,argue and fight
We were Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
Always known by a smile.
But this world is crazy enough,it could
Not been better to you,this is blasphemy
But God could have given you another
Chances to life,
Death you should never be proud.

Rest in peace brother.
I won't count my tears
They worth poppin' and fall.
I can't bare this gaint pain in my
Heart,and words can't spell it right.
Dearest lives you left behind will
Always adore you.

Goodbye my friend,so
Long,farewell,but it not
The end of the chapter,i will see you
Again in the after life,someday in
Heaven we will reunite,the flash disappears
But soul survive...
...Till next time,friend,farewell,Goodbye.
I wrote this poem with 15mins after I heard about my friend loss,i wrote this elegy to honour him with times he past by in this and goods times we had,but his time injury even will reunite in afterlife,someday we will bond together again.
3.4k · Oct 2015
Life Testimony
PaulSta SA Oct 2015
Sometimes i wonder,
Wondering wonders of wonderful
World,for i living in this awful
World,spiral of life with terrific

Unholy acts to the victims of
Xenophobic attacks,violence
Turns an everyday speech.
Government revolts gathers.
Towards poverty-stricken.
Diseases classic collide,remittance
Assassins rendered for intensely

Objection!!my lord,
Shysters bailing out
Evil-doers,juridical system
Not pertained.Poverty-trap
Pounding,chemical gases
Filling lungs of little

Somebody play nice to
This,God play part to
This,denote dualism of
Good and evil.
Yesterday they gang banged
One of your children.
Drugs co-operate infection of
Young minds,youth gangsterism

Father herd your sheeps
To the right path,we seek
Guidance from above.
Family horror-strucks unites,
Matrimony rending day by
Day,onto religion segregations
Strickes by ??????.

Keep holy to this life Life
and paste
2.2k · Sep 2015
PaulSta SA Sep 2015
This is no Lament,but an
Ode.I'm on my last hook of
The tune,as I hear voices hollers
On my back.this positivity keeps me
Locked on my de javus.

I'm livin' life like a video,
Onto press forward to my
Ambitions.I'm too proud of

I'm on my utmost,every dream
Ends a picture perfect,as I imagine
Myself holdin' a throne at my

I'm no Pinocchio but I iPaulistic 'til live to the birth of
Next century,'cause I'm the
Third World War Soldier.

I'm a wanderer in disguise,searchin'
Triumph at night.
Guess my dreams ain't real,
Just livin' greatness of my fantasies.
Oh!!this is an omen.

I'm no Osama,but still a Pisces
I vandalize world of neysayers,
Forfeit negativities.

I separate dark and light
'Cause these street lights
Still shows me life on
My grind.

I'm down floor to my knees,
Bow down to all loved,losted
Zulu warriors,for Shaka to
Flourish my greatness.

Dear God,may you please sprinkle
Blessings upon my life,my path
Is grey a winter season.

'Till death takes me,but my
Dreams will forever last.
And if i die today tell me
I will make it through hell,'cause
Heaven is where the heart is.
1.0k · Sep 2015
The Success Of Failurer
PaulSta SA Sep 2015
A night's a light
Who valour,conquers
Piffles from haters,
Who libel your
Life to slay your
Dreams onto shreds.

In this rough road we walking
Through,full of thorns,
Nemesis waiting in line
Like sheeps in the midst
Of wolves.

We African dreams,ascend
Alike the sun in morning of Kruger's
Nation from dawn of
South Safari.

Bricks build buildings to climb,
For our dreams as we crawl half
Onto top of the tower on snail pace,
We not holding behind,only carrying
Scriptures to heaven.they call us
Failurers,we call ourselves the Children of
God bound by faith,living
The light of Almighty

Success of Failurer,The walking
Through of the toughest.
696 · Sep 2015
PaulSta SA Sep 2015
I'm no Poet
I'm a Writer,
I have ink in
My arms through
My veins,wisdom in
My mind and pen in my hands.

I speak for those
Who can't speak
For themselves.
Foreseen for those
Who can't see.

I'm no Poet,just
Speak and write what
On my mind
535 · Oct 2015
PaulSta SA Oct 2015
He is laying clumsy like
A corpse.Scars are internal,the bleeding is invisible.
He is hurt,wearing a bandage of pain
That howls deep inside
Like a bear roars,as he shade
A tear.

In the reality,it hit him like a nightmare
His soul sailing still,like a
Titanic underneath his
Skin,miss her swearing
She will never leave,but lies
Were against love.

Innocence on her face,
Like an angel addled his
Mind.As she was his most
Achilles Heel.
He was an epitome of
Her happiness,like no man
Can make her happy.Her
Smile a prevailer of his miserous
Life.Love for her was like
Tons of raindrops.

In the deep end,
Wearing his heart under his
Sleeves,woe be gone on
His closet,only a fake
If he is smiling.

Tears flow like water
In the sink hole,and throat was
A Sahara Desert.Wandering a
World on a pale sight like
A phantom,
Try to amalgamate pieces
Of his heart.
Reflections of my past romantic relationship
516 · Sep 2015
PaulSta SA Sep 2015
Pretty,I can't be
Ugly,  I can be
Rich,   I can't be
Poor,   I can be
But      I  know my worth.

Smarter,I can't be
Silly,      I can be
White,   I can't be
Black,    I can be
But        I know my worth

I am No-Hoper
I am Non-Entity
I am Non-Starter
I am A Failurer
I am A Hustler
But I am still Worthwhile.

I am Young
I am Black
I am Gifted
I am African
I am Son of God
And I am still Worthwhile.
368 · Sep 2015
The New World Of No Love
PaulSta SA Sep 2015
This is a New World of
No real love,where you
Hold money and power to
Find partner to pamper,when
You have none,you just a piece
Of a trash.where only it good
On the outside and bad
On the inside.

The New World of no
Love,where love with
No glare is a crystal stare.
And when you say you love someone,
You called Crazy and everybody just
Laugh at you.where girls give gold
And boys put money on it,it only
Glitz,glamour and fame.

The world of living and
Lie,and you ought selling
Soul in front of millions,where
Lies,lust last,adultery taking life
And love,care,trust is a blink in
The eye...

This world is ours,let take stand
And fight...
...*Enough of No Love
#Love #Lies #Power #Lust #Life #Adultery

— The End —