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You’re not a poet because you know those ‘fancy’ words
You’re a poet because every word you write comes straight from your heart

You’re not a poet because you feel alone
You’re a poet because pen and paper are your biggest companions

You’re not a poet because you understand emotions better
You’re a poet because you let them flow freely

You’re not a poet because people admire your work
You’re a poet because you write for your own contentment and not for people's consent

You are not a poet because you’ve failed in love
You’re a poet because you’ve been in love deeper than anyone else

You’re not a poet because you are strong
You’re a poet because you don’t hide your weaknesses

You’re not a poet because you can heal hearts
You’re a poet because you know what it means to be broken

              ©words of a withering soul
 Dec 2020 Paul James
 Dec 2020 Paul James
I laugh in sorrow
and slowly drown
when I know how to swim
but my mind has forgotten
the action of happiness
and power
I'm weak and drowning in sorrow
but no one helps
There is something faster than the speed of light. It is omnipresence. We seem to be born and we seem to die, but both are merely transfers on our infinite journey that has no beginning and no end. We search for the unknown when we have always been omniscient. We ponder the possibility of other forms of life when infinity is teeming with them, infinitely smaller and larger than we. And then there is the corollary, omnipotence, which we most often misconstrue. We build our bombs bigger and better to destroy more, to **** more, and inescapably now ourselves, the grand ******* of what has always been the true omnipotence, love. Some on Earth have embraced it. A few have embodied it. When will we jettison our telescopes and microscopes and feel--not try to find and see--what's real, which has always been love?

Loneliness is trapped between two worlds,
Loneliness becomes bitter,
When left alone too long,
Loneliness hangs around, even when thought to be gone,
Loneliness is still there in a crowded room,
Loneliness never sleeps,
Loneliness has no boundaries,  
Loneliness can never be appeased,
Loneliness wants to feel alive again,
Loneliness can wear many faces,
An exorcism will not get rid of loneliness,
A psychic cannot tell what loneliness wants,
Loneliness cannot be seen through,
And Loneliness does not last forever.
 Nov 2020 Paul James
The more matter the merrier
My extroversion for love
Can hardly be satisfied
People, animals
Mountain, canyons
Forest and sea
Blue skies
Down to mysterious galaxies
Love is the material
That existence is made of!
Traveler Tim
 Nov 2020 Paul James
i hate
 Nov 2020 Paul James
I hate that I love you
I hate that when you show up my heartbeats faster
I hate that I can't get over you
I hate you
I hate that you don't return my feelings
I hate this life
I hate me
for living in a fantasy
I love you
for bringing me back to reality
 Nov 2020 Paul James
Travis Green
I’m drowning in my salty sea of heartbreaking memories,
bottled up thoughts rising, trapped in my mind,
resounding melodies, confused, misused, abused,
untrue, painful poetry, never-ending metaphors
crushing my core, divorced, no remorse,
running off course, surrendering to the insane
dreams clogged up in filthy gutters, my brain drained,
strained, strange, slain, dwindling in crazy, hazy stages.  
I’m sad to say that love has taken a holiday, and all these
feelings inside of me are spinning in rotten realms,
dried up, shuddering, stuttering, smashed, slashed,
sinking into restless states.  Where was I going?
Bones blown into overdone city slums, functions
shrunken, compounded conjunctions slowed down
and smoldered, buried beneath uninhabited deserts.
The sun was steaming my wretched skin,
my fingers crippled, my shoulders swollen, rusted,
shoveled, sweaty palms fallen, colored with crazed
consonants, quivering, barely breathing.
 Nov 2020 Paul James
Travis Green
Let’s dance together tonight and feel
the powerful sparks erupt inside our hearts,
move from side to side, grinding, rewinding,
inviting, never mind the blinking traffic lights
outside and streetcars passing by, I just wanna
be here with you, holding each other, embracing
the heavenly beat filling the groovy room.

Let our desires brainwash each other’s thoughts,
watch the love connection grow and glow
as our souls intertwine in astonishing alignment,
the softness of your flesh, chest, and head
such a blessing, sexing me in my fantasies,
our eyes staring so deeply at each other,
lost in the moment, resting my face next
to yours, together again, encased in this joyfulness.
 Nov 2020 Paul James
Travis Green
Let me soak in your warm touch,
in your relaxing swagger, your kisses
and touches a sparkling moment of hotness
lingering on my lubricious lips, savoring
the scent of your minty breath, how you
illuminate the poetry revolving in my inner
thoughts, the rarest jewel alive and vibrant.

I want to ride your spellbinding roller coaster,
feel the amazement of your flesh shocking me
like a thousand waves of electricity, feeling
completely convulsed, sprung on your drumbeat,
unable to get off my feet, succumbing to the special
tune, never wishing to miss your sexiness.
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