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 Nov 2020 Paul James
Travis Green
Your bright city of smooth spice relaxes my mind,
inspires me to be a greater me, instilling depth
and intelligence in me, giving me abundant happiness
a burst of brightness in my brown eyes, so fly
that I wish you were nearby to excite my membranes,
make my heartbeat rise and release sweetness,

I need to be so close to you, to rub your lustrous
black hair, the waves so swimmingly deep
and ravishing, a peak of upbeat desires
climbing higher to ecstasy, so in tune
with the vivid veins surfacing your magnificent
being, like a gleaming mansion, you are a man
of high quality, a true representation of an iconic
figure fulfilling my soul.
 Nov 2020 Paul James
Travis Green
How could I have ever imagined
that being with you would take me
to places that I could never comprehend,
how your dreamy poetry glistened on me,
so magical and harmonious, feeling so sweet
for your sensuous breeze, how you move me
in a land of treasurable sapphires, blissful
hues, silky, hot ecstasy, melting away
in your handsomeness.
From the moment I saw you
A beautiful woman in life
I knew from the start
I would fall in love with you.
So Beautiful In Life 🤩🤩🤩
 Nov 2020 Paul James
 Nov 2020 Paul James
I don't want to live
but I don't want to die either
so you ask
what do I want
it's simple
I want you
A darkened sun rose ,
that didn’t shine ,
I didn’t ask it to ,
It wasn’t mine.

For that would be a waste of time .
So untill summer shines under it’s bombastic skies ,
I shall live a life that isn’t mine ,
for even that would be a waste of time .

Come fallen skies ,
the ones who  lost ,
That  felt no love ,
and feel no loss ,
for to what great a cost ,
their souls they blindly gave
to thee .

To touch you now and feel no pain ,
no love at all ,
to bind or gain ,
or even to wait for the sun to rise in vain ,
so to spend my time in sunflower fields ,
that do not ripen ,
So To walk in corridors that are not mine ,
for even that would be a waste of time.

For  now I see the shifting  clouds ,
they move away they are not mine ,
for even they would harken for happier times ,
untill blue skies appear
 Oct 2020 Paul James
2.51 am
 Oct 2020 Paul James
I’d like to reach out to you
But it’s not allowed
The universe had other things planned
Twirled around in circles
of writing poetry and sending my head in a spin
Has now been swopped for
A peaceful garden ,quiet life and homemade jam
Sounds slightly boring
But there’s a hell of a lot of peace of mind in my world nowadays .
I miss spending dark late nights with you
Laughing ,crying ,just learning to breath
But there’s more
More of something always comes along
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