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In the quiet hush of night, where the world slips into dreams, I whisper softly, "Good night and sweet dreams, my secret lover."

The moonlight dances through the window, casting silver threads upon my fantasies. Though we are apart, in the realm of dreams, we are bound by invisible strings, delicate yet unbreakable.

Your presence lingers in the shadows, a silent guardian of my sleep, and in the tapestry of my dreams, you are the vivid hues, the whispered promises, the touch that lingers like a haunting melody.

The stars above bear witness to my unspoken vows, each twinkle a heartbeat in the symphony of our clandestine love.

As the night deepens, my thoughts are wrapped in the warmth of your imagined embrace. The world outside fades, leaving only the echo of your name in my heart, a secret shared with the darkness.

Sleep tight, my hidden passion, until the dawn brings us back to reality.
Until then, in the sanctuary of sleep, my love is no longer clandestine .
Good night and sweet dreams, my secret lover.
Each night we txt each other to wish each other good night.She not knowing of my secret love for her,
In the quiet folds of my nights, where whispers of stars kiss the moon's tender cheek, I tell the world my secret: no one knows how much I love and miss her.

My heart beats an ancient rhythm, a song of longing etched into the marrow of my bones.
Each moment apart is a lifetime of echoing silence, where her absence lingers like a shadow at noon, unseen yet ever-present.

The dawn breaks, spilling golden hues over a world unaware of my silent vigil.
I breathe in the morning air, and it tastes of her memory, sweet and elusive, a fragrance that haunts my dreams.

The world spins on its careless axis, indifferent to the weight of my yearning.
They see my smile, hear my laughter, but never touch the core where she resides, a sacred flame burning through the coldest nights.

In every leaf that trembles in the wind, I find her.
In the murmur of the ocean's sigh, I hear her voice.
The world moves in a symphony of colours and sounds, but my eyes see only the spectrum of her.

My ears tune to the cadence of her whispered name.
And yet, the world remains oblivious, a vast expanse where my love is a silent scream, an invisible thread binding me to her.

If they could peer into my heart, they would see an uncharted universe, a constellation of moments where we laughed, cried, and breathed as one.

They would see the void she left, an expanse of endless night yearning for the light of her presence.
But they cannot see, cannot fathom the depths of this love, this longing that stretches beyond time and space.

So I walk among them, a keeper of secrets, a silent witness to a love that defies the boundaries of existence.
And in every step, every breath, I carry her with me, a testament to a bond unseen, unknown, yet infinitely real.
Even she has no idea of the depth of my feelings, my longing for her.
No one….
I long to shower her with countless expressions of love,
yet I find myself unable to.
My heart is overflowing with feelings that I wish to convey,
but the words seem to escape me,
leaving my affection unspoken,
my emotions restrained
And my heart a broken mess.
In the quiet corners of my heart, a tempest brews.
I watch her from a distance, my love cloaked in shadows, as her laughter mingles with another's.

Each smile she shares, a dagger that twists deeper.
I ache in silence, my love unspoken, as she weaves dreams with someone else.

The weight of my secret pulls me under, and every glance, every touch she bestows on them is a wound that refuses to heal.

Yet, amidst the pain, I cherish the stolen moments, where my love for you exists, even if only in the solitude of my soul.
There is no greater pain that seeing the person you love in love with another..,,
You are a work of art. In the gallery of existence,
You stand as a masterpiece, an eternal symphony of light and shadow, colour and form.
Your laughter is the stroke of a master painter's brush, bright and vibrant, filling the canvas of life with hues no palette could ever capture.

Each word you speak, a sculptor’s touch, carving beauty from the mundane, revealing layers of depth in the simplest moments.

In your eyes, I see the reflection of starry nights, the mysteries of the universe condensed into a gaze that holds galaxies.

Your smile, a dance of light, a delicate play of shadows, casting warmth and radiance in every direction.
The way you move, fluid and graceful, as if you are music made visible, a melody that weaves through the air, enchanting and ethereal.

You are the poetry in motion, the essence of creativity made flesh.
In your presence, the ordinary transcends into the extraordinary, the mundane into the magical.

You are a living testament to the power of imagination, a reminder that beauty is not confined to frames and pedestals but exists within the heartbeat of life itself.

You are a work of art, not confined to a single medium but an ever-evolving masterpiece. Every moment with you is a brushstroke, every shared glance a note in a symphony.
Every touch a sculptor's caress.
In the museum of my heart, you are the centerpiece, the exhibit that draws all eyes, the creation that inspires awe and wonder.

In you, I see the convergence of dreams and reality, the embodiment of all that is beautiful and profound.
You are art, not simply to be admired but to be cherished, lived, and loved.
Spellbound she Controls my heart wether she be nest or far,
In winter’s embrace, the Clent Hills transform into a playground of frosted whispers and snow-clad laughter.
The hills, gentle yet grand, rise with a serene invitation, their slopes a canvas of pure white promise.
Beneath a sky of pale, wintry blue, sledgers gather, bundled in coats and scarves, their breath visible in the crisp, cold air.

Each step crunches underfoot, a prelude to the rush of exhilaration that awaits. The sleds, vibrant against the monochrome backdrop, are poised for flight.
Children and adults alike, eyes wide with anticipation, take their places. With a push, gravity claims its due, and they glide.

Down they go, carving ephemeral paths in the snow, each descent a fleeting journey from summit to base.
The wind kisses their cheeks, an icy caress that quickens the heart. Laughter & joy ring out, a joyous counterpoint to the silence of the sleeping hills.

The world blurs into a symphony of motion and stillness, where time slows, and the only measure is the distance covered, the thrill felt. The Clent Hills, guardians of these winter tales, stand watchful and timeless, bearing witness to the fleeting moments of pure, unadulterated joy.

As the day wanes, the sun dips low, casting long shadows that dance upon the joyous slopes.
The sledgers, weary but content, make their way home, laughter lingering, a sweet echo in the cold, still air.
And the Clent Hills, wrapped in twilight's gentle embrace, hold within them the memories of a day spent in the joyful abandon of winter's game.
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