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9.0k · Mar 2016
A Beach in Winter
Patrick McCombs Mar 2016
A salty mist sprays into the air,
As water crashes against the shore.
A lone gull glides against the wind,
Over an abandoned January beach.
The sun, a cold dot in the bleak sky.
4.9k · Jan 2012
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
you say i'm mature
but i'm not sure
is there a cure
i wan't to be a child
something untamed and wild
perfect innocence
i require deliverance
from my own mind
i will no longer be confined
by foolish social responsibilities
i will be measured on my own abilities
and not by peoples twisted perception
this is not self deception, i merely am a exception
3.8k · Mar 2011
A Pokemon Poem.
Patrick McCombs Mar 2011
Being attacked En masse by zubat
Oh excuse me I meant Woobat
Send out my Rapidash
Its a pity it knows flash
I leave a trail of Pokes behind
This is what happens when you grind
Saving up for an expert belt with a buckle
So i can give it to my shuckle
I run into a snorlax
Its ok i relax
I have 99 ultra *****
And one good Stalls
Catch him in no time
Ran into a female Mister Mime
Freaked out i back up into little caterpie
But I already have a butterfree
Spray some repel
Avoid the weepingbell
Make it back to pallet town
Gary and i ready to throw down
3.4k · Jul 2014
The Heat
Patrick McCombs Jul 2014
The heat is coming down
Like a car playing chicken
Except all you can do is stand there and get hit
Over and over again
Until it merges with your skin, your body
It stays with you like a second skin
Like some sort of sickness
Water is your pain reliever
Air conditioning is but a temporary cure
Because as soon as you leave
The heat is right outside
Waiting for you.
3.3k · Feb 2012
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
Oh this feeling of utter alienation
This endless road trip without a destination
Trapped inside this metal monstrosity of a car
I feel like we haven't made it very far
Constantly around the same round about
Enshrouded in fog made of doubt
I'm endlessly confined
Within the labyrinth of my mind
Shifting corridors, dark spaces
Constant bombardment of familiar faces
I gaze out the tinted windows
And try and figure what no one knows
To try and bypass the security of my brain
To do so and remain sane
To see what cannot be seen
To tap into the source of inspiration
2.9k · Sep 2010
A Winter Kiss.
Patrick McCombs Sep 2010
All our words wear winter clothes
Leaving little to expose
The weak sunlight taps on your face
Slow motion seems to be the proper pace

The air is heavy and deep
A stare we love to keep
Snow falling like fluff
sometimes words aren't enough

We stand in the cold
Waiting for our story to unfold
We don't feel the wind blow
Only our warm glow

Under the dim sun light
Only your blue eyes are in sight
My lips in warm bliss
As we share a winter kiss

A warm breath we share
Its a little bit to much to bear
She pulls away, eyes dancing
She gives her house a glancing

She speaks in a quiet voice
We don't have a choice
She pulls away
She can't delay

She give me a shining smile
I stand there for a while
the warmth still there
I trudge home half aware

I lay in my bed
I feel half dead
Smile still on my face
I drift to that familiar place
2.9k · Feb 2011
You were gone.
Patrick McCombs Feb 2011
It all felt so cold
All lifeless and desolate
The words erupted from the mouth
and fell dead on the floor
Blood flowed forth from them
blood black and colorless
Your face look liked stone
Emotionless cold and composed
as i collapsed onto the floor
In a fit of rage and confusion
I looked up you were gone.
Just like that.
Trying Free Verse out.
2.8k · Oct 2010
Patrick McCombs Oct 2010
My words wrapped in a chain
Restricting my choked refrain
Fear the words i say
Cutting deep into your way
The Warm blood spills
Take it away before it refills
The blood of the fearful,the blood of the sheep
It's for them we weep
You are leeches that **** out our blood
Leaving us in **** and mud
Were taking it all back
Before it turns black
Tangling us in your web of lies
We see through your disguise
We know what you are
You've made it this far
The grass will still grow
And the wind will still blow
But you will be gone and forgotten
Dead decayed and rotten
A new day will dawn
We will stay and you will be gone
2.5k · Feb 2011
Dark Park.
Patrick McCombs Feb 2011
I lie here in the dark
Your inches away from my face
Its 1AM  in this park
and were staring into space
In the darkness there is calm
You can hear the hum of the earth
The trace of your fingertips on my palm
Its an endless cycle of death and rebirth
We breathe in the silence of the night
The crisp air rejuvenates our hearts
We stare at the flickering street light
2.5k · Nov 2011
Patrick McCombs Nov 2011
You ask me about matters of the heart
Yet i don't know where to start
My heart strings are all wild
Strangling me like a loving child
Love is air and I'm starting to turn blue
So i don't know what to tell you
Perspectives change and twist
And the field is covered in mist
We all stumble about half blind
To see what exactly we can find
Find, love, experience and hold on
Hold on till the love is gone
Some candles burn quicker
Flare out like good liquor
The rare candles burn forever
People spend their entire live on this endeavor
Stumbling around the mists for that one pure light
2.2k · Feb 2016
Achieving Immortality
Patrick McCombs Feb 2016
We are all going to live forever
As fragments floating in the ether
As tweets and emails
Photos and blogs
Our digital footprint
Will leave an imprint
On all of our graves
On the Internet
Nothing is private
Everything is public
Nothing is fleeting
Everything is forever
2.0k · Jun 2014
The pursuit of knowledge
Patrick McCombs Jun 2014
There was a fire burning in your eyes
As we sat in the darkness and tried to devise
A way to live forever
To sever the tether
Between our fragile bodies and our immortal soul
We tried to understand things beyond our control
We lived in the pages of ancient books
Stealing secrets likes shameless crooks
We dreamed impossible dreams
We talked only in absolutes and extremes
The foolish invincibility of youth
We thought we were guided by truth
But we were blinded by our fear
Of losing everything we hold dear
We became obsessed in the pursuit
That a sickness of a mind took root
We began to lose sight
Of what is wrong and what is right
1.9k · Jan 2012
Thought Pollution
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
The strumming of lonely guitars
Transmitting the frequency of stars
Emotion coming off in waves
Flowing from the nexus of graves
Music blasting
Hope everlasting
Clouds marching across the sky
I watch them as they drift by
Sweet chords
Bitter words
Such feeling
Defenses peeling
My voice pierces the air
If people hear, I don't care
I close my eyes to the world
In my head the music is unfurled
All flowing in my head
It transmutes my thoughts from lead
And into gold
Its clear, and its bold
Its the obvious solution
It was just clouded by thought pollution
I leave, i know it in my heart
I've memorized my part
No clue what you're going to say
But at the end of the day
That's what makes it entertaining
I meet you, there is no explaining
The words fly out of my mouth
My eyes venture south
Toward your feet
Dead silence, about to admit defeat
She says yes
No more stress
Pure elation
Feelings that have no translation
I look you in the eyes and smile
Then, i hold you for a good long while
1.9k · Oct 2013
Patrick McCombs Oct 2013
A solider walked into town
As the sun sank down
Into the deep blue of the ocean
There was a charge of emotion
That you could almost see in the air
As all of the villagers stared
It had been twenty long years
But those who remembered, remembered their fears
From that long and terrible night
When the rebels fought a ****** fight
And this man led the opposition
Who made the decision
To **** all who were involved
Before rebellion spread and evolved
It was a foot note in imperial history
And the commander was a mystery
After the promotions, he suddenly retired
Unable to comprehend what had transpired
Now after twenty years he had returned
Older, wiser, and more learned
He went to each family and begged for forgiveness
1.8k · Feb 2012
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
The moment is so fleeting
I can hear your heart beating
In this perfect silence
I've developed a realiance
To the frequency of your eyes
Shimmering like the bright blue skies
I listen to your breathing
I think your worth believing
1.8k · Nov 2011
Patrick McCombs Nov 2011
Dissecting your words
Analyzing your every glance
You strike so many chords
I don't want to take that chance
To take that leap of fate
But you're already falling
And I'm afraid of heights
But I can hear you calling
It stirs a mixture of fear and delight
My head says no but my heart says yes
You're falling rather fast
I don't have time to second guess
No thoughts about the future or the past
I just simply jump
And meet you in the atmosphere
1.7k · Dec 2010
Patrick McCombs Dec 2010
I take a hot long shower
At this odd hour
The sun is long set
As i get soaking wet
The water washes away the dirt
And with it all the hurt
My muscles relax and my brain sighs
In here i sever all ties
The constant sound of water against tiles
So many long miles
1.6k · Jan 2012
Perfect Density
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
You are my type
The time is ripe
The time for the harvest
No time to rest
The fruit is glistening in the trees
Sweet summer breeze
Sunlight streaming
Smiles gleaming
Minds dreaming
Subconsciousness screaming
Feet in the softgreenmoist grass
Time no longer seems to pass
I'm reaching critical mass
Your soft sweet smile
Your charm and guile
You've got style
Your eyes burn with such intensity
Such perfect density
1.6k · Jan 2012
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
I knock back water bottles
And drive down the empty highway
My eyes focused on the fuel gauge
Pull into the gas station
Pay too much for too little
Whatever, its only money
I'm almost there
Countless miles behind me
It hits me
My brain goes into overdrive
Every possible reality plays out in my mind
All of them detached from reality
I think with such certainty
I almost say hello to my breakfast again
I pull over
I put the seat all the way back
And stare out the moon roof
All the clouds look like you
I guzzle down another water bottle
It helps disperse the biblical disaster that is my stomach
I reach tentatively for my cell phone
I dial your number seven times before i get the ***** to call
You answer.
I panic.
You sound good.
You tell me you miss me.
Fireworks. Marching bands. The key to the city
I answer calmly. That i will arrive shortly
We hang up.
I drive faster then scientists thought possible.
1.6k · Jan 2012
The Keyboard.
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Stare at the keys till the symbols blur
Till something wonderful can occur
The keys delight with every stroke
Something only typing can evoke
The clitter-clatter of the keys
Like a thousand buzzing bees
Pure flowing unadulterated phrases
Escaping my mind twisted mazes
I become unaware, detached
My mind has become unlatched
Oh it's so harmonic
So gloriously electronic
Man and machine
So flowing and clean
1.5k · May 2013
Patrick McCombs May 2013
Got home from the hospital late last night
Still can't seem to find my appetite
I can't seem to sit still
There's a hole that I don't know how to fill
I've listened to my ipod non stop
Headphones so loud I feel my ears are gonna pop
The dice will fall as they may
But at the end of the day
I know that they were always loaded
I feel like my life has always been encoded
Protected by a cipher I could never completely break
I never truly understood what was at stake
Until that day last week
When you and I were hanging by the creek
We were laughing and tossing rocks
Just relaxing having good long talks
When my vision started to go hazy
and I know this is crazy
But i knew then that I was dying
And you started crying
I felt a sharp tightening in my chest
I lost consciousness as the attack progressed
I woke up in my hospital bed
The doctors told me that I should be dead
They used phrases like "suffered major cardiac event"
I asked what that meant
I told me that I had a heart attack
I was immediately taken aback
I was only seventeen
This was almost something that was unseen
Arrhythmia was the name of the disease
They said it was easy to manage with medicine and their expertise
But now I can no longer rest
Knowing that I have ticking time bomb in my chest
1.5k · Mar 2011
Traveling Salesman
Patrick McCombs Mar 2011
Revolution  is knocking at the garden gate
With pitchforks and spoons to guard against fate
The people drench me with milk and holy water
And stare at me as if I slept with their daughter
I stand in white suit and a red tie
I look like a half decent guy
My hairs slicked back and my tongue coated in honey
And I smell like old bars and good money
With a tattered old suitcase in hand
I try to get you to understand
You don't have to sell your soul
That isn't my goal
Just buy some new high quality oven mits
and don't throw a fit
1.5k · Oct 2011
Patrick McCombs Oct 2011
The sun is sleeping
And we lay here weeping
Underneath a film of tears
We fight against our fears
Together we battle the dark
Trying to erase the mark
Imprinted on our very mind
Tension overbearing, we try to unwind
To detach ourselves
To put our worries up on the shelves
To find peace in solitude
Is where you find fortitude
To confide in others
To find loyal brothers.
All help us untie our tangled being
To convince us that this world is worth seeing
So we lay here in the dark
Trying to find a spark
To see and to fight
And to escape this self imposed night
1.5k · Jan 2012
Going to Japan
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Oh I'm going to Japan
All according to plan
Trapped in this little plane
Going a little insane
Staring out the window
Seeing the wind blow
The clouds look odd
And I'm a little awed
Miles above the ground
And there's not a sound
Save that one snoring man
That screaming child, whose name I gather is Stan
And that one obsessive compulsive flight attendant
Who I think is dependent
On those little pink pills that keep appearing in her hand
But its fine, its alright, I'm going to Japan.
Land of the rising sun
Here I come, even if I'm the only one
Getting off this accursed sardine can.
At least I'll be arrested in Japan.
1.4k · Dec 2010
Marching on.
Patrick McCombs Dec 2010
They shrink inside their coats
Their voices stuck in their throats
They want to scream in pain
They walk through the rain
Their trench coats a pitch black
Hope is something they lack
They walk a dead man's march
Its hard for even them to watch
They stare at there muddy shoes
As they silently sing the blues
It echoes in there heads
As they long for warm beds
The line seems to be endless
All of them alone and friendless
Empty trench coats marching on
All of them already gone
An empty husk
That will be gone by dusk.
1.4k · Feb 2012
Toxic Entanglement
Patrick McCombs Feb 2012
Fading clarity
Gaping iregularity
Rapid decomposition
A crumbling postion
Fear and anger fuel the fires
As they unravel the knot of desires
A purely toxic entanglement
The wounds were allowed to ferment.
Now we are slowly dying
Of this there is no denying
1.3k · Jul 2010
Patrick McCombs Jul 2010
Open your eyes and look around
Let all the colors seep through you
Let the warmth spread its all you can do
Help your feet off the ground

And just fly fly fly
And see were being leaded by the blind
It time to leave them behind
Time to ask why?

Every storm must end
You just have to see hot to get out
Eyes age, our eyes are fresh see past their doubt
Who knows whats around the bend

In the end everyone goes blind
Before you do look around one last time
See the colors feel the warmth. see the lack of grime
Then let the young see and mold there minds
1.3k · Jan 2011
Patrick McCombs Jan 2011
I want to experience something beautiful. I want to be something Beautiful. But beauty doesn’t just happen. It is earned,it is toiled for.
It is what all decent people want. People are too concerned on what they look like.  If they are too skinny or too fat or smell too like old french fries. No one is really beautiful at first glance. Pure attractiveness does not equal beauty. To me beauty is something deeper. Something much deeper. When one person truly knows someone else that is beautiful. when one person can just be with another and just be satisfied. Just honestly happy by the mere presence of the other. That is beautiful.
1.3k · Nov 2011
Patrick McCombs Nov 2011
You hold a little slice of infinity in your hands
Kept together with duct tape and rubber bands
The air felt heavy and oppressive
Yet you still managed to be expressive
You manipulate strands of time and space
Building a bridge to every imaginable place
You see the colors in between
You've seen things that I've never even seen
You put words to every shade of emotion
We are all just rain drops in your ocean
You're a wild flower growing in the pavement
Ever word you say is two that you meant
All with your little slice of infinity
Made you seem like divinity
1.3k · Dec 2011
Patrick McCombs Dec 2011
The labyrinth of memories  calls from the earth
There has been no death and no birth
Lives just flowing on in a loop
Doing laps in the primordial soup
Reach for self-exploration
Look beyond your self and find the foundation
Discover the workings of the universe
So marvelous and diverse
Everything is connected
All things effected
Love holds everything together
1.3k · Jun 2015
An Ode To Maureen
Patrick McCombs Jun 2015
Maureen the mean lottery playing machine
when I see her  I mutter something obsene.
sometimes it's seven am on a Saturday morning
and she shows up with no warning.
"ill take a three number on the daily,
I could call her a loser and she can just pay me
behind her there is always a line
and when she buys donuts that's a bad sign
because she's always camping out in her car
And she never goes very far
when she comes back in I can feel my heart sinking
she's my reason to maybe start drinking
"I really have to go shopping"
but not before dropping
more money on tickets  then I make all week
because fortune is what she seeks
she smokes basics but only the hard packs
when she hits the million I hope she doesn't have a heart attack
"these tickets are terrible." she keeps playing
There's a disconnect between what she's saying
and what she does
but that's because
she has a terrible affliction
a gambling addiction
"two brown cash two silver sevens and one golden spin
the odds are stacked against her so she can't win
maybe she can't see
what it looks like to me
she's blinded by a tiny prospect of glory
but sadly this is just one telling of a popular story
1.2k · Nov 2016
The Limits Of Photography
Patrick McCombs Nov 2016
The photo is shot
The subject is killed, embalmed
Corpses on display
Moments entombed in amber
Preserved forever
Taken out of time
No past, no future
Only that one shining moment
1.2k · Jan 2012
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Victims of circumstance
A slow lovely dance
Fire ever consuming
Ever blooming
Grass always growing
Water always flowing
Find your direction
Walk through the intersection
Find your voice
Make a choice
Not everything black and white
You need insight
Read musty books
Listen to babelling brooks
Learn the wonders of the Earth
For all it is worth
To learn that it is utterly harmonious
It is simply euphonious
1.2k · Nov 2011
Patrick McCombs Nov 2011
The ghosts in my head are threatening to take shape
Thoughts covered in so much caution tape
I mutter softly out loud
Muttering things that set me apart from the crowd
Wondering whywhywhy
As I stare into the deep blue sky
All the clouds somehow all look like her
The lines between thought and reality start to blur
It all swirls round in my head
A raging storm of confusion and dread
Jolts of emotion course through my heart
And its tearing me apart
Being pulled in all directions
All memories bring me to the same blocked intersection
Wondering how the hell we got here
Driven by love passion and fear
Then she left and walked away
She always used to stay
But I'm getting the hint that She's not coming back
And I'm in this state of permanent heart attack
Its been like Three weeks and seven days
And i still can't forget her gaze
Sweet poison tinged ecstasy
As i try to live this relive this deranged fantasy
1.2k · Jan 2012
Patrick McCombs Jan 2012
Scraps of poetry in my pocket
My mind taking off like a rocket
Inspiration strikes like lightening
Thinking so fast, it’s frightening
My pencil cannot move fast enough
Maintaining the flow is tough
When the words flow
I know
My hair stands on end
I comprehend
I realize
I initialize
I put into action
My every reaction
I filter raw emotion
Put it into motion
Swirling on the page
Hopes dreams anger and rage
All flowing from the pencil tip
I try and get a grip
But the river runs dry
But more rain will fall from the sky
Eventually, I shall become Poseidon
1.2k · Nov 2011
Pop Music.
Patrick McCombs Nov 2011
Synthesized voices galore
Every woman dressed like a *****  
Automated drum machines
Played for the masses of teens
Lyrics that have no weight
Stereotypes played straight
All claim to have originality
But there is a sort of brutality
Because its all for the cash
Its no substance all flash
Corporate manufactured ****
And were eating it up bit by bit
Patrick McCombs Oct 2017
You know you’re depressed when you watch an ad for depression medication and think hey that sounds like me
You know you’re depressed when sweatpants make up a large portion of your wardrobe
You know you’re depressed when people tell you just to try harder or to just be happy
You know you’re depressed when you take naps all the time just because it's easier than being awake
You know you’re depressed if you cry at episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation
You know you’re depressed when you have to pretend to be excited
You know you’re depressed when you feel overwhelmed and you haven’t done anything that day
You know you’re depressed when it’s 3am
You know you’re depressed if people know and keep trying to interact with you
You know you’re depressed if you have chemical imbalance in your brain
You know you’re depressed when you can’t bother to make actual dinner so you just eat oreos and call it a day
You know you’re depressed when netflix asks if you’re still watching
You know you’re depressed when your friends call and you don’t respond
You know you’re depressed when you just want to stop
1.2k · Nov 2011
The Red King
Patrick McCombs Nov 2011
The Red King sits upon a throne of skulls
Above the crashing waves and crying seagulls
With his flowing green beard of seaweed
And booming voice that all things heed
He carries a mighty trident
The sea is both calm and violent
His salty eyes gaze upon all
Ruler of the drowned hall
The Red King sits eternal
1.2k · May 2012
Patrick McCombs May 2012
Sparks fly as swords clash
Fire smolders into ash
Lights extinguishing
Hopes diminishing
Men giving in to desperation
It provides amplification
With their backs pushed against the wall
They will give it there all
Hope withers in their eyes
As they are strangled by an expansive web of lies
Its a rich man's war but a poor man's fight
1.1k · Oct 2015
Cupcake Chapstick
Patrick McCombs Oct 2015
I want my lips to taste like cupcakes
and for that I have you to blame
I've purposely cut the brakes
and I think you've done the same
with that one decision
we have come to grips
that there will be a collision
between our lips
and as my lips crash into yours
I can feel you smile when we kiss
I see your eyes soar
and we experience bliss
1.1k · Dec 2011
Patrick McCombs Dec 2011
Believe in dead miracles
Uncover the magical
There's something strangely hypnotic
Something deeply exotic
Stemming from the chaotic order
Bursting from every border
Synchronized to the degree of insanity
A seed planted in all of humanity
A spark of entropy
An orchestrated symphony
Magic all flowing from a point uncertain
All hidden behind an iron curtain
We must dig within and dig deep
To the find the harvest we must reap
Their roots deep in the annals of our being
Trying to see whats worth seeing
Their roots spreading wild
All the wisdom of the old, the innocence of a child
Our plants all connected in a glorious field
To see what wonders we can yield
1.1k · Aug 2012
Hospital Room
Patrick McCombs Aug 2012
I hold tight to my locket
Splotches of grey clouding  my vision
I wonder if my eyes are falling out of the socket
And I think with such terrifying precision
Rapid expansion and contraction
My breathing is out of sync
And its starting a chain reaction
I'm sliding toward the brink
I hate this hospital bed
I hate this room with its sickly white walls
And the ever-pressing reminder of the dead
That sometimes pass down these halls
Nobody talks straight
Always just euphemistic *******
I need someone to translate
I want to quit
But I won't, I can't
To sever my ties
To uproot my plant
That would only quicken my demise
I will hold fast
And hope that it can last
1.1k · Sep 2011
Patrick McCombs Sep 2011
The sky will turn blood red
And you remember all that has been said
Good and evil all the grey morality
Love and hate and life and fatality
It all flows within and without you
And now there's something you can do
For the end is drawing near
And the air is ripe with fear
Your a light in the dark
Proud and fearsome as a hawk
Knowledge is our key
And it will set us free
1.1k · Oct 2011
Small talk
Patrick McCombs Oct 2011
Everyone is talking small
Whats on T.V. and sales at the mall
Their words pester you like flies
Which girls like which guys
Its an endless flow of *******
An ever deepening pit
Reality shows, tabloids and radio
Make us malleable as play-doh
See through the illusion
And reach the same conclusion
1.1k · Nov 2016
Anxiety III
Patrick McCombs Nov 2016
Talking on the phone is easy
But making phone calls is difficult
Thirty gut wrenching seconds
Heart beat ringing in my ears
Lungs working overtime
Every time the ringing tone resumes
I think its someone answering
My muscles tense
My lips ready to spit out
My already rehearsed lines  
But no one answers
I never leave voicemails
A worse fate is ****** upon me
Anticipating their return call
1.1k · Mar 2010
Patrick McCombs Mar 2010
Words pour out.
Flooding the mind
Weaving the seeds of doubt
Hands in a bind
slowly drowning in words
she looks with a blank stare
her silence stabs like sharp swords
she doesn't care
the single stream of words stop
eyes fill with tears
she leaves the shop
now just empty with fears
1.1k · Feb 2011
Subsitute Teacher
Patrick McCombs Feb 2011
I walk past the board
I take my seat among the  hoard
They feast their eyes on the substitute teacher
Wishing to torture her like a wild creature
She stands firm with determined eyes
Like god looking down from the skies
She speaks in a firm yet gentle voice
She makes it seems that we have some choice
We don't really but at least there's an illusion
The students come to a conclusion
To not give her total hell
They can tell
That she does not take ****
And we respect that a little bit
Patrick McCombs Mar 2012
I'm digging your geometry
All of your beautiful asymmetry
Measuring out all of your curves
You are more then I deserve
Obtuse, acute and right
You are stunning tonight
Your perpetually moving lines
In the moonlight; you shine
Your an ever changing equation
I wish to find your every unknown variable
1.1k · Oct 2011
Patrick McCombs Oct 2011
Mismatched rambling lines
All going with the times
The random erratic flow
The constant stop and go
All signs point outward
From a single point we are moving backward and forward
Too long have we been condensed
Like sheep herded fed and fenced
It is time to run,time to fly
Knock down the fence or die
And spread out into the open field
Though no one knows what it will yield
The sheep will over come the herder
They will not get away with ******
Wake up from your sleep
Though it is lovely and deep
Awaken and see that the world is burning
And the herder doesn't find it concerning.
1.1k · Nov 2015
Why I Fell For You
Patrick McCombs Nov 2015
I haven't been able to concentrate today.
Everything is out of focus,
except for you.
You are in painstaking clarity.

You are flooding my mind
and I am drowning
Submerged in memories
that play on a loop

We've become entangled
and we enjoyed it
because we only considered the present
and ignored the inevitable future

Now its crashed all around us
I'm struggling to untie the knots
Because I don't want to
Because I'm afraid you'll drift away

But then I remember why I fell for you
Because we have an insane amount of things in common
Because you are fun to talk to
Because we make each other laugh

Thats when I know
that everything will be alright
That I can breathe easy
That we'll always be friends
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