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 Dec 2020 Påłpëbŕå
 Dec 2020 Påłpëbŕå
Late night texts
Sleepy eyes
Small smiles

Stolen moments
Held inside
Beating heart


Left alone
Tear filled eyes
Chapped lips
Scarred thighs

Empty promises
Cast aside
Broken heart

there's a reason why its called a crush
Break the rules - not promises
Break the chains - not hearts

Make amends - not enemies
Make a brand new start

Take a stance - not hostages
Take control - not lives

Do what's right - not easier
Dream like butterflies

Have the guts to be yourself
Have the grace to go

Love yourself no matter what
Let your spirit glow
xv Dec 2020
Had the line "Break the rules - not promises" for a long long while in my 'started but unfinished' backlog...
Listening to Taylor's 'folklore', came up with the rest (almost) in no time.
Thanks, bae!
Here's to a better, happier 2021 for us all!
They raise you
as a baby, they put mosquito nets
around you not to get stung
because they care
they want to cry when they first
see your face

but it's easy to love someone with no identity
a potentiality, someone without eyes
it's pure, indeed, but I don't want it for me
I see the cracks on the dream,
because the cracks are in my skin

and also, they are deeply afraid
of who you become
when you acquire these eyes
of your own
they are paralyzed, in shock
the tales they bought for you
with their guts bought!
and you need no prince,
and you just need to be free...

Our worlds are light years apart,
but this is it, what it is like, no turning back
So away. We'll never be friends.
Let us not converge. Too much at stake.

Yet they celebrate undercover your smile -
even if they don't really get why
yet they care, still, in a very strange way!

it's true they were your kings most of the time
when you were a baby, you couldn't imagine
this would be your life
and neither do they, in fact
but now we are the same, and we can look each other
in the eye...and you thank them for the effort,
the love that led you astray, the love that wanted you safe
even if you never aspired to such
even if you are the challenge they never asked for
 Dec 2020 Påłpëbŕå
The structure is alive and watching
an anatomy of unconsciousness
formulates a sacred blueprint
as a conformation
of the animalistic being

Conformity is a cage
they try to keep us crystallised in
but we are
flowing freely
at all times

Just as this write
has helped me to escape
The conforms of my human fate.
Traveler Tim
I stare into you like you are the key
Wondering what you see when you look at me
Reflecting off of your rippling beauty
Gawking into your endless inspiring sea
I've never seen a light so bright, behind someone's smile
And if I'm honest, smiling this much, and laughing; been a while
I want to entwine with you, locking hands as we lock eyes
So many pictures with a different color for the skies
I can see your soul, crowned on you like a king with power
Blooming, I know what you are to me, your more precious than the sun, you're my soul flower.
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