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 Feb 2016 Olivia
Rangzeb Hussain
Love is…
to breathe,
to hold,
to feel,
to kiss,
to heal,
and to be free.

Love each other,
Love one another,
Love here and now.

One Love.
 Feb 2016 Olivia
G Reaper
 Feb 2016 Olivia
G Reaper
Death is near, death is near
For a banshee is here

Run and hide you may try
no use against a banshee's cry

Many a soul have wandered near
Many a soul has died here

Trying to escape ones fate
Will lead to a no later date

Death is near, death is near
For a banshee is here
 Feb 2016 Olivia
when you say my name i can hear birds singing
its the middle of February and the birds have migrated
i still hear them singing
 Feb 2016 Olivia
just live
My Sword
 Feb 2016 Olivia
just live
As i lie here
with my sword in hand,
I try to convey my feelings
without sounding cheesy.
But while my arm is getting tired
and my brain emptying,
my heart keeps beating,
trying to convey these feelings
into art that will take your breath away...
but these letters don't seem to want to arrange
in a pattern that is pleasing
to both the eye and the brain.
So while rain pounds
on the window pane
i will lie here trying to fight,
with a sword thats too heavy

So i will practice
until this sword weighs no more
then the pencil
held in my right hand.
I will write
until my heart
can beat no longer
for it has conveyed
all it has too say.
 Feb 2016 Olivia
Guled Hanad Omar
Serene is the ocean beneath the feet of the lover, pebbles swim yet fishes eat one another.

The lover gazes into the clouds of fur and leather, wondering whether there will be a stormy weather.                                        
The busy bee makes it's delicacy with no interruption, gathering with no thought or assumption.
The volcano erupted with no precaution. A tornado came to tame what seemed a natural disaster but submerged into chaotic motion.

The lover stays with feet fixed beneath the wet sand to absorb all the climentic weather. Ready to face the commotion.
 Feb 2016 Olivia
I am truly mind blown
by how this life we live goes
The most beautiful people
with big hearts, & golden souls
are always the ones that seem to go
Leaving an imprint in our lives
Opening our eyes
to realize, that the good ones go
& we are left alone
with the rest
Questioning, whether we are one of the best..
Rest in Paradise to all the Beautifully Golden Souls that sadly had to go.. Enjoy the warm sun, & ocean breezes, & the views from under the palm trees. Till we meet again..
 Feb 2016 Olivia
James Cracker
"Happy Birthday"** I write on your facebook wall. Not knowing who you are.
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