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I watch him smoke the cigaret
And I hand him another one
Because I want to defect his lunges  
The way he neglected my heart
You are without a doubt
The most
Living creature I'd  ever have the privileged to met
Det var drømme der blev knust og hypoteser der blev til realiteter
Det var uvished der blev til klare svar
Det var mavefornemmelser der blev til opkast
Det var efterår der blev til minusgrader og
det var selvmordstanker der blev til en slukket puls
Vi lå afklædte i din seng
og du hviskede i mit øre du ikke vil dø
Længe lå vi og stirrede op i loftet i fuldkommen stilhed
Jeg kiggede på dig og små sommerfugle fløj rundt i din mave
Jeg kyssede dig så inderligt at himlen pludselig virkede besynderligt nær
Uden at sige et ord, konstaterede jeg for mig selv
du aldrig ville dø
for jeg skrev jo lange digte om min længsel og om dine store øjne
Jeg ville ikke lade dig dø
Jeg ville gemme den bedste samling af ord om dig
og lægge den i en æske og sende den direkte til evigheden
 Oct 2014 notforever
Fish The Pig
I'm a lot like you,
I really am,
we could get along great-
but people don't seem to understand.

I wasn't raised like they were,
they didn't experience my neglect.
I have sixteen years of life to catch up on-
lost time of learning how to be a person
I need to reclaim.

I was raised in a cave.
I learned how to live on all fours.
I know how to fight
I know how to run
I know how to eat and sleep
and I know how to howl at the moon.
But I don't know how to be your friend.
I don't know how to snuggle up close
without biting the hand that feeds me.
I'm a predatory creature
but a submissive one,
and if you shout too loud
I'll tuck my tail between my legs
and cower.
I'm loyal too easy but harsh,
barking at anyone who comes near.
I don't know how to trust like you do.
I don't know about hugs
and love and rewards
and all common that makes you human,
I don't know any of it.
I know how I was raised,
on all fours,
head to the sky,
fending for myself.
saying that I was raised in a cave isn't actually a lie,
my house was small and dark and the lights were always out, we nicknamed it "the cave".
Late December: my father and I
are going to New York, to the circus.
He holds me
on his shoulders in the bitter wind:
scraps of white paper
blow over the railroad ties.

My father liked
to stand like this, to hold me
so he couldn't see me.
I remember
staring straight ahead
into the world my father saw;
I was learning
to absorb its emptiness,
the heavy snow
not falling, whirling around us.
 Oct 2014 notforever
Harly Coward
Breathing in the clear night,
Basking in the full moon,
Feeling exhaustion.
Drip off of my body,
Feeling the cold nip at my knees,
Gazing up.
My eyes following the lines of constellations,
Taking a moment just to be,
Because there really isn't anything better.
 Oct 2014 notforever
Is it wrong that I feel like I'm breaking?
I seem fine, I act fine
--but am I subconsciously faking--
these feelings; my emotions
happiness: a dreamer in disguise
or sorrow laced with lies
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