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1 knife
2 hands
3 tears
4 regrets
5 wishes
6 people loved and lost
7 friends gone
8 souls circling
9 times I tried
the 10th time I will succeed

too many lives changed..

too many to count.
just thinking... if only BB was here....
And I run to you,
with aching legs
and an aching heart
I run into your arms
closing my eyes
In hopes as to never forget this moment

and with soft promises of tomorrow.
tiny whispers of "I love you"
silent prayers that this wouldn't be the last time
A kiss on my forehead
holding me close to your chest
tears in our eyes
sadness overflowing
onto the pine needles crunching beneath our bare feet

Delicate hands on soft cheeks
"I have to go.."
Sadness sparks again in your eyes
"I love you."
"I love you too."

We break away,
only to stare at each other for another minute
our hands and our eyes locked together

carried away by the wind
"Rem em mber  m me  e.."
And our hands part
We break our gaze
More tears.
I'd never seen you cry before.

That moment.
the one moment where you are at the point between sanity and insanity.
the worst moment
but the best
the one that seems to last forever
but is gone in the blink of an eye
The breaking moment

"I love you"

We both retreat back into the safety of the darkness
Ok, I should stop now. I'm sorry, these past few days have been pretty hard for me.. I miss the second home I've created for myself when I went away.
I love you Lara,
from your "little sister."
 Jul 2017 bryn
but you still proceed

ironic, right?

to write a word
that was not meant to be read
and to create a bond
that was not meant to last

somehow, I whisper, "don't love"
because endings are the worst part
and don't even try
for it will only tear you apart

I don't care,
does that make me look tough?
for all they say that they do care
but no one cared enough

then, I don't know
what am I saying? what am I doing?
because they must know
that I also have a feeling

the last "don't" is not for me
it's for you
and for the bond that lasts

I said, "don't leave"
but you still proceed
 Jul 2017 bryn
Cassidy Jackson
i wants someone to like me
i want the care and affection that comes from love

i want to not feel alone
i want someone to be nice to me too
i'm just the girl that attracts the "send nudes" type of like from people. why can't someone like me
 Jul 2017 bryn
 Jul 2017 bryn
Live could be more optimal
If you let go of things, trivial
And focus on the real capital
Time and space, the memory
Of experiences, friends, and family
Nice gestures and charity
The joy of clarity
The depth of sanity
A better grasp of reality
More options through more money
By spending on what matters

To love people and not things
To be who you are and not what you own
A tidiness in hindsight, in the mind
A sense of being light, feeling right
Another understanding of freedom and slavery
The slavery of things
When you don’t own things but things you
Because things hold you back and therefore
Freedom comes from less stuff, not more

But here is the thing
Memories might die
If you cut off their wings
If you capture them in things
And lock them up in dark closets
They live in your mind, not in items
They need to be free
Fresh, revived, preserved
Through presence, not hoarding

Memories live
Through pictures
Digitized in devices
Always in your pocket
Cherished in your mind

Memories live
Through words
Written by you
In diaries worth keeping
Which take you back in time
But don’t fill up your space

Memories live
Through stories
You tell others and others tell you
Face to face and soul to soul
With some coffee in-between

Clutter is not optional
Get rid of worthless stuff
Boxes and countless little toys
One zillion paper clips
Sad chairs and old clothes
And all the dusty things
That occupy your life
And turn it into junk

Spend less
Less things
Think more
Be free
Live life
Trying to gradually become a minimalist. But minimalism is more than decluttering. It is a better understanding of things in our life.
 Jun 2017 bryn
هي الرجال تبكي
كادب بليغ
يستمع اليه الاشباح
اشباح ليل طويل

ولكن الدموع
تسري تحت الجفون
تحت الوجون
تحت الصدور
كأحجار قبر
تواري جثث احلام وجهود وفشل
مضت منذ دهور

وتمتزج الدموع
بدماء وعرق وقلق
خالقة بحرا ميتا
من علقم مالح
تطوف على سطحه الامنيات
بسكون حكيم

والعمر يمر
وتتبخر السنين
تاركة ورائها ارض بور
تتشقق من الجفاف
تشبه صدور الأبطال
طعنتها مُدى الأيام
في معركة تعيسة
لمدة سنين

ويسخر الزمان
بنكات بائسة
من مأسي الرجال
ويبتسم الدهر
ويهز برأسه
ثم ينظر الى أفق بعيد


Men cry too
In silence
Like eloquent literature
Listened to by ghosts
The ghosts of a long night

But the tears
Flow under the eyelids
Under the cheeks
Under the chests
Like tombstones
The resting places of dreams and efforts and failures
Gone a long time ago

And the tears mix
With blood and sweat and worries
Creating a dead sea
Of salty poison
Dreams floating on its surface
In wise tranquility

And age goes by
And years evaporate
Leaving behind them infertile soils
Cracked from drought
Like the chests of heroes
Stabbed with the knives of days
In a miserable battle
That went on for years

Time makes fun
With lame jokes
Of the miseries of men
And life smiles
Shakes it head
And look away into the far horizon...
My previous poem morphed into another one about men's miseries, but this time and for the first time in ARABIC..
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