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Mark Tilford
Louisville ky    Thinking - always
everything changes
Jacob Matthew Wegner
14/M/Redding    I am adopted and I am a Single Pringle Hmu
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
26/M/Illinois    Everything is hilarious and nothing makes sense....... All poems are copyright of Christopher King (moonsocket)
Megan Parson
22/F/India    A lover of history, experimenting with poetry.
Eric Fraley
19/M/Wisconsin    Currently a college student who writes poetry on the side.
F/Earth    "Once we dreamt that we were strangers, we wake up to find that we were dear to each other" - Stray birds.
F    Follow my writing on Commaful:
Benji James
Hello, I am Benj. I mostly write lyrics. Sometimes I attempt other forms of poetry and writing. Always like to keep those creative juices flowing. …
42/F/England    I'm 42 I'm a mum stopped writing for ages but it has always been there. not a good speller.but now I have too's in …
Willy Shakysphere
M/Georgia, USA    I had never written anything before 1996. I died for 7 minutes, revived by an emergency medical team I awoke to not be quite the …
Savannah Muller
14/F    deep dark secrets in my life and i am not afraid to be seen for who i am, struggling but giving it my all.
Carson Alexander Defelice
18/M/GA    I'm not poetic I'm permanently apathic and this is my only way to make you see the way I do
20/F/Somewhere at Sea   
Busbar Dancer
Not a choice

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