I went for a walk today
in search of poetry.
A little inspiration
in something I might see.
It wasn't a particularly beautiful day,
Cloudy and a bit cold.
But from time to time
the clouds would part,
and wash the world in gold.
It wasn't quite mesmerizing
still no poetry came to me.
So I decided to take a load off,
and parked myself beneath a tree.
I just sat there for a while,
to see what I could see.
And what struck me most
was that there was no one,
not a soul around but me.
Well, that's not exactly true.
There were a couple birds up in this tree,
but they were busy doing bird things,
not at all concerned with me.
And a squirrel up on a power line,
also without a care,
as far as I could see.
And in that very moment
a poem came to me.
But I did not write it down,
I just enjoyed my time under that tree.
I'll save the poem for later,
because I'm living the poetry.
The world is a big beautiful place if we take a moment to unplug,
unwind, and just allow our minds to take a break for a little while.
checkout the video for this on my you tube channel