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 Feb 2016 Ninny's Narnia
i'm tired of being everyone's punching bag
learning to defend against the left jab
can almost predict the back stab*

my tyrant boss so incompetent*
unable to lead

peers who feel the need
to boast of themselves
voracious egos to feed

as i receive a mere stipend
for my efforts sweat and bleed

i'm bailing from this race
far from your lecherous reach
i stashed away a nest egg
built a fishing hut on the beach

there with my marked comrades remain
away from your weakness and condescension
we will all have our day
when you are called to account for

your sins
beyond mention
devoted to those who feel the need to condescend and build hierarchies to feed their sickness- you know who you are.
 Feb 2016 Ninny's Narnia
you can't take it back
what you gave me
it's mine forever

you don't want it anyway
have no respect for it
just give it away freely

i keep it cherished
warm and safe
even if you don't

i will guard and
defend it's sanctity
with my last breath

even from you
 Feb 2016 Ninny's Narnia
failed to yield
had to make a move
we collided in the middle*
you had something to prove

they couldn't separate us
even with hydraulics
fatally conjoined
locked at the lips

we were scared to be alone
so we endured great pain
never truly happy
suffering in vain

we both took a toll
decades in motion
i saw it in your eyes
you blocked all emotion

i don't have those skills
i must feel to live
you do what you need to
*i still have something to give
some hold on to things hoping it will be great again
must be the taurus in them
Plant me elsewhere
Remove me without a care

Pull me by my roots
And forget to water me

Fill the hole with someone new -
A delicate white daisy

Tend to her and show her the sun
Tell her that this is "love"

Watch as I go through a drought
Praying for fictitious rain

Lost in a heatwave of doubt
Wishing I was numb to the pain
For WY
 Jun 2015 Ninny's Narnia
There was a perfect hole in the sky
Shaped just for the moon to say hi

It rested up there on this night
Watching over us, erasing fright

Its bright gleams shine down below
Showing you the right path to go

You look up and say thank you
Oh Moon, without you, what would I do

— The End —