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she is a dream that wakes you up desperate to return to sleep

so as to feel her again, so as to be lured in irrevocably deep

she is as a dragon is when unconscious on the ground

harmless in speculation, not moving, just a heaping mound

stay wary lest she strike with her closed jaws that ache to bite

you will bleed then thank her lavishly with the foundations of your might

for even sparing you the smallest slice of pain from her sculptured lips

for even giving you the privilege of her attention in small strips

she is my dream, she is my glory, it is my spirit she has caught

and i will always be naught but her ever fleeting thought
a. luceli
Oberon stands by;
     summer is asleep.
Puck reclines, lethargic eyes,
     wildflowers threaded
through his coarse, nether hair.
Oh, his little bruises.
His little scrapes.
All his little stars in his pocket
or on his sleeve,
his hair tumbling around his face like rain,
like all his little tears.
There are little flecks of blood under his nails,
but he was blushing in the dark.
please stop coming to class with stitches and black eyes and expecting me to be okay with it
one of these days
i will stop falling in love
with angel-headed boys
residing entire oceans
and plateaus away from me

the ways that their honeysuckle words
drip from their lips like honey
only to cover me
consume me
drown me

i'll cease thinking about how golden hair
would feel between the tips of my fingers
how their voice would sing
and reverberate within the hollow prison
of my rib cage
reciting rimbaud

i will stop being tripped
up by the unyielding curve of pale
cupid-bow lips and lithe
long fingertips
tracing collars

continuously rendering me
I see us in technicolour delights,
    jabbing knives into old dictionaries to name strangers' children,
surrounded by foreign fire,
    alone but all at once together,
but borders and rivers cannot change our laughter.
Transience is key, you know.
The gentle ebb and flow of your pulse
     and the sudden thrumming of your triste coeur,
the flash of his hair in the sun.
The blush on the back of your neck
     and the woeful pang of lust,
buried back down by his muffled laughs.
Empty space,
     flinching warm fingers,
bitten holes in smooth cherry lips -
Remembering you're just lonely,
     not thinking about him for a second once you're out the door,
except when you catch his eyes in the rain.
     Fleeting moments often last the longest,
that's when you know you're sick.
I couldn't think of a title containing the name Charlie for god's sake
 Mar 2015 Ashley D Escobar
noah w
it’s too much like déjà vu
circumstances change but the feeling is familiar
like an itchy blanket that you swore you got rid of
but here it is again, to scratch at your skin
and make you forget what it’s like to lie comfortably
i really thought i’d never itch this way again
Mustard sweaters in the Mauritshuis,
     scattered ashes at the foot of our bed.
We run, run round in circles,
     till the stars drop out of their cat's cradles and into our laps.
Empty paintings and glasses frames,
     dozing atop anarchist literature in the back alleys
of some distant treasure island.
That leftover warmth on
     disordered bedclothes;
the leftover smell
     of sleep.
Tumbling through
     crushing darkness;
stumbling over silent
     exploding lights.
The reek
     of sterile sunlight;
frosted windows
     so ***** that they're clean.
Cold fingers walk
     the ley lines of your veins.
***** dashed across your bedsheets,
     watercolour stains leak in your eyes.
Dead lilies in a cup of coffee,
     your world upside-down in a cracked glasses lens.
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