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 Mar 2015 Nikki Gryphon
i used to think
that words
are the easiest to deliver

i could say i love you
without even knowing why
i could say the truth
without even thinking if it really is

now all of it is as difficult
as I was to believe in fairy tale
now all i could think about
is how will i ever say those words
   without affecting the world
   without hurting someone
   without doubting myself

I remained silent
and those words i wanted to say
left unspoken- shallow

i used to think
that words
are the easiest to deliver
now they're far beyond my reach
newbie :)
 Mar 2015 Nikki Gryphon
I'm not in love with you.
I never was.

I was in love with the ghost
Of who you were in the beginning

I was in love with the idea
Of what we could have had

I was in love with the thought
Of who I wanted you to become

But now
I'm not

I'm in love with the fact that
I'll never be in love with you
i built myself a home in your chest
a safe haven, a tightly wrapped package
and you evicted me

i looked at you through my camera lens and saw all the beauty
my eyes had failed to pick up on
the fabric of your soul
the smooth skin of your hands,
twirling your hair in your fingers,
you are beautiful

you are literature
words on a page, kept consistent through years of handwritten notes
passed back and forth between quiet children,
i highlighted my favorite parts of you, and underlined the parts that stood out to me
a well-read novel, dog-eared and leafed through,
i memorized your body,
smiling warmly when you put my emotions into words
i don’t read anymore.

we shared cigarettes together in my car,
letting all the words we were too afraid to speak
leave our mouths in the form of smoke,
leaving only the stale smell of burnt tobacco,
to remember you by
 Mar 2015 Nikki Gryphon
When you decide to love me
Love me with your words
Love me with your hands
And I'll love you with all that I am
Though I'm not much...
 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
Why go to prom?
I'd be happier at home
Drinking and smoking
Being all alone
 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
"I'm supposed to be in love
But I'm numb again"
 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
You asked me to
describe the pain
I hold in my heart,
so I walked away
without looking

 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
 Feb 2015 Nikki Gryphon
I loved you more
than the moon
loves the stars,
but you treated me
worse than the
dirt beneath
your feet.

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