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- Nov 2013
Being called 'princess' by you
Is the best thing in the world
You're a dream come true
Captivated by your every word
We'll be close again, I promise
Someday, I'll see your pretty face
And I'll think ''I made the right choice''
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Can't wait to get a new phone. Excited. I miss her.
- Sep 2013
looking at you
staring away
I'm okay

You were art
in my eyes
but now
I rip apart
the canvas
that was once
valuable in time
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
not sure if I should approach or not
whether to stay or walk
whether to speak or hush
my anxiety makes a mess of me
and it always seems to ruin us

I just feel so nervous sometimes
I say I'm ok but it's all lies
sometimes I am fine
sometimes I am not
I just really love you
but I ruin us...
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Our relationship wasn't perfect
But I would be yours again
In a single heartbeat
You were a ****
Cheated on me
But I'll forgive
And give us
A second chance
At true love

You are perfect
Despite of your flaws
And let's be honest
I get lost in your blue eyes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Laying in bed means tousled hair
Oversized sweater and nothing more

Laying in bed means missing you
And thinking of beautiful times
As I lay in this bed made for two

But I'll see you soon again
Well, that's how it seems
You're always on my mind
Always in my thoughts
And in my dreams
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Miss you.
- Aug 2013
like cigarettes
you're addictive as hell

like the alcohol in my glass
you make me feel so well

your presence


my soul

your touch
makes me


© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I can hardly stand it
Can barely take it
Still, I take a breath
Hoping that'll fix this
But it won't
Nothing will
I stand here
Trying my best
To not make a big deal
Out of it all
But it's hard, you know
Letting **** spread online
Hearing lie after lie after lie
This, that, seriously stop
Or I'll make your heart rate

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Set fire to my heart
Keep the spark alive
You know I'll love


Until I die.

The burn is worth
The pain it brings
Because it brings
A little


My dream love
Who is now
A vision of
My *imagination
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
temporary feeling of blue
numbness as I think of you
different feelings all at once
wondering if I should take a chance
to talk to you but I'm scared to
in case you hate me
kinda like how I hated
loving you

best and worst girl
I ever met or knew
I hate the fact
I ever found you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I adore my best friend
She keeps me sane
With her funny jokes
And her serious faces

Makes you wish
She was your friend
But she's my friend
Right until the end of time
Best girl I've known in life

Thank you for saving my soul
Without you, I would have lost control

I would have lost my heart
I swear, I would have fallen apart
So thank you, my dear best friend
You really do keep me sane
I don't know what I would do
If I didn't know you

I want to thank this girl
She always saves my life
And when I'm crying
She has tissues
To keep my tears away

I can't even begin to say
How she keeps me sane
This is dedicated to my close friend Rachel, I adore her with all my heart.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
There's a special girl who I've known for a while
Her name is flawless, and she has perfect style
We've been besties ever since day one
So glad to call her a friend of mine

She is the funniest
And the most random girl
That I have ever known
But I like that
Makes our conversations
Less boring
And more fun
And also guess what?
So we laugh about that
And we joke around
I love it
She's a true friend

Happy birthday again
To the fabulous girl I know

Happy 21st to the punkster I love and adore
I hope we'll be friends forever and more
Happy 21st birthday to my amazing friend *****. ILY xoxox from Nat.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
She's very insecure
I know that
But if only she knew
She is my kinda perfect

Flaws and all
Still beautiful

She frowns upon herself
And her looks
But if only she knew
She's the greatest book
On the dusty shelf

That need to show
What she should
Already know
About herself
And her place
In my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

I love you.
- Mar 2014
nothing speaks
like silence
the build up
of emotion
how it sets you
in a state
of deep thought
- Jul 2013
Hurt* and disappointment
Are two *different
But they are similar
With *each other
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I fantasize too much
I always imagine love
and the craziest scenarios
like, get these thoughts
out of my head
and keep them
locked away
far from
my mind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Expanding creativity
Creating volume
As well as
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I would rather struggle with you than be fine when you're not.
You'll never be alone in this, I'll be right here, keeping you alive.

I love you, sister dearest. You are precious.

My heart is broken without your half.
We'll get through this. Siblings unite.

My sister, my reason for trying,
Trying to keep myself coping.

We grew up together,
And we can get better...


Sisters have a bond life cannot break.
Nothing can break what we have.

We shared happy moments together.
So if we need to, we'll also suffer.

Your pain is mine.
My pain is yours.
Sisters keep each other sane.
Our personal demons,
They will not break,
Our sisterly bond.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Love my sister so much.
- Aug 2013
Overthinking drains me
Makes me lose my mind
Can't talk to friends or family
Because I'd feel unkind
My head is dizzy
From all these thoughts
Makes me all crazy
Drowning in forbidden tears
Overthinking is deadly
It makes a heart bleed
From all the pressure
From all the stress
Makes me want to heal
But I can't so I write
To cope with all this
Because it *****
To hide all this pain
So I show fake smiles
To hide the hurt again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
coke, cigarettes
and salad
that is all
in my diet

the pressure
on myself
to be thin
is high
the radar

ain't got platinum hair
or stilettos up to here
all I have is an average body
I am no skinny mini

I feel the pressure of
our society
it wants us
to be perfect
and stick thin
but I am none
of those things

glamour seems to be
self destruction
and eating disorders
manic depression
and starvation
none of those
are healthy
but our society
they glamorize
our deadly
and our

I miss the days
when Marilyn Monroe
was seen as a *** symbol
not for a thin appearance
but for her beauty
and captivating curves

your body shape
is something
you shouldn't be ashamed of
you are beautiful
no matter what
it's our society
which really *****
© Natali Veronica 2013.

if you're insecure, you'll understand this poem.
this poem is about how society tells us what to look like,
or what you should be, how you should be etc.
- Oct 2013
Seal the deal
With a kiss
So I know
That I am

Undress my soul
So I know
This love
Is real

Strip me of my fears
Love me underneath
The cold covers
Kiss me hard
Bite my lip
Look in my eyes
Hold me all night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
The reason I fell so hard
Was because I thought
That you were a guy
Not a girl spinning me
Into her web of lies
You seemed genuine
And I fell for you
But now your words
Have no meaning
Because you
Weren't you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

wrote this months ago. seems relevant still.
- Nov 2013
I need a dose of love
No cheap ****
I need the real stuff
Got expensive taste
Hoping you can pay
For a heart like mine
I'm worth too much
I need a true kind
Of fuel to keep me alive
I don't trust tainted words
I only believe in real hearts
No, keep your hands off
I am not a cheap ticket
I don't strut my stuff
For a lover until I feel like it
If I feel like you appreciate
Me as well as my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
I fantasize about you
It's so twisted though
Because you broke me
But I let you do so
Didn't feel the need
To ever let go?

Everything is still here
Except yourself
I think I'd fall apart
Watching you love
Someone else
Or watching you
Act as if I don't exist
Or that there was once
An ''us''
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Thinking of you makes me smile
Even though we're apart
By quite a few miles
But we're keeping our love alive
Telling each other what we need to hear
How I'm your girl and you're my guy
Wish I could whisper I love you's in your ear
Longing for his love, but it's worth the wait
Because I know, this love of ours will last
Yeah, we both got hurt in the past
So let's make it right, you and I
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
I am labeled a lot
A cheater
A lying ****
Manipulative *****
Sickening witch
Ugly hearted
Cold blooded
Those, the obvious
I am called many names
Some are stupid
Some are cruel
But I guess I deserve this
Maybe this is my fate
Maybe I am a pathetic fool
Words are like bricks
Thrown at me
Causing bruises
And endless amounts
Of unhealthy rage
If you talk badly of me
Then I will fight back
My mistakes are not
Meant for mockery
I know my flaws
I know my past
I know, I know
But you're still
Not the best
I'm tired of being the one who gets all the blame.
- Sep 2013
A smile hides a lot
Don't you think?
It can hide utter despair
As you stare into
That broken mirror

Reflecting upon broken love
And wishing it could mend
You still fit me like a glove
Can't we at least pretend?
I don't want it all to end

You are always on my mind
**** the misery out of my body
At least spend the night in my bed
Without you, I feel incomplete, baby

You heal me, break me, know me
Can't get you out of my head
Release me, set my body free
Just one night without regret
In the bed where we fell in love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Tears filled my eyes
All he did was
Hold me tight
Said no words
None at all
He just kissed my lips
And I forgot about
Being emotional
Like medicine
He cures my
The pain
I feel
Creeping in
When I am
At my happiest
He makes me feel
So amazingly calm
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
I stared into your soul
Like you stared
Into my eyes
We fell in love
Almost instantly
It was no surprise
You had a whole heart
You gave me one part
That's when I knew
I truly loved you
Love poem...again. Excuse me, sweethearts.
- Jul 2013
You* might not love me *anymore
But I'm still hoping
You'll love me once more
Maybe we'll have the future
We were both wanting before
Maybe we'll be as one again
Like we once were
I always want
What I can't have
But your heart
Is worth the fight

**Please, be mine...
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
I used to believe that happiness was in
gaining a love, gaining security
gaining hope from within

but the longer I live
the more I lose touch
with what I used to believe
and what I once thought
was the right things in life
the best of them all
but everyone suffers
temporary or permanent
life changing downfalls

and we all grieve
at some point in life
either the loss of ourselves
or the loss of loved ones
we all feel and will feel
endless bouts of pain
sharp pains that can feel
like strangulation
or self-inflicted
times of illusion

misguided thoughts
and moments of weakness
psychotic rages
and times of

I have felt so much in a short space of time
it is hard to believe that I am somewhat 'fine'
the amount of trauma sustained
from the painful migraines
the way it felt like someone
squeezing and pressuring my head
the way it felt like my brain
was going to explode
at some known time and place
the way it felt like system malfunction
was taking it's course of faith
how it took so much away from my life

people say strong people never feel pain
and that they have no reason
to feel anything but joy
well those people are wrong
because I was once strong

and look what the **** happened
depression took over my soul
and stripped me of my voice
it broke me to the point
of almost shooting myself
in the head with a gun
that's what my dreams
always consisted of
suicide and a loss of pride
a loss of consciousness
felt like someone was
controlling my heart
poking holes
and making me bleed
until I was seeing stars
even if I was behind doors
my mind made me delusional
made me drift away from reality
I'm still not myself at all
not functioning properly

I don't sleep anymore
not even drugs are a cure
not even *** stimulates
my naked body is a disgrace
when I look in the mirror
I can imagine it shatter

my whole sense of view
about everything of me
is honestly the worst
there is no in-between
sometimes I wonder
if life will ever get
as good as it once was

that chapter of my life
is still yet un-explored
but I picture it
in my head
all the time
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Again, super personal poem.
I was trying to write longer than usual,
because my dream is to write a novel,
or a biography of some sort.
I wanted to expand my writing skills.

Your opinions and comments mean a lot to me,
tell me what you think. I need opinions.
- Dec 2013
You called me hot
And I'm still not over it
I guess I'm so infatuated
That every word is sacred

You don't say nice things often
But each time that you do
It makes me fall deeper
In love with you

Your words hit me
With a heavy force
It gets my hopes up
Makes me dream of us

This is beyond tragic lust
Wanting a messed up heart
That you'll never mend
Or call your own

Their actions left a mark
And you can't wash it off
It will never heal with time
You'll always feel a need
To love, love, love
Even if you never receive
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
I don't know if I should
Stay or walk away
If I even could
I doubt that
You complete my heart
How tragic
A player is the one I want
Someone who messes me up
Still, I like him a lot
His words sends shivers
Down my fragile back
His lips make my heart stop
He makes me lose my mind
I'm like, I need to get a grip on this
But I know it's tricky
Let's be honest, I love it
How he plays hard to get
How we fight and then make up
The way we never stay together
Yet, something stops us from drifting apart
I don't know, is it a hidden spark?
Is it hidden love?
I don't know
But my heart sure does
I guess I'll be
**Stuck In Love.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
You started this stupid war
And I'm ending it here
© Natali Veronica 2013.

There's no point writing a ****** response to a person's mean words.
Despite being called names, I'm not gonna say anything hurtful back.
Call me whatever you want, label me whatever the hell you want,
I know myself better than anyone else ever will. So, yeah.
- Oct 2013
devoted to one
desire for
so much
I wish I
we were
and now I am left
with the reminder
that we are

lusting after you
feels so wrong
like I am
a crime
such a sin
I feel so unpure
I feel like a *****
I'd be a ****
if I gave in
to what
I seem
to want

never the kind
to cheat
but for you
I'd take the risk
risk of getting caught
risk of being found out

the more I deny my lust
the more I need your touch
it feels so wrong
to feel this way
but you take
my heart
to a place
that I have
never been

such a sin
such a sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Honestly needed to write, I was going insane.
- Sep 2013
Tears fall like raindrops
Like leaves fall from trees
Birds sing their melody
As they fly into the sky
Oh the beauty of nature
It seems so fascinating
The endless fresh air
But still I find myself

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
chilling out on the sofa
I'm thinking about ya
looking at the photographs
as I dwell on our memories
I pretend I don't miss us
because it hurts so much

to miss someone
who never cared enough
who never stuck by me
when I needed a shoulder to cry on so badly
is it bad that I'm not over it?
yeah, it probably is
but you gave me a lot
to remember
now it feels like
a permanent December

it's supposed to be summer
but I'm still as depressed
as the day you left
I can't forget you
just like my favorite song
always on replay
all night long
until I

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
The* love of my *life
Calls me his wife
Despite my days
Of being a mess

He buys me diamonds
Says I'm his favorite one
Because I shine bright
Like the sun.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
when the lust kicks in
your whole world spins
hoping for a taste of sin
© Natali Veronica 2013.

short but whatever. xo
- Nov 2013
swept me off my feet
you taught me to dance
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Jul 2013
I'm fine with harmless flirtation
and meaningless kisses
and innocent moments
of intense weakness
I won't let anything stop it
as long as we're drunk
on the drinks of the night
as long as it feels right
don't worry, I'll be patient
as long as we feel something
and we know it's not all for nothing
as long as there is passion
and sweet flirtation
then I'm not complaining
as long as the drinks are pouring
our bodies are dancing
our mouths are kissing
and the night is heaven
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
There is a point where I give in
To the most satisfying sin
There is a part of me who begs
To be punished and pushed to the bed
As my hands are either tied
Or he could use those handcuffs
Handcuff me to the bed
Please me until the night's over and done
Then we can cuddle, kiss and he can adore his girl
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
Stole my heart with just a kiss
I swear, I've never been in love like this
You don't know how I feel about you
But I really wish you knew

I used to feel so lifeless
But you truly saved me
I once felt my heart break
And only you could fix it

Tender love is what I'm after
Silly moments
Infectious laughter
Looking for a soul mate
And I think I've *found
**In your tender, loving heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
He has that electric soul
That makes me lose control
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Not here to impress.
I am here to write.
so if you appreciate,
and relate to what I post,
then thank you so much,
my heart beats for this,
your words of support keep me safe,
safe from myself and harm's way.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!
- Oct 2013
To love without fear must be a blessing, that only a few can have the opportunity of knowing, or in fact, feeling. To love without doubt must be heaven, knowing there is someone who is cherishing every part of your heart, promising not to break it apart. To love and to know that your heart is safe, that's one of the best feelings there is, knowing that you found your other half, the person who makes you feel complete. Never known the feeling, but I have felt it, before it was snatched, taken from my hands, and misplaced. It was not the only thing I lost, I also lost myself while trying to love, while trying to be ''the one'' to captivate a fellow heart, to cherish it with all of mine, but as time went on, I knew it wouldn't last, although my heart wanted it to, it was my only wish. I spent so much time, dedicating myself to this one, how could I forget? You can't rewind, or change the past, you're stuck with the memories, the ones you had hoped would reach the present, but before you had the chance to think, the bond between the hearts suddenly collapsed, and you were left wondering what could have been, what should have occured, what shouldn't have changed, what should have remained. It's funny, when I think of love, I imagined happily ever after, breath taken away by the angel above, a bond that would last, hopefully forever. These days, when I think of love, I feel a pain in my heart, a reminder of the bliss that once tore me apart, the bliss I would have died for, just to keep your heart safe away from life's terror and bittersweet wonder. I have so much to give, but no one to give it to, the only person who I felt should have it, was you. But since I don't have much luck, I'll keep my heart under wraps. Who knows, maybe one day I can steal your heart like you stole mine, all those days ago.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

decided to vent through poetry.
I'm sure most people can relate to this.
- Feb 2014
Your *******
Astounds me
Your messages
Are quite laughable
But they're not even funny
Your ability to point your finger at me
For my supposed negativity
Simply makes me lose
ALL the respect
I ever had for you

I'm not saying you're wrong
I admit, I have my share of sin
But don't start the victim crap
I thought you were better than that
Not gonna bother writing about you anymore.
- Jun 2013
You are the heart to my beat
The way you make me feel
It's so surreal

I can talk about you for hours
About how I cherish what is ours
Yeah, you've got a hold on me
Yeah, you really make me feel complete
And I'm not lying when I say
I love you pretty baby
You mean so much to me
I'm not lying when I say you're addictive
I am Chanel and you are Versace

You are the apple of my eye
You are mine
And I'm your cherry pie
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I always wake up
With a smile on my face
But as soon as the night is here
My smile fades and disappears

4 am is when I'm crying
Barely even functioning
Wishing you would need me
Wishing you'd see
How much I need
Your love over me

How many times do I have to say this?
How many times do you need to hear it?
I don't know why you never gave it a chance
I could have been your last romance
We could have it all
But you cheated me
And I took the fall
Blamed myself for your departure
But in reality, it was her
Her fault for ruining our love
Ruining our joined hearts
Destroying what we had
And now I'm falling asleep
With tears on my pillow
And your voice in my head

4 am is when I'm overthinking
Wondering if you miss me
Like I miss you
If she loves you
Like I used to
Like I still do

Does she adore you
Like I did?
Would she be committed
Like I was and used to be?
Would she give her all
Just to make you smile?

Still got that engagement ring
I'd never trade it for anything
It's a part of my memories
Reminding me of what we used to be
Reminding me that yours, I always will be
Maybe one day you'll see
That you belong with me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Slipping in and out of
Wishing that I could
Love you significantly less

But I cannot and it hurts
Because loving you
Makes me feel worse
Than I already felt

We played the poker game of love
I lost, because of the cards I was dealt

Now I'm a mess, all alone in my home
Wishing you were holding me again

Grasping for air, but it's hard to breathe
Without the one I love beside me.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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