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- Nov 2013
there comes a time when I miss your voice
there comes a day where I miss your touch
there comes a night where I miss your love
there comes a moment when I miss you
through all the time in the world
like a heart that needs
its other piece to fit
just right into yours
above all
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
I don't know what struck me the most
Your charm or those expensive clothes
There's something about you
I don't know what it is
Maybe it's your passion for life
I'm not entirely sure
But one thing I know is
I want to be your last love

I want to be the *first
******* your mind
I want to be the first girl you call '
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
We have never met
but known each other
for nearly four years
I always knew
long distance
could easily
fall apart

I guess I hoped
that ours
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Miss you Shannon...
- Oct 2013
I don't write to impress
or to be a part of
a writing cult
I write to express
hoping that
people can relate
nothing more
nothing less
so think of that
before you comment
on my personal poems
© Natali Veronica 2013.

kinda annoyed right now. needed to vent.
- Jul 2013
I'm not sure what to say
If what I say is wrong or right
Whether I'm good enough
To be given a second try
At what I once failed at

Times like these make me wish
That you were here by my side
Holding me tight at night
Kissing my cheek
Singing lullabies
To make me fall asleep
And dream cute dreams
About you and I
And our life together
A fairytale romance
Where forever meant happy ever after
I'm stuck in a trance
Will you dance with me?
And be my prince
And hopefully my king
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
We honestly fit right,
I am forever yours,
You make me feel beautiful and alive,
Even though you're not mine to kiss.

Your body is perfect for mine,
But we'll never lay side by side,
I'll never feel your skin against me,
I'll never hold you tight at night at 9.

You'll never touch my face,
Or call me your princess,
You'll never intoxicate me with wine,
You'll never buy me expensive roses.

I'll never get the chance to fill your heart with joy,
Because you're not right for me but my heart thinks so.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
This pain is so severe
it's affecting every nerve
in this back of mine, oh dear
I feel like I'm close to tears
this is hurting me
more than you'd think
behind my forced smile
is a mouth dying to scream
and behind my happy eyes
are eyes who are eager to cry.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I love him so much,
it kinda scares me,
how addicted I am,
to his sweet touch,
and how much I like it,
when he's close to me.

His love takes me places,
that I have never been before.
he's more addictive than drugs,
I wanna have more and more,
like it's the only thing I need,
his love, I need to feel,
but it feels like greed,
wanting his heart,
body & soul.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
There are times in a young woman's life
Where she has to protect herself
Protect her heart and words
Because nothing ever lasts
Unless you know boundaries
When it comes to love
When it comes to trust
When it comes to honesty
When it comes to security

Girls grow up thinking
Growing up sounds fun''
But then, as time goes on
We begin to miss being *young

Being free spirits in terms of youth
In terms of thinking and feeling
And the importance of confidence
As well as being free to have fun
As if life had just begun

Young girls are more confident
Well, in the childhood days
But as they grow and understand
The importance of beauty overshadows them
And as they go through puberty
They realize how much beauty
Is a major factor in happiness
When they become obsessed
With self-appearances
And body types
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure what the hell I just wrote, hahah.
Just felt really inspired and this is the finished piece.
I don't know if this makes any sense at all, hope it does though.

The title of this poem was inspired by Lana Del Rey's song ''This Is What Makes Us Girls''
- Dec 2013
Times like this
I wish I was dead
One tiny bullet
Through my head

Call me whatever
I've heard it before
Nothing is forever
Not even a
Suicidal *****

You say that I hurt you
But you hurt me too
I relapsed endless times
Because of this

Stop saying you hate me
Stop saying what I already know
I am not ******* sorry
Girl, please just go

Leave me alone
Stop calling me a *****
Because you're not perfect
Neither am I
So just do what you do
And I'll be dead
Before the moon
Has it's chance to glow
And send shivers to you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is depressing, I know. Just very tired of life right now.
- Jul 2013
Memories flash before my eyes
as I remember the present times
of my insane life

I think back to where I was
how I behaved
how I acted
and I reflect upon
how much I've matured
since then

I used to be insane
oh wait
I still am
only smarter now
than I was
way back when
I was a little child
in this big world

look at me now
now I'm the big one
a big girl
in a tiny world

insomniac at heart
born and raised
in the city which never sleeps
yeah, I love being me sometimes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
Even if your hands were stealing my breath
I'd still love you to death
every kiss is a weakness
every touch is a must
deadly love affair
tainted with lust
cold hearted
with a charming soul
the kind who could make me
lose all sense of self control
a devil who could possess
a lover who could excite
as well as depress

Even with your hands around my neck
I would still love you to death
**until I lose my final breath
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
I said;
Take me out.
Don't let me leave,
Your mighty sight,

You are the spirit,
That lights up the town,
You make me smile,
When I feel down.

You are the king,
Let me be your queen,
Together we can,
Hold on to love.
- Jul 2013
You push me towards the edge
Every single day
It's so hard to care anymore
When you're there
Ruining me

You drive me to the point
Of collapse
Might as well crash a car
And never look back

Your irresponsibility makes me sick
I thought you were smarter than this
But no, because here I am
Awake all **** night
Just because of your
Supposed dying attempt
Do you not see how much it hurts?
Watching the closest person to me
Acting like that?
I don't think you understand
The pain I feel
When you
are like this

I adore you with my life
But this is wrong
Scaring the life outta me
That's beyond wrong
When you know
I'm not strong

Like, how dare you
I finally got my Insomnia on track
And then you go ahead
And do that
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Always tempted to give a sarcastic remark
Just to hear his **** but witty comment
As I smoke my cigarette

As he makes his way
To embrace my face

As his hand
Goes up my leg

As his lips kiss mine
And we lose
Track of
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Fancy clothes, expensive cars
Big diamonds, fine cigars
Money beyond compare
So many riches everywhere
Perfect family, amazing friends
The blessings never seem to end
But despite having it all
You could easily fall
Money can't buy
That would
Be ridiculous
Money makes
People miserable
Makes you feel
Too powerful
It can make you
An addict
Diet pills
Substance abuse
It can cause
Early deaths
Money, fame
You could have
The full works
But it wouldn't
Make a difference
You'd still be
The fragile shell
Filling yourself
With material things
Silicone, toxins
Baby, take your
Take care of
Your life
Before it
A ****** case
In paradise
A bullet through
Your skull and brain
Because you had
What everyone
Wanted to gain.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I wrote this.
I guess I was highly inspired,
by the tragic consequences and problems,
of sometimes having too much of a good thing.
- Aug 2013
***** makes me high,
But his words take me *higher


The thought of him drives me insane,
But in the sweetest way.

He makes me want the best,
The worst and the ultimate,
The rough, the passionate,
The fast, the slow,
The intimate.

He makes me want it all,
The greatest kick,
The greatest high,
The greatest fix,
Even the tragic.



He's the adrenaline I want,
Making the blood pump faster,
Through my tiny veins.

He's the sugar rush I need,
To satisfy the hunger,
Which I'm trying to feed.

My heart is nothing without it's beat,
Just like I am nothing without him.
My soul is nothing without it's glow,
Just like my heart is nothing without his love.

I sound obsessed. Like a child in a candy store.
I guess he's my addiction. I keep wanting more.

Tragic lover, yes.
Something he loves.

Wouldn't mind giving a bit of everything,
As long as he's the one receiving.

I feel like a princess gone bad.
And I need a prince,
To put me back in my place,
If that even makes sense.

Not sure why I'm saying all this.
I guess I'm just so tragic,
And guess what?
He likes it.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I could write all day
about the one
I'm in love with
but the writing
would be intense
and explicit
just like our

my mind is consumed
by ***, love, control, vanity
I think he made me lose
not just my soul
but also my sanity


he touched
he teased
he loved
he took it.

he took my heart
like I took his
I guess this is
true love

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
We can laugh together
joke around
as well as cry
when we need to
I guess I can say
you're precious
like a rare diamond
that I am glad I found
I promise
I won't let you down
you mean too much to me
I'd die
if I didn't have you by my side
you give life a real meaning
you give friendship a good name
all I can say is
we're true friends
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Love in the dark
Is what I like best
Passion is on point
No need for exams
Or stupid tests
This is truly
For keeps
- Aug 2013
You won't tell me who you are
And it's so **** frustrating
I've been in this situation before
So I'm just patiently waiting
For my prayer to be answered
For my mind to be put at ease
I guess I should have figured
But I trusted your words
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
I trust nobody
Two faced
I bet they
Talk about me
When I'm not around
This is why
I lost faith
In everyone
- Aug 2013
There was once this girl I liked.
I liked her so much,
it made me lose my breath,
every time we talked.

Yes, she was that incredible..

But, there was a few things I didn't like,
her lack of emotion when it came to feelings,
how she always used to press my buttons,
just to get a reaction,
how she lead me on,
just to break me down.

A true player, she broke hearts for fun,
just to cheer herself up when she felt down in the dumps,
she ******* up quite a few people's hearts.

I remember the first time I spoke to this girl,
she seemed nice at first, until,
her mood became worse.

It came to the point where we used to fight,
and have this certain distance for weeks,
she always said she was 'done',
then weeks later, she'd come back around,
saying she was sorry and that she felt dumb.

This happened on many occasions,
but even at her worst,
she was still the best,
in my blinded eyes.

This behavior went on for years,
and while I was swallowing my tears,
she was showing her smiles.

Cruel was an understatement.
She knew how I felt,
and made fun of,
my feelings.

The girl I loved, played with my heart,
and I was too blind to see,
this wasn't the one for me.
But, I gave her a chance,
hoping she'd change,
wow, I was wrong,
but, I couldn't move on,
at that point in time.

She broke hearts for the thrill of it,
how sick is that?
Too mean.
But I'm done.

Y'know, when we first spoke,
her plan was to make me fall,
her plan was to lead me on,
and then break my heart.

But guess what?
Her plan failed.
She, herself, fell in love.
And couldn't cope with that,
so she ignored me for weeks,
but came back always,
because she missed me that much.

The player failed at her own game.
Instead, she fell in love,
with the one she wanted to break,
and after that, she sorta 'changed' her ways.

Until, six days ago.
The ex who I tried to keep,
as a best friend,
she gave up on me again.

Wondering why I act so surprised...
I knew this would happen,
but at what time?
I never knew.

I guess a part of me wants her in my life,
but as a friend.
Just wish our friendship,
wouldn't always end/re-mend.

Some friends are hard to be around,
feels like the old connection is gone,
like, you're with a stranger in a room,
and all you can do is try your best,
to make that work out.
If you can't,
then I guess,
that friend,
you have to live,
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
Whoever you are, stop stealing people's poetry, you *******.
My poetry is highly personal so it's beyond sickening to steal it.
© Natali Veronica 2013.****-you-poetry-computer-1/
^^^report this person, block this person now.
this person steals other people's work.
- Aug 2013
his fingerprints
are all over
my heart
I swear

the stars
in the
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
a beautiful flame
burning bright
and then one day
it's gone




I was okay
for a while
I can't describe

a face with no expression
a heart with no emotion
a body with no oxygen
my life

needing a release
before I

I don't know what to express
feels like I've given up
on my life

no amount of love
could change my thoughts
I'd blank it all out
as I'd fall into what I once
swore I'd never let in again
the other part of me
that I had to leave
I sense my old feelings
making a bitter return

I never wanted to fall for it
I tried so hard to make an effort
to stay and keep myself on track
but every human
has their weak points
something that brings them back
to their deadly old thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
That scar on my heart
Was created by you
That night we fell apart
I didn't know what to do
Whether to hold on
Or to let go
Or to let you in
Inside my mind
My heart, my thoughts
Wondering if it was true love
Maybe a hint of twisted lust
Or a need for security
From the one I loved
That I needed
Breath in
Breath out
Will you be mine?
We'll see how this goes.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Songs are like memories
They show up now and then
Makes me miss all those times
We shared until the end
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Today I feel this urge
To feel the pain
I once battled
To keep in

I'm aching to bleed
Just to know I'm alive
So that I can feel
My heart beat
Like it once did

Rush of adrenaline
I am seeking again
Pain, my former best friend
I am seeking you again
Give me the thrill
Oh, if only
There was a happy pill
That I could consume
To make the bad night fade
As I fall into a deep sleep
Dreaming broken dreams

Save me before I fall
Into bad habits again
I don't want to bleed
I only want to feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Some people **** me off
On a daily basis
I'm like, **** girl
You're so ******* basic
With your name calling
And your dumb games
******* friendships up
With those mean tricks

I mean, who are you kidding?
That ain't nice, darling
Picking up rocks
And ditching diamonds
I'm like, what are you doing?

You're trying to be cooler
But the truth is
You could never
You're too basic
For your own health
I suggest
You take those ego pills
Guess what?
I think you're full of it
Trying to be smart
But you ain't ****
You might think you have won
But honey, I'm gonna be the one winnin'
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
I'll never be as great as her. I will never escape the expectations. Neither will I ever be anything more than, a relative to the bright star. I'll be in the corner.

People expect me to be as good, as creative, as talented, as perfect..but I never will be. I could make the most beautiful dress ever seen, and it still wouldn't be worth anything more.

It's like a dark cloud covers me. A feeling of 'am I going to be enough?' It's not jealousy, or self-pity. It is that feeling of emptiness. That feeling of wanting to be useful. That feeling of wanting to succeed.

I'm not secure in myself. My confidence drops faster, than my tears in the dead of night.

I guess I am afraid of being just the 'sister'. I guess I feel like nothing I do will compare.

I just want to make people proud.
This is not a poem. It doesn't rhyme,
and it's just something I vent.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
I check my phone,
all the time,
hoping for a text,
from the one who left,
the one who owns my heart,
but as usual, nothing from you,
like, girl, I ******* love you so strongly,
I know I was a fool but I want you near me,
I can't sleep or eat when we're apart,
I fall asleep in the dark, tears making my eyes hurt,
I stay up every night, waiting for a text,
an 'I miss you' text  that I'll never get.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
we are lost souls
looking for true bliss
we are wild hearts
seeking real love
we are the poets
who are messed up
looking for people
who can fix us
give us true love
give us true bliss
give us everything
we thought we'd miss out on
give us strength
fix our hearts up
put us together
and please fix us
adore us like
a masterpiece
explore our minds
and soothe our souls
show us what true love is
show us happiness
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
face of an angel
skills of a devil
one taste of me
and you'll want double
I guess you could say
I'm pure trouble
but I like being
in our love bubble

he says I'm addictive
I always tend to deny
but his mouth says otherwise
why do I even dare try?

his touch makes me weak
his eyes get me so lost
I can't seem to get enough
of his moves, his touch
his passionate
yet rough ways

the *** is a mix of
pleasure and pain
he makes me so needy
I could want him
over and over again
he really is that good
at what he does

never known such an addictive man
in my entire life
he's just
I wanna be
his wife
the one
who wins
his heart
of gold
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
There are so many people I dislike
They leave a mark on your life
They promise to be by your side
Then they stab your back
With the sharpest knife

Don't comfort me with a lie
Tell me the truth
And don't hide
Don't hide your true colors
Because when I find out
You'll regret it
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
Alone, she walked the road of despair
Looking for the man of her dreams
But he was nowhere to be found.

Her heart broke into a thousand pieces
Looking for the one who completed hers
She tried so desperately to hold on
To what she believed to be true
Knowing all too well that she
Would lose herself
Trying to find

Her eyes would be filled to the brink
With tears that flowed like a river
It felt like an anchor
Was making her sink
Into the waters
Of a lost forever.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Poetic little short story, I guess.
It was something I wrote late in the night.
- Jan 2014
You have your way
With words
Even when it hurts
I hang on
Every word
That you say
- Jun 2013
You could take everything away
But I'd still remain
You could lie, cheat
Drag me down
Until I'm on my knees
But next to you
I'd still be

I don't understand
How I can love such a bad man
Falling in love wasn't a part of my plan
All I wanted was to feel again
But you gave me more
And I fell deeper
Score after score
And then when you left
My tears tasted bitter

Felt like my heart surrendered
To my careless mind
And lovesick brain
I'm going insane

Love is not what I wanted
But it is what I got
And now I'm crying
As I can't forget it

I can't forget you
Or the feelings I had
No matter what I do
My heart will always
Stay in love with you

Feels like I'm handcuffed
With the handcuffs of love
I feel so helpless
You're a weakness
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
the beauty of life
is hard to describe
it is the amount
of positive vibes
in one person's life
and the negative ones
that help us grow
like a flower
endless progress
just that, we are humans
- Sep 2013
tried to see her
as she saw me
but I couldn't feel
the chemistry
there was a lack
of intimacy

never thought of you
as more than a friend
sorry to disappoint you
but I had to step back
in the very end

back together with the guy I left
after realizing my mistake
this girl and I
weren't what I thought

friends with her, I'll gladly be
but I can't forget that one lie
that she had told me

it was only one
but a big one indeed
I thought she was someone else
but that was just a lie
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
I don't miss you
I miss the memories
The smiles and laughter
That you gave me
You're smart
And funny
But you weren't
Made for me
needed to write
- Sep 2013
I can be your punching bag
Or a shoulder to cry on
All those tears you cried
I can be your perfect girl
Or the mess you seem to be
If we take a step forward
We can rule this world
Whatever it takes
You know I'll be
Adjusting me
To be the puzzle piece
That you so desperately need
I would be anything for you
The best there is
Or the worst mess
Together we are a team
As long as you're with me
Then I'll be here for you
No matter what we
Seem to go through
I can't give up on you
You push me away
We used to be
Bestest friends
But now it feels
Like it's all come to an end
You're mean on purpose
It's the main reason I relapsed
I fell apart last night
I talked to you
While I was crying
You kept bragging
About your best friends
And my heart was breaking
Then you told me
That I was ****
And it's hard to believe
That you once loved me
You saved my life
But ultimately broke me
This cuts into me like a knife
We used to speak for hours
But now we speak a few times
Every other week
And I cannot sleep
Because of you
I see you in my dreams
It's the opposite of everything
Can't pretend I'm coping
I miss you so bad
Why did you have to act out
I lost so much, I lost
My best friend
You let it all
Burst into flames
And now we are the dust
On the concrete pavement
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
I wonder if I deserve him.
I wonder if my love,
Is good enough for him.
If my heart is pure,
And perfect enough,
For the one I love.

He's almost too good.
He's almost too fine.
He's so perfect,
Praying that,
He'll always be mine.

People say, love never lasts..
Seems like it's maybe a fact,
But I like this boy so much,
I want our love safe under wraps,
So nobody can interfere,
So that no one can touch,
What is ours.

I'm addicted to him,
and he says he's addicted to me,
But who knows..
What will be,
Will be.

He's the man of my dreams though,
I wanna hug him and kiss him forever more.
I never knew he'd mean this much to me,
But as I said and mentioned before,
What will be,
Will be.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Tick tock, tick tock
When will my heart

Drip drop, drip drop
When will my heart
Give up it's beat?

Dun dun, dun dun
When will I feel
Sane again?

My heart shuts down
When it malfunctions
My head pressures me
When I go through a meltdown
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
When sad, eat some cake.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
With every moment that passes
My love for you strengthens

It seeps into the smallest cracks
Of my foundations

You are the air I need
In order to breathe
On my own

Such an ace
Such a stud
I feel so lustful
I feel so in love
I feel so beautiful

You touch my soul
And my heart
Like no one else

You affect me more
Than decaying health

Your words weaken me
But not in a bad way
I love you deeply
Like a poet adores
His or her poetry

Like a lovesick fool
Loves the thrill
Of seeking out
The love interest
Which consumes
His or her bitter life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
So many feelings and emotions
Inside this heart of mine
Almost like a sweet poison
Eating away at my fragile mind
Numbing my soul and brain
Making me feel like
I made the worst mistakes
Of my entire life
Why must I be human?
And suffer such painful consequence
I know I deserved it but
None of this makes any sense
But it sure is weighing heavy
On my tainted conscience
Please help, I've lost myself
Not sure who I want
To activate my heart
Not sure what I should feel
Whether any of this
Is even real
Whether it's fake
Or not?
I guess I'll never know
Tears in my eyes
I feel I've done wrong
I can't help but cry
When I think of
What I have said
What I have done
I feel like a criminal
Blood on my hands
I feel like I'm paying the price
For all my sins
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Sticking by you
Is something
I will do
- Dec 2013
Holding a grudge won't help me much.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Can't shake this feeling off,
it's making me fall apart,
your love's gotta hold on me,
I don't know why, but I'm sad.

I gave you all I had,
but it was never enough,
you left and I had to bear,
all the pain and these tears.

now I'm crying, hurting,
don't know why I'm caring,
but you affected me,
I never wanted you to leave.

I want to be able, to hate you,
like everybody else I know,
but my heart has it's ways,
of making me come back for more,
even though you left it dying on the floor,
it's driving me so mad that I could cry.

I want to hate you, hurt you,
make you feel like I do,
but we all know very well,
that I could never break your heart,
even though you surely broke mine,
as well as breaking me in the process.

you ****** up my heart,
and I can't honestly take it,
you're just like a snake,
that bites and poisoned the victim,
how a person could hurt a girl so bad,
that is something I wish I knew,
because I sure as hell couldn't hurt you,
even though I wanted to,
when you went out and left me,
I wanted to stab and leave a mark on the heart,
who broke my heart and took it's shine,
drained it out and took it's pride,
now I'm empty inside,
as I see you,
with a smile,
upon your face.
Listened to the Mariah Carey song ''H.A.T.E.U.''
and I wrote this, as I was following the melody of the song.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
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