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 Mar 2014 -
Theia Gwen
 Mar 2014 -
Theia Gwen
The parties over
Time to go home
I guess I'm walking
The walk of shame all alone
Because I've been drunk for so long now
Intoxicated off of your love
And now I can see what a mess we made
You've had enough
You're just another addiction
Just another form of self harm
Because I'm just a grenade
And I'm the reason you're in this storm
And I'll live my life in guilt
Knowing that I hurt you
My pills will keep me company
Go find someone better, someone new
We had some good times
But we can't beat the truth
I'll just get over this hangover
Thinking of ways to replace you
I was on the bus yesterday listening to I'll Be Alright by Passion Pit and reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and I got the idea for this one.
 Mar 2014 -
Tammy M Darby
 Mar 2014 -
Tammy M Darby
I live a poet’s life in an anonymous plane
Unseen by those considered normal,
Unheard by those deemed sane.
The only proof of my existence
Dangerous knives of poetry in lines on paper
An alias moves the pen in my hand
That scribbles stinging, bitter words
About love, death and the atrocities of man

I am anonymous
Even my name is not my own
My thoughts are scrawled wickedly with intent on paper
For the masses to observe
At a distance my carnivorous demanding audience must remain
From physical contact with these dull creatures
I gladly refrain
Retreating behind a mask of stone
Beneath it a face that bears lines of great sadness
A frozen sculpture of a heart for many years entombed

So it is and shall always be
Truly my words are all you will ever see
Closing off the door to reality
With the stroke of a pen
To my invisible life I hastily return
I am anonymous

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
 Mar 2014 -
My Muse
 Mar 2014 -
In her perfect beauty
framed by a second while meeting her
her will to take her time
my need overwhelming
like a pocket watch ticking slowly
growing louder every second
her lips full of promise
breathing the same air
rhythm beats of her blood pumping
a sight beyond large or small
my mouth needs to wonder through her
she is my air

... to live is to need her

KT Mar 14, 2014
 Mar 2014 -
Megan Grace
 Mar 2014 -
Megan Grace
you are
fall and
for me
and so i
like the
 Mar 2014 -
Savannah Charlish
My body is aching to write some words
That seem to fit together
And make sense
Because there's nothing in this world
That's making any sense right now
 Mar 2014 -
Syddy Raye
I hate the world

Everyone who inhabits it annoys me
I can't take it any longer
I want them all to die
To leave me alone
The end of stupid people that bother me
The end to my suffering
I hate them all
I hate the world
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