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 Jun 2018 Nancy E Tracy

On the tips of toes
Long necks stretch to kiss the sun
Sultry Sunflowers

Some days you're thrown an I just don't know
Other days it's all right there
A glimmer of hope in which to cope
A fresh breath of poetic air

A constant loop as the dial slowly moves
In its never ending search for the truth
Some days you write the poem
Some days the poem writes you

From the ups and downs to the toss arounds
All  grate on a soul in time
But what's growing there inside your despair
Can pour forth in the perfect rhyme

Some days you find the inner light
Others you have no clue
Some days you write the poem
Some days the poem writes you

You can be more or less inspirationaless
Then your pen flairs with the finest finesse
The point that you make either blows them away
Or what you have to say is anyone's guess

Holding onto the theme of your color scheme
Being the brightest of hues
Some days you write the poem
Some days the poem writes you
A little inspiration borrowed from Guy Clark...
No one else, but a poet...can bring colors
to scenes...with verses, in crass or subtle
tones......gather words together in lines,
uncertain in their ebbing and flowing...
the results create surprise in many
hues that could make one cry,
grimace......frown......or smile

readers are led to far, or near the cool, sweet air
and peaceful atmosphere of paradise,  
or, to unlit corners...uncharted waters,
or deep into an abyss...or, a black hole,
an unknown corner, where moribund souls
are biding their time, maybe, they could
now define by themselves, purgatory and hell,
understand those sunken souls who have lost
all...except their arms, and begging eyes...
then, through appropriate words,
a poet paints a laborious path, or
a an enlightened reader
may climb back to safe, calm waters...

a poet makes the mind see a human heart,
beating in many rhythms...throbbing,
.......aflame with longing and desire,
bursting from ecstatic, sublime moments,
then, later on,  shift to grayish thoughts
that cut deep....tormenting...crashing,
............gnashing the heart...
a poet paints a soul walking on cloud nine,
later, to dip feet in celebrative pools.

sometimes, a poet would rather not, yet,
an inner force prevails, thereby paints a
drooping soul...dying, in total surrender,
ready to fall..............but, again, with a
barrel of lively-colored words,  a poet
takes this despondent soul to berth,
with soothing verses, bring it to a rebirth...
every human being is worth an effort
..............even those that have fallen
.........................are worth savin' .....

a poet's palette is uniquely
enriched with colorful experiences,
a poet paints life in its truest colors,
..........could be dark...or bright
.....nothing more......nothing less...


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    January 29, 2017
Busy humble bumble bees buzz and hum amongst my geraniums.
I squeeze past them as they hover
From flower to flower,
On my way into my electric blue
Kia Rio car.

At last the sun is out here,
Brightening up my garden vista.
Most days we have wallowed
Under a sea fret,
Feeling cold and damp
And annoyed
By news of record high-temperatures

But now it’s warm and sunny,
With Red Admiral butterflies
And my back-garden Abelia Shrub –
“Beauty Bush or Pink Cloud” –
Bedecked with light pink flowers
With their subtle aroma.

My days of sport have gone well
And I can sit back in my armchair
And relax.

Paul Butters

© PB 8\6\2018.
I love the Summer - when it emerges. Hope you all like my use of "buzz words". hehe
a good financial advisor
will tell you to ditch the credit card
for this little piece of plastic
can gobble you down hard

when you use the thing
monthly interest accumulates
so be very wary of the
bank's excessive rates

but some people keep
over drawing on the account
then they will have a
sizeable bill to surmount

luckily for me I got out of
my credit card mess
yet there are those who'll
ever be under much duress
 Jun 2018 Nancy E Tracy
Dewdrops On The Grass Sparkle
Like A Rope Of Diamonds

Another 10w Poem!! :) ~~~<3
Please Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~<3
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