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 Apr 2012 Miko
Among the fires, distance
once insurmountable wishing
memory into loving proximity


a soft fall, a cool glance and
stars from the sky taking
root in our hearts,
fanning out warmth


two hands of the clock
blinking past like sweet lash
and streaming like veins in
the arms of a forest


you say it feels off, floating
down from our heights and
it burns like a last but it can't
be, not yet, with years
more to find


I politely refuse to
give way, the
key to my heart resting
firmly in your pocket


and a smile from you
kindly seared into me
 Apr 2012 Miko
 Apr 2012 Miko
there is no breath when
you join my world, only
snug bundles of air ******
   between smiles

one of these days, I'm
living here
             listen (for me) like
people once read and
found reasons to grow
another few inches

(and to know) you
are the (fire's silver)


nobody is masterful
to the undoubtable "I
have a word for this", no
          someone should try


there is no breath, (no
pause) when you join my
              only a warped sense
of direction, a shift in gravity
joining, warming faces

do you feel me?
filled with verses, lost in words?


will we go together?

dream how the
days flame when you
join my world (and
    when you
            remember it)
warm and fuzzy feeling
I'm reeling this evening
in on a thread
of hope
 Apr 2012 Miko
who says love
has died?

he's alive and well, reading
a newspaper by the corner store

and shaking our world together (turn
to page 5)
 Apr 2012 Miko
Robert Frost
Love and forgetting might have carried them
A little further up the mountain side
With night so near, but not much further up.
They must have halted soon in any case
With thoughts of a path back, how rough it was
With rock and washout, and unsafe in darkness;
When they were halted by a tumbled wall
With barbed-wire binding. They stood facing this,
Spending what onward impulse they still had
In One last look the way they must not go,
On up the failing path, where, if a stone
Or earthslide moved at night, it moved itself;
No footstep moved it. ‘This is all,’ they sighed,
Good-night to woods.’ But not so; there was more.
A doe from round a spruce stood looking at them
Across the wall, as near the wall as they.
She saw them in their field, they her in hers.
The difficulty of seeing what stood still,
Like some up-ended boulder split in two,
Was in her clouded eyes; they saw no fear there.
She seemed to think that two thus they were safe.
Then, as if they were something that, though strange,
She could not trouble her mind with too long,
She sighed and passed unscared along the wall.
‘This, then, is all. What more is there to ask?’
But no, not yet. A snort to bid them wait.
A buck from round the spruce stood looking at them
Across the wall as near the wall as they.
This was an antlered buck of ***** nostril,
Not the same doe come back into her place.
He viewed them quizzically with jerks of head,
As if to ask, ‘Why don’t you make some motion?
Or give some sign of life? Because you can’t.
I doubt if you’re as living as you look.”
Thus till he had them almost feeling dared
To stretch a proffering hand—and a spell-breaking.
Then he too passed unscared along the wall.
Two had seen two, whichever side you spoke from.
‘This must be all.’ It was all. Still they stood,
A great wave from it going over them,
As if the earth in one unlooked-for favour
Had made them certain earth returned their love.
 Apr 2012 Miko
Thomas Hardy
at news of her death

Not a line of her writing have I
Not a thread of her hair,
No mark of her late time as dame in her dwelling, whereby
I may picture her there;
And in vain do I urge my unsight
To conceive my lost prize
At her close, whom I knew when her dreams were upbrimming with light
And with laughter her eyes.

What scenes spread around her last days,
Sad, shining, or dim?
Did her gifts and compassions enray and enarch her sweet ways
With an aureate nimb?
Or did life-light decline from her years,
And mischances control
Her full day-star; unease, or regret, or forebodings, or fears
Disennoble her soul?

Thus I do but the phantom retain
Of the maiden of yore
As my relic; yet haply the best of her—fined in my brain
It may be the more
That no line of her writing have I,
Nor a thread of her hair,
No mark of her late time as dame in her dwelling, whereby
I may picture her there.
 Feb 2012 Miko
Terry Collett
Don’t know where
she said

standing by the back gate
which backed

onto the woods
with the evening creeping in

and she having snuck out
of her house without

her mother seeing
looked quite nervous

and kept looking back
over her shoulder

as if her mother
may have followed

can’t go to my place
she said

or mine you said
they’re always there

especially this time
of an evening

what about the hay barn?
You suggested

looking at her eyes
blue cornflowers

and that smile
that could have lit

fires in dark places
and she said

don’t want no hay stalks
touching my ***

and she laughed
and you wanted to capture

her laughter
and that smile

and her bright blue eyes
and your youth

and that thinking
you had forever

and the monopoly
on truth.
 Feb 2012 Miko
Through the thunder nothing is heard
A shadow of a voice imprinted on the mind
The wind howls and masks their screams
Can one's own thoughts be trusted?
Not in search of, but finding oddities
Things that seem senseless
They fill the crevices left in dreams
There is no help for the silent
Mind tricks and sleight of hand
Say the words and life is lightened
One load at a time
 Jan 2012 Miko
 Jan 2012 Miko
Images swirling changing hues
memories fresh, me and you
kisses, looks, touches breathless
deeper meaning, crossing thresholds
mental snapshots changing focus
always brings me back to us
life stands still all around
while we tumble in a kaleidoscope
 Dec 2011 Miko
I awoke with a ribbon over my eyes and
The sunlight peeking through,
When I blinked, the gossamer, sticky sweet
Stuck to my eyelashes
To be pulled across the kingdom’s valley
And smiling mountains
All that which belonged to me.
This fictitious sunrise, a kiss to the sky
Chaffing my flimsy lips
As it slips lower.

And to breathe
Is to give up,
Letting it scream into the heavens
Letting it mist between my lips
Letting a sleeper dream with eyes open,
A wooden chord waits to be played
Between tame fingers
Too young to even wake.
The rainbows at the window clawing to get in
Cast shadows across my brow.

Tiny hands patting anything within reach
Let the ribbon slip,
A waterfall of silk streams down,
Petting my skin as it goes by.
It lets go of the melted beauty
Cemented to my lids
And follows the curve
Of the face it takes each day,
Back to the sunset,
A knife through the heart.
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