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 Nov 2011 Miko
Kirsten Autra
i feel so tired
there seems to be a lack of oxygen
have the demons all conspired
to make me their kin?
is it their whispers that sway my opinion?

i fight back the tears that my heart wants to release
i fight a battle of the mind, and all i want is peace
but it sickens me to think that i have this disease
so the medication seems to be working,
but the dosage is what they might have to increase

you don't know.
but thats quite alright.
it is mutual, and i don't think of you as my foe
please, i don't want to fight
i have the scars all over my body
that tell of past pain
and deep inside i know that i'm a druggie
use and abuse, just like any other ******

my heart feels as if it's sinking into an ocean
but inside i feel i have an inkling notion
that i have to fight this war
i have to survive through the bombs, and than even more
the swords pierce my flesh
i quickly wish that i was dead
but all of this, it's all just in my head

i keep going.
the words are continuously flowing.
and here i am, not even knowing--
what i am supposed to do next
when i feel as if i'm so terribly vexed
but to keep on keepin on is what is best
i don't even mind if i fail the test
we'll just have to find out whats left of the rest...

and i don't write these words for you to read
i write them because i feel the need
to let it out
before i turn into one of those demons;
to begin to scream and shout
for i do not want to hurt you
the way that i have been hurt
but even the most beautiful of flowers need the dirt

so i push my way up through the soil
all of the worlds gravity feels as if it's weighing me down
i am soon facing the hatred and turmoil
but i try not to frown
and i feel as if the smile is faux--
like the ones on a clown
painted up to decieve thee
all to make you think i am happy
and i am.
i am.

i am only human.
i am, and was born into sin.
i am no where near perfect.
i am an addict.
i am kirsten.
i am an enemy, but i want to be a friend.
i am bipolar.
i am living on the border.
i am faced with trials and tribulations.
i am prescribed numerous medications.
i am happy.
i am sad.
i am the words you are reading.
i am the smile thats so easily decieving.
i am the epitome of me;
does that have a meaning?

now the tug of war seems to be misleading
i am swaying from side to side
while others see my pain, i see them grieving.
but my emotions are what i try to hide.
i don't want to have to see them leaving;
i feel so alone inside.

i have a pain only i can feel,
and no, i do not want you to understand.
and no, i do not want you to walk in my shoes.
but won't you please take my hand?
help me forget all the past abuse...
 Oct 2011 Miko
Ash Duhrkoop
This is my only moment
Of lucidity.
I lie on this bed,
On top of blankets
And pillows
And the ghosts of my lovers.
And I see the room, in which I lie
On this bed.
I am aware.

But this is not reality,
This dream-state.
My body does not move the way
It should.
I am twisted,
And frozen.
But not cold,
The icy streaks
Which paint the cement outside
Have not taken me
As home
But I have forgotten that I have joints.
My hands and feet
Are backwards,
Connected to
Wrists and ankles
Which were removed,
When, I know not,
But replaced upside down.
Are they even mine?

I can see the lamp,
And feel its small light,
Like words,
Calling to me.
But I am paralyzed and cannot answer

I hear, too,
A howl,
Like the howl
Of one hundred
Lost souls
Of a generation,
Not looking to be found.
And certainly not in
Any sullen art.
The howl settles
Like white noise
Into my gray matter.
This drone holds the only truth;
Ploom ploom tra da da da

Watching from within the room, but outside of my body,  
I saw you,
The phantom.
For that phantom had
To be you,
And you,
The phantom, stood over my body,
In its paralytic
And he,
Ripped through the flesh
And bone
And grabbed at its sin.
And he, you,
Ate my tarpaulin colored
It was then that I knew
That is what fills our
No limestone,
We are afraid of our own
Nondescript insides.

Get down from that perch
Above my head,
You sit
Like a lead crown.
I wish to see you,
As you were then,
But also as you are now,
A figment of my subconscious.
I lose myself to my sullen art
And wish to sleep forever
In this dream-state,
In you,
My phantom,
My lead crown.
 Oct 2011 Miko
Collette Abatta
 Oct 2011 Miko
Collette Abatta
Too much reality for one night
Let me carry this mask
Let me hold it to my face.
I am proof--
Proof from all
(You cannot interject, I will not have it)
Drink absolute of my cliche:
The Answer is at the bottom of this chalice--
It is my grail , as I am frail
Limping toward Arthur
The lamb that he seemed
The trick more ancient
Than the landscape can remember.
 Oct 2011 Miko
Sarah Jane
To keep these thoughts to myself,
is the only option I have.
They collide painfully with others,
hidden by a silent front.

To let them free,
would be to ruin everything.
I am a prisoner in my own head:
seeing every scenario
played and replayed –
none of them mostly happy.

So I give a hint there,
hope you pick one up here –
A silent protest to a silent war.
And wonder what you think then.
But I already know.

You're as much a prisoner as I.
Like choosing a path in a dream
that turns to vapors and is gone
struck from the memory upon waking

And now,
it is all I have.
A faint memory of what could be,
and that of which, never will.
 Oct 2011 Miko
Laura Spain
A Stray
 Oct 2011 Miko
Laura Spain
Laughing as the dawn approached
She called to me from the shadows
“Will you follow?”
Dare I not?

I was once like them
Going on about the day
Until I ventured off the path one day
She caught me there, like a stray

She owns me now
It does not matter
She has my soul
My heart
My life
My love everlasting

Do I dare to follow her?
Do I dare defy her?
These questions I ask
Though I know not why

I’m already gone,
My mind wandering free
She has stolen me
And buried me beneath a tree

I’ll wait here forever more
For my life, my love, my heart
My soul
Forever more
 Oct 2011 Miko
Pablo Neruda
I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine
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