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Mubarad Salaeh Sep 2019
In the second I walk
at the secret boderland,
putative land.

Push my self
into emphtiness,
vastly released.

Unspoken any putative,
but what has assume
pursue every footstep.

Get lose many time,
still finding a way out
and did not find the path.

Eyes shut and pray,
to see a new things.
In the lost dimension.

I didn’t find anythings
except for putative poet
and you are reading.
Mubarad Salaeh Oct 2018
I have one word
To say out loud.
And makes everyone here knows,
That there no more sacrifice  
Will be happen.

Because you all are still egoistic
to each other.
And not even help poor people
That need help from you.
But only things
That you struggle for,
are dignity and wealth.

I am disappointing
To what I was saying before.
Everything still same, no changing.
And how this world
Will reach to the peace.
Because what all I have said,
You people assume as wasted things

I am disappointing
That I only could say it’s out
But can’t change anythings better.
Mubarad Salaeh May 2018
It’s near to midday
But so far to midnight.
She walks along the side road,
Lonely and no one around.

She wants to be a gunner, she thinks.
A skillful hired gunner,
But she didn’t hold a gun for a long time.

A gun she used to hold
Was a toy back to childhood.
But now she is thinking to be a gunner.
Yes, what you heard is true.

She used to shot her little brother,
But she was inattentive.
And she didn’t even know,
That was a real gun.

It was back to her birthday,
Her little brother gave a gun as a gift.
But that was unexpected,
A gun was a real one.

She just look at to little brother on her birthday,
With the gift she got.
And now, her little brother has pass away.

What she should do next,
In order to bring back her brother life.
It’s such a silence moment,
That scene stuck in her mind.

Every morning she woke up,
A nightmare never disappear.
To for got everything,
To for got a bad day she live.
She should turn herself as a gunner
And shot everyone in birthday party.
Especially whoever she knows.

She shots every single head in birthday party,
The truth is, no one was hired her.
But the devil was herself
That gently turn into dark side.
Mubarad Salaeh May 2018
Oh, my moon
I saw you standing alone,
Amid the cloud and sky.
Don’t you feel lonely
When there are no stars all around you.
In these hours,
You might sing to lull people on the earth,
And send them to bed.
But for me my moon,
I still look at you stand alone

Oh, my moon
Your smile are similar as my dear mom.
You look wonderful,
And you look happy than more before
As you made this world happier,
When the night comes into full moon.

Perhaps the happiness,
The moon I look is more heavenly than this,
The moon I look is shining in my eyes.
Blossom up in the sky,
And you made me fall in love in your beauty,
As what I have described all about you.

Oh, my moon
You are very unique of yourself.
As you are only moon,
That orbit around the earth.
You made me fall in love once more,
As myself could be fall in love with lovely women,
But that can’t compare the beauty of you.

In the darkest night,
Are there more appreciate than this,
To look and watched you
Down from the earth
To the highest sky you stand.
Mubarad Salaeh May 2018
I was happier than before,
That roller coaster in the park
Was only two of us.

You made this world look smaller,
Even there’re many of people going by,
Even there’re many stars up in the sky.
But one of all, you made this world
Like a castle for two of us.

I not go to talk more forward,
I would say in short words.
That the day and night
Would be in my mind,
Would be in my memory
Would be only we both.
Mubarad Salaeh May 2018
My mom told me to be a good boy,
But I am too young and naive
To do what Forbidden.

Outside the fence
I saw two mango trees
branching and blooming.
I would love them for all of my life.

Mango trees seemed to had short lifetime,
I watch my father slowly cut them down
Without any cerebrated

I watch my father cut the trees down,
The mango tree inside my house’s fence.
It grows and grows
As myself getting older

But so sadly,
I won’t see them grows anymore.
The only tree in our house,
Now then no more lively.

My father see the beauty of emptiness,
While myself love the beauty of nature.
Unfortunately, My mom didn’t tell this to father,
And we all forgotten, that we used to have mango trees.
Mubarad Salaeh Mar 2018
Whether you look deep from the iris
You will not find the truth in vague photographs
The sound of the past still haunts dreams

The battlefield takes life without exception
Even those who do not desire it must ******
The sound of guns embrace all
Another bystander, I mustn’t walk this way

I couldn’t be a soldier no matter how courageous
On the inside I’m overcome by the fallen corpse
The act is over but the ****** scene is more clear than ever

I flee into a coffee shop
I embrace the silence by talking to myself
My soul shaking with fear from the gun in my grasp

The server brought coffee without sugar
I turned to see a dead fly in my cup
Just another confrontation with death
If only I could swallow it away
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