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 Jun 2016 MrJoker
 Jun 2016 MrJoker
Walk with me through the storm beloved
Walk this long winding trail
Accompany me through the tempest
Through the onslaught of rain and hail

When thunder tries to shake us apart beloved
Let’s hold each other near
With you by my side when the lightning strikes
There is nothing I have to fear

The downpour is picking up beloved
But I know we will be fine
There is no storm I cannot face
As long as your hand is in mine
Your smile shone brighter than the stars did tonight,
and though these feelings are wrong, **** they feel right,
I'm so glad you decided, to come along,
you laugh was more beautiful, than every song,
my jacket now smells, of your perfume,
and the events of tonight, made my love bloom,
so thank you my dear, tonight was so great,
too bad this all happened, just a little too late.
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