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 Mar 2016 Monsieur Sleep
What a Disney shape
life is no circle
life has corners
for hiding
and pointy bits
for stabbing
not sure what shape
that is
a sharpened triangle.
 Mar 2016 Monsieur Sleep
I've seen it
I've touched it
I've held it in mind
I lingered in that cave
And left the world behind

Until it occurs to me
That  living was the goal
To experience every bit
Of pain and pleasure
As I suffer growing old

And so I gather happiness
And store it in my soul
Right above my sadness
And a handful of woes...
Traveler Tim
To share it with the world...
re to 08=17
I hate waiting,
but I'm the one who's always late.

I hate talking to people,
yet I often have the most to say.

I hate being ignored,
but want others to go away.

I hate feeling neglected,
though I forget those around me by letting my thoughts lead me astray...

I hate clingy people,
yet I find myself obsessing over you everyday.

I hate it when others try to get close to me, however, I continue to dream of having the chance to be close to you;
wishing that you'd stay...
2:30am thoughts...
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