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 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
Never mind
the boy
who's got his
in the clouds.

wrap up his
bury him

He hopes
to be
more than

he'd like
to be
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
My last few hours,
In the land of a week's refuge.
Bade goodbye to water towers,
Away with sunsets made of rouge.

Ready to fulfil a previous standing pact
To a life I left and put on hold.
I'll leave you in memories of retrospect.
An experience worth weight in gold.

As always I find myself in the driveway .
Standing all alone, in the dark.
Looking up at what does lay.
Spellbound as usual as the distant dogs bark.

I'm sending wishes into space,
Kisses to the dots in the sky.
Going to miss this place...
As the coming year would go by.

I'd long for you,
My twinkling lovelies in my nights.
Following hours would be through
You'd be replaced by city lights.

For now allow me to drink you to a stupor.
A feast I can't get enough of.
Let these minutes extend into forever...
Goodbye Darwin stars, you have all my love.
Time to go home.
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
It is believed that we came from you
I am no exception; I've been made the same
I'd like to come home now
I'd like to leave behind just my name

This/there is no place for me
Yet there is only one
A place within you
A venue graced with no sun

Time has come for us to merge
So Mother Earth
Won't you open yourself up
Swallow me whole and make it my last berth
Don't you sometimes wish the ground would just open up under your feet and swallow you whole...
Days swift hath flown
As a long storm blown
pain and joy few hath drown
even kings lost their crown

fortune and fame eludes few
sucess and love adorned new
Life for few lost without clue
Many a dreams lost as morning dew

Wars and terror held hearts in fear
Natures fury hath torn loved dear
limping hearts burden doth bear
failed ventures seeking dreams near

though many with us not
thank be to life we got
pain on gain love be not lost
Life lived a beating hearts cost

a time around the sun gone
Ups and down lifes song
though our way right or wrong
Lived and living a blessing in the year gone
Let us be thankfull that we lived 2014 for many we know are not with us let us be thankfull that we may see 2015
Happy new year to all in hello poetry
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