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Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Monique Olivier Dec 2014
If I had Audrey Hepburn's class and elegance, would I catch your eye when we passed each other in a morning rush?

If I had Elizabeth Taylor's eyes and body, would you stay a bit longer?

If I had the simple yet perfect beauty of Grace Kelly, would you wrap your arms around me at night and make me your princess?

And if you saw the lurking shadows and sensed the sadness behind my smile, just like Marilyn Monroe, would you leave me
all over again?
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Monique Olivier Dec 2014
in the middle of the night
when everything is at its quietest

i feel a tug at my hair
i feel a nudge in my side
i feel the pull of my hand
i feel a restlessness in my body

something is calling me
a distant land or perhaps a forgotten muse
something is calling me

and i cannot wait to answer
Dec 2014 · 547
here and there
Monique Olivier Dec 2014
My mind drifts in this abyss
And as it goes and goes and goes
I cannot stop it from touching those
Tender, broken, shattered pieces of what seems to be so hard to identify and erase from the mind.

My mind keeps on expanding
And as it goes and goes and goes
It touches those forgotten, dusty little corners and invokes a new set of flames in my heart.

The fire reaches the bones that keep me sane and i begin to transition into ash.
The wind picks up all the particles and scatters me
and there.

Finally, I am away from myself.
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Monique Olivier Feb 2014
He stays where he should be
He knows just how to shake me
Fate is not to blame
It all started with a red, hot flame.

He takes the glint out of my eyes
No longer am I in disguise
Fate is not to blame
It all started with the broken frame.

He kissed me on the hand
Politely, as if it was planned
Fate is not to blame
When he burns as vibrant as that flame.
Monique Olivier Feb 2014
I wish I could
Scrape the faults off
like old and worn paint
From the wall I created.

But my nails are worn
From fighting and climbing
Up these holes I somehow dig

As soon as I see light and breathe
In the sweet scent of your presence,
I slip.
I fall.

But I'm tired
and I can't climb again this time.
Not alone.
Part 4
Dec 2013 · 515
Love and other Clichés (3)
Monique Olivier Dec 2013
She eagerly brushes her fingers through her hair,
Pupils are dilating,
Biting of the lip but swiftly stops.  
She was told not to.
Why, she thought, why couldn't she just listen.
Or maybe she did that too much.
He isn't there to stop her and she hates him for that.
Part 3
Dec 2013 · 439
Love and other Clichés (2)
Monique Olivier Dec 2013
She couldn't look past lovers in the eyes.
When realising it, she'd set them free.
She found him,
and fell in love with his eyes.
When realising it, she'd never want to set him free.
Part 2
Dec 2013 · 774
Part of Eternity
Monique Olivier Dec 2013
I'd like to think that we are all stars.
Dead for thousands, billions of years.
But our souls are still illuminated.
And can still be seen over a course of time.

We're slowly drifting through the galaxy.
We sometimes fade, but are still there lightyears away.
Stars are reborn.
We scribble and dance our fate into the universe.

We collide. We fuel. We die.
We're part of history.
We're part of eternity.
Dec 2013 · 897
Love and other Clichés
Monique Olivier Dec 2013
She catches her throat in horror
And the scream escapes and shatters against the walls of his heart.
She embraces her chest in pain
And her faith starts to deteriorate with every tear that is not being catched
by him.
(Part 1)
Dec 2013 · 508
The Plague in my Mind
Monique Olivier Dec 2013
The words that come through my mouth flow from the very core of my soul
Afraid of you taking them, I hid them, forbid you to make your way here.
But I should have known, that your curiosity would have grown. (Mine would have too.)
Afraid of you running away, I held them close to my heart, waiting for any sign of depart.
It is hard, no it is torture, being inside of my mind, the plague messed with my thoughts.
And it prevents me from saying the pure words that flow from the very core of my soul, the things that come out is tainted by the plague that is inside my mind.
So please don't believe a word I say...
Nov 2013 · 575
Sleepless Nights
Monique Olivier Nov 2013
Bloodshot eyes,
undeniable pain behind them
trying to get through my skull
with my
fingterips, into my doubtful mind.
Just to take hold of it.
Just to get rid of it.
Nov 2013 · 816
Monique Olivier Nov 2013
When farewell is said
And no light is seen anymore
When you know sleep is not in the cards
And eyes are all shut around you
The world around becomes your own
Personal hell

You see dancing shadows against the ceiling
And your eyes are fixed on them, you try to follow their way
The smile of a wicked lover reflects from the mirror and it sends shivers down your spine
You hear the desperate shout of a woman
No one will be answering her
Not then, not now, not ever.

The man who sits there, night after night,
Paging through forgotten memoirs, with the dark soul and piercing eyes. He is the one who breaks your heart. With a ciggarette in his hand, he reminds you that life with the light on is just a hoax.

"The bitterness of dissapointed will be the persistant flavour in your mouth if you keep on believing there is more to everything around you." He says, "So go on, little girl, without putting any of your faith in that light."

He became your nightly companion. Said some wise words and made you think. Until one night he took everything with him.
The dancing shadows on the ceiling, the reflecting smile of a wicked lover and the desperate shout of a woman.
And finally you could sleep.
Can't sleep.
Nov 2013 · 537
Monique Olivier Nov 2013
You provoke the inner poet
You ignite the inner flame
You kindle the faith
You awake the sleeping moon
You move me
You inspire me
Nov 2013 · 427
Monique Olivier Nov 2013
When I feel reality slip away
With every breath I take
I grab onto every single word you said
Remember every moment together
Forgetting about it, is my greatest fear
It is the only thing that keeps me here.
Oct 2013 · 554
Ode to night
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
Oh Tonight,
Tonight I sleep alone
Sleep I will, but
Not willingly
Nor purposely
I sleep,
For there is no chance in
Gaining precious moments
For there are no way of
Saying words that were
Left unsaid.
Perhaps it is fate.
But I will no longer ponder
On what is done.
And so I will go.
Let the night fold me in his long
Awaited arms
And be there for I am no
Longer needed *here.
Oct 2013 · 362
just a thought.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
I know I can be your worst nightmare.
But believe me when I say
That when I look at the moon
I think of you.
Oct 2013 · 375
That night.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
You took my hand
And made me stay
Drew me closer
And made me smile

Oh how I love how we swayed
That night.
Without music, without sound
Only breathing eachother in and out

You closed your eyes
I closed mine
"Forget the world just for a while."
Oct 2013 · 516
She painted.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
She painted her face
Black and white stripes going
Going down.

Her finger paved the way to
Her heart.
Unspoken crimson twirls dancing
All night,
Dancing all night.

She traced her finger to
Her palm with a mauve
Intended design from the
From the start.
Oct 2013 · 384
Don't let me.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
Don't let me enjoy this moment
Where your piano fingers trace the back of my spine as though they are seeking the right key
to play
Don't let me find hope in your kisses
When you cup my face between your forever  giving
Don't let me stay with you for a while when
All I want to do is stay for a
long time.
Don't let me see you for a moment
If I can't see you a moment longer.
Oct 2013 · 1.4k
Black Leather Studded Heels
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
Fight the way
Inhale the smoke
Dance to the unheard
Melodies of the broken.

Take it back
Spit it out
Say you didn't care at all.

Black leather studded heels
Kick the wind
Out of the infamous given

Say you didn't care at all,
Say you didn't care at all.
Oct 2013 · 484
Ink on a page.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
His soul is scribbled on
A page yet to be found.

I heard it was tainted by
The kiss of the rain.

The page could be torn
But it could also be smeared
By the hand of its author.

Never will it be seen by the reader.
Oct 2013 · 8.8k
Cherry Blossom Tree
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
Take me by the hand
And lead me to
The violet Jacaranda tree
Where she took your
Heart and whispered
Sweet words into your ear.

You were afraid to come
Back here and show
Others the hurt
Some little girl has brought
Upon you.

She spoke no truth
When she left you with
Simple but painfull words
That ran through your
Mind at night.

Take me by the hand
And lead me to
The Cherry Blossom tree
Where you first fell in love
With me.
Oct 2013 · 425
Somewhere by the River
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
I ran to the river.
To seek someone's soul

In the city
There's only hunger and
Depression is beginning to take its toll.

Maybe they are all hiding
Somewhere between the tall trees.

But somewhere by the river
I heard yours crying.
Like white paper starting to crease.
Oct 2013 · 432
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
On a lonely night, a girl's mind pondered
On the boy who claimed he
Loved her.

She ran to his heart to feel the warmth but only found
Pain and no beat.

Tired and weary she fell asleep
In his arms.
She woke the next morning to
Find that he was still there.

His chin rested on her head
And she could feel his steady
Heartbeat underneath his shirt.
She smiled.
Oct 2013 · 519
I'll steal.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
I'll steal those tiny moments
When you smiled at me.
And tuck them away
Where no one will find them.

So that when my soul leaves
This world, those memories
will shoot up to the stars and
Be close to the embracing moon.

I'll steal those tiny moments
When you laughed with me.
And keep them safe in my heart
Where no one will find them.

So that when I close my eyes
And take my last breath,
Those memories will shoot up to the
Blue sky and its radiance will
Compete with the sun.
Oct 2013 · 384
So tell me.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
I find you
When I can't find anything else.
I see you
When I can't see anything else.

Your eyes have no beginning
And they have no end.
So tell me when will we start
To believe that there is
Something bigger than the both of us.

Your mind holds the happiness
I want.
So tell me when will we end this.
Because I can't stand the thought
Of not knowing.
Oct 2013 · 411
I'll wait.
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
Your eyes are the depths
Where I fall into
When you look at me.
And I wait.
And I wait.

Your smile is where I
Lay upon when the day has
Given me a frown.
And I sigh.
And I sigh.

Your touch is so cold but
Yet it reminds me of
The comfort rain gives me.
And I sleep.
And I sleep.

I wait for you to find meaning behind my eyes.
I sigh when you can't find the reason behind my smile.
I sleep when there is nothing else that can be done.
So I'll wait,
I'll sigh,
And sleep until you wake me.
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
Monique Olivier Oct 2013
Sold my soul to none
Told my tale to some
Held my secrets to tame
The flame that was madly

Felt the horror and pain
Melt to whatever brought heart
Smelt the desire of depart
With every tick of the clock in your

Read the letter of lime
Lead me to the end of the line
Said you'd be mine
For no longer than I've been

— The End —