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1.7k · Jun 2014
I hate that I don't hate you
I hate the way you made me cry
And the way I let you in

I hate the way I thought you loved me
Even though that's no longer true

I hate the way I told you my secrets and all of my problems too

I hate the way you knew about my brave shield and still decided to knock it down

I hate the way you gave up without a fight
Even though I know that's what you wanted

I hate the way that you picked now to let it out, at the time I loved you the most

I hate the way I believed you when you'd say you love me every night
And call me perfect even though I knew it was a lie

I hate the fact that you were the reason for the smile on my face
And even worse the tears on my cheek

I hate the way the last memory I have of you is the best we ever shared
Even though your intentions were far away from mine

I hate the way I still remember your little quirks
And you claim to remember mine

And the way I can still remember how your touch felt against my skin
And the butterflies I got in the pit of my stomach when we kissed

I hate the way you accepted my faults and I did the same to you
And the fact you were my first everything

I hate how every room in my house is filled with memories of you

I hate the fact we wasted so much time and the way you didn't give it a second thought

I hate the fact I know you won't change your mind about this no matter how hard I try

And I hate the fact you left my life without any kind of warning
And the fact I didn't have an impact on your life like you did in mine

But most of all I hate the fact I don't hate you, in fact you were the first guy I loved

But you know what, *******, I'm a diamond not a rock
Just broke up after a year, inspired by the poem read in 10 things I hate about you
815 · Jun 2014
I sit there with bloodshot, swollen eyes
A tear stained face
A trembling body
A runny nose

Look what you've done to me,
Is this really what you wanted
767 · Jun 2014
It's not so easy
Everyone says ditch them
But it's not so easy

They say they're not true friends
But it's not so easy

Some say they dwell on my misery
But it's not so easy

They ask why I remain friends with them
But it's not so easy

It's not easy letting go of all your memories

You see, all my memories are embedded in these people
So it's not so easy
463 · Jun 2014
You've made me have these feelings
Which I simply can't contain
Even though our relationship
Was simply so insane

The bed sheets on my bed remain
From the last time you were here
Which I know you may find gross
But it makes me think you're here

I look at my phone every chance I get
Just to see if you've left a simple little text
But my home screen remains empty
Which gets me slightly vexed

I know it's only been a day
But my feelings of you still come back
They linger around
Like a fly that you can't seem to smack

I sit her dwelling on the cute memories we had
Just like the time we shared a bubble bath
But I know that to you
It was a way to avoid my hidden wrath

You had me hypnotised
From the ******* that spilled from your mouth
The way you said you worried that one day I'd be gone
But you've just made us go further down south

Because lying is the thing that I simply can't stand
But congratulations as you've got the win
You have now gotten rid of me
Even though you remain under my skin

So go on enjoy you're freedom
Because soon you'll see what you had and sit there all glum
I know this is really ****** but I have to vent out somehow
241 · Jun 2014
Y'all smoke to enjoy it
I smoke to die

— The End —