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 Jul 2015 Mona
severed ties
 Jul 2015 Mona
there's a place at the bottom
of my swimming pool,
at the edge of my bed,
in the backseat of my car
& in the old church parking lot
that hold all my darkness
but they're just places
and when i leave them,
they don't follow me

i've realized that i don't
have to live inside of them

there is chlorine
that doesn't smell
like the summer we spent
wasted on tile floors
all over portland

there are sheets
that don't feel like
the rough skin on the back
of your hand

there are cars
with leather seats
that i don't feel nauseous
peeling my thighs off of

there are parking lots
that aren't vacant
parking lots lit
by street lamps
where no one can hurt me

there's a universe outside
the pain
where boys
with green eyes
are gentle

a universe
where he touches my
shoulder & i don't flinch,
where he whispers
"i like you"
into the still
scranton air
& i believe it

i lived
with my limbs
all tangled up in your hate
for so many years
but i'd cut off
every last one
before i'd wrap
them around you again
 Feb 2015 Mona
please, i beg you, take care of yourself. when your stomach rumbles, eat. when your eyelids droop, sleep. and when your voice quivers, find a comfortable spot and cry, cry your little heart out. but when you're done, dry your eyes, occupy yourself, and know in your heart that you are better than that. do not be sad, be angry. become a roaring fire and burn the memory of all those who have wronged you.
do not let the leaky faucets **** you. do not drown in a bucket of tears. light it on fire. pour it out. throw it. scream "*******" to sadness because you are so much better than it.
let it out, let it out, let it out, then be done.

because yes love, right now your sadness feels quite heavy but the truth is that it is just a paperweight. learn to turn the page.
 Jan 2015 Mona
 Jan 2015 Mona
this morning i noticed
in my bathroom mirror,
five small bruises on my left hip,
each one a galaxy of its own:
purple freckles over
black space,
navy blue swirls
under yellow stars...
and i thought
how pleasant of a human
i'd be
if you would
paint them
with your finger tips
each night
so that they never fade..
so that i never have to face
a day without feeling like
i have shooting stars
and comets beneath my skin
 Jan 2015 Mona
You want me to let you in?
To call off the guards?
To let down the walls?
So passionately,
want me to
stop fighting

so I will.

I will fall violently,
& freely
in love with you.

Just like you want me to.

And you'll lie in my bed all day,
while I try on eight different
dresses for my cousin's wedding

And when you leave,
I'll watch my skin shrink
as I lie
in my bathtub,
day dreaming
about the two small freckles
under the left corner
of your bottom lip

And the first time we argue
& you spend three whole days
angrily ignoring my calls,
I'll chain smoke
until my throat burns

And when you
finally decide
to show up at my door
with a vanilla latte
and apologetic eyes,
I will melt
into your collarbones
and all down your spine

And then we will sit
Indian style
across from each other
on my kitchen floor
& you'll tell me in
detail all your past lovers'
infidelities and unkindnesses
that led you to fight with me

And that will be it

That will be
the exact moment
when I will know,
without a doubt
that I am
completely & entirely

And I will cry into
your neck,
knowing for sure
that from then on
even the most passive,
mention of your name
will make my stomach float up
into my chest
& jolt back down
into my abdomen
like I'm falling
from the highest point
on a roller coaster

And no amount of
midnight drives,
house shows
or therapy
will make it stop
or even distract
my soul from it for
a ******* split second

once I allow myself
to love,
I love until I break &
then I keep on loving
until I'm nothing

And I just don't know
if your conscience
is strong enough
to carry the weight
of my shattered heart

tell me Hazel Eyes,
just how bad
you actually want me
to pick up that phone
 Jan 2015 Mona
 Jan 2015 Mona
I watched my best friend's eyes well up
with the burning words of his ex girlfriend;
I watched her trickle down his cheek bones
& all over his blue t-shirt;
I tried to wipe her away with my finger tips,
But I was too late.

She had stained him,
From head to toe he was drenched in her
And even if I had caught her
Before she even touched his skin,
I don't think I would've been able to keep him clean
Because my hands were ***** too
With the grotesque words
Of my ex boyfriend

So we'll just sit here,
An other year unchanged
A deck of cards
& a bottle of whiskey
In the space between our knee caps;
Staring into each other's pain,
Strewn recklessly over my bedroom floor

We'll just sit here,
Filthy together for an other year
Of scrubbing the wasted passion from our bones
 Jan 2015 Mona
Elijah Nicholas
 Jan 2015 Mona
Elijah Nicholas
Had I told the stars
What I felt for you,
They would fall
One by one
And follow me.
 Nov 2014 Mona
Kathy J Parenteau

Uncle Sam my hat's off to you
for ******* up the US of A,
creating debt that surely
we have no hope to repay.
The example you've set the
American people is a shameful
display of incompetence,
buy now pay later, and pay
you will, to me it makes no sense.
My job is based upon credit checks
believe me I've seen it all,
from doctor bills to college debt
watching the beacon score steadily fall.
Wake up America remember your
don't let politics
stick it to you.
For every dollar, there's something
to save,
don't be a fool sock it away.
When hard times surface, and
surely they will,
you'll have what you need to
pay your bills.
Excuses mean nothing
and the message they send,
we watch every day on CNN.
Promises broken
as we're led to believe,
casting our votes
to those who deceive.
Remember and trust what made this
great nation,
wasn't about debt,
but invention and creation.
When American's worked for Americans
and made in the USA,
meant billions of people united
paid their bills that day.
Why can't we just go back to that
give credit where credit is due,
if you can't afford it today
then debt will surely catch you

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 08/14/2014
 Nov 2014 Mona
I can hang my research paper
about mini gardening on my
refrigerator and hope that you
read it as you're
grabbing yourself a beer
and notice how thoughtful I am

and I can leave my type writer
next to my paint brushes, where
the tv used to sit in my living room
and hope that you will sit
on my couch and wonder
if I write about you
or if I paint pictures
of how flowers look
right after it rains

and I could hang posters of
Joe Strummer
& Charles Darwin
all over my bedroom walls
so that when
you climb into my bed you
think I'm interesting and smart

and I can compose 500 word texts
about how green your eyes are
then never send them

but that's more work than
I have the energy for this year
so I just won't bother loving you
 Nov 2014 Mona
i used to think that maybe if i just
swallowed enough of these pills
i could fill my veins with the
yellow pigment they held
so that when my skin opened up
i'd bleed the color of plastic toy trucks
and the sun on winter mornings
instead of bit lips and
tired, teary eyes
but the red never truly faded
until i stopped trying to change it
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