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 Nov 2014 Mona
panic attack
 Nov 2014 Mona
the scariest thought in the world is the possibility that I will never meet an other person who makes me feel as much as you did & I'll walk around forever with this hungry pit in my soul
 Nov 2014 Mona
 Nov 2014 Mona
i am sorry that i loved you
for so much longer
than i was supposed to
 Nov 2014 Mona
playing house
 Nov 2014 Mona
you lift me by the hips
onto your kitchen sink
and stand between
my knees,

you lay
your laughing lips into
my left collarbone
and i wrap my
arms around your neck

your hair is soft,
and auburn

i bury my nose
into your scalp

i am inhaling a
very familiar scent,
strawberries & cream,
a bottle for 3.99
i bought
on sale last week...

i pull away
in completely fabricated,
purposefully unrealistic awe,
"buy your own
******* shampoo"

your only response is to
throw your long arms
over my shoulders and
pull me into your chest
until i could hardly
catch a breath

an annoying beeping sound
brings us both back to
earth with a startling realization,
it's a monday
& the coffees done

i know life will not
always be easy,
i know love
will never be a solution,
& money will never flow
like kisses to my palms
but it's 7 AM
my ribs are already sore
from all the laughter,

they will ache all day
and each movement
that conjures discomfort
will remind me
of all the beauty in pain

so if this is playing house,
let me play
at least until
i've outgrown the game
 Nov 2014 Mona
Take My All
 Nov 2014 Mona
I wish to spend the rest of my time kissing you with kisses so divine, they recognize your skin from another lifetime and dance around your eyes in perfect unison.
I need to know how you were made, what made you who you are? And so I trace your every line and mark your every flaw. I never saw a man so beautiful.
Take my kisses, take my wishes, take my willing soul. I will never from you part, if you will take my all.
 Nov 2013 Mona
I can't imagine how
having art under my skin
makes me *****,
but I can imagine how
lacking art inside your heart
makes you angry
 Nov 2013 Mona
I shut off my phone
I locked my bedroom door
I closed my eyes
for as long as I could
but life didn't disappear
 Nov 2013 Mona
camouflage days,
how easily you fade

the sun hides
from the pressure of time
and change is left invisible
 Nov 2013 Mona
 Nov 2013 Mona
will work for sleep
an insomniac & her cardboard sign
wandering around in her mind
at four in the morning
 Nov 2013 Mona
they say those
who don't sleep,
but maybe
those who don't sleep,
see what is actually there
while dreamers
distort reality
every night
and wake with
some mythical sight
 Nov 2013 Mona
I think when we describe our depression,
we tend to leave out the
less romantic parts.
We paint images of us crying in the shower
and lying awake at night.
But we skip the parts
that don't look quite as nice.

Like, that time you
smiled at everyone
on the way down the street
but as soon as you
reached the cross walk,
your ears began to ring.
And here you were,
holding your arms
across your ribs,
"You're just exhausted.
Let the cars stop moving.
People are watching."

I guess it's just not
as beautiful as that other stuff.

Perhaps the difference
between reading depression
in a poem,
and seeing depression
in a person,
is like the
difference between
watching someone smoke
a cigarette at a cafe in a film,
and watching someone smoke
a cigarette at a street corner
on your way to class.

Art shows us the pretty spiraling
smoke that forms above the smoker's skull
but it skips the deep cough that
plagues her just a moment later.

So, as it goes,
everyone wants to love
that interesting
and stunning
broken soul
Everyone wants
to be the one
that gives that lost
a home
But as soon as
they realize,
broken means
It means
glass pieces
that will cut you
and tears that
will rush over
your floodgates and
soak you completely through
They want to run away...

Kinda like the kid who
saw that gorgeous hipster
smoking in
some *******
indie film,
inhaled a cigarette
of his own,
felt the sting
of clean lungs
as they fill with smoke
& put it out...

They'll taste the
pain on your lips
and put you out

That's how you know,
they're not looking
to know you
They just wanna say
they healed you
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