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Hey Thanks,

Thank you for the long talks on the phone,
Thank you for all those fights and arguments,
Thank you for all those times we yelled and swore at each other,
All those times you said we where done.

Hey Thanks,

Thank You for staying after we fought,
Thank you for never giving up on me when everyone else has,
Even though I'm a big weight to carry.

Hey Thanks,

Thank you for giving me hope,
Thank you for giving me meaning again,
Thank you for making me a better person.

Even though we talk less now,

Hey Thanks,

Thank you for loving me.
I thank you for being the greatest gift god has given me, I pray we can fixed everything that we have wronged, and become that same happy person when we started talking.
 Feb 2014 Mia Eugenia
I feel sorry for you,
I know all you really want is someone who will listen.

I can see the dark clouds hanging over your head, casting blue,
But you put on a mask and walk around like your on top of the moon.

I hope you find someone who will care,
Even though we both know that I'm the only one who understood.

But you played the game, and you didn't play fair,
I feel sorry for you, because no one would've loved you, like I could.
I'm sorry, but it's over. And I feel so sorry for you.
Out of all the people
it's you.
I feel like I regret it
more than I should.
 Jan 2014 Mia Eugenia
 Jan 2014 Mia Eugenia
I tried to
make a playlist
of all the songs
that reminded
me of you
for the sole
purpose of burning
them entirely
and listening to
the rest in peace,
but I realized
every single one
was laced with
your name
so I ended up
burning everything
to the ground
and it still
wasn't enough
to get you out
of my head.
 Nov 2013 Mia Eugenia
Emily Tyler
And I wish you would know that
I know how you feel.
How I know what you've been through.
And how I've been through it
Because then we might talk,
Shattering unscratched glass with the first sentence,
"What did you get for Number Seven?"
You would say, "Negative eleven, just factor..."
Maybe one day you'd text me and
Ask what the homework was
Because our teacher didn't tell you
From when you were sick.
And eventually, after tons of small talk,
After "How's the weather?"
Got old,
I could finally tell you
That I know.
I'd tell you that
I'm here, not the fake kind of here,
Which sounds like,
Not like that.
But the kind of here
That asks what ****** about your day,
And sends you links to cat videos,
And the kind of here
That texts you at two in the morning
And asks if you're alright
And doesn't take yes for an answer.
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