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341 · Nov 2013
Silver Lining Nov 2013
I spent most nights of the summer
Laying in the middle of my floor
Sobbing silently
Screaming your name as my family slept

I miss you..
You left so suddenly
Now it's just emptiness
This time of year is always hard..

Thanksgiving was you're favorite
Mom let you eat anything
Despite what the doctors said
Two days a year..

Little smokies once a year- just for you.

But that year..
You left ten days too early
To be able to taste them


330 · Mar 2016
Too Fast
Silver Lining Mar 2016
Over the years I have realized that I do not know how to love slowly
Or carefully
I fall for someone instantly
I'm just good at hiding it, at acting like I have a normal level of admiration for someone given the time we've known each other.
But that is not me.
I throw myself into situations, knowing that it could go up in flames.

But the threat of being burned does not out weigh the excitement of feeling the heat.
324 · Feb 2016
Silver Lining Feb 2016
I push and push until people give up on me

Then I sit and wonder how I could ever end up feeling this alone
324 · Mar 2013
A friend
Silver Lining Mar 2013
No one ever knew
They never saw
Not through the mask of smiles
and laughs
They just kept going on

Until this year
I met you.
You saw right through the mask
You saw the hurt and tears in my eyes
The ones that everyone looked past

So what made you glance back?
And ask?
322 · Dec 2013
Let's Try This
Silver Lining Dec 2013
Words are so incredibly powerful
complete strangers can make
each other feel so loved
or so hated
A few simple words
can make or destroy
someones Day
someones mood
someones self esteem
And what do we do with this power?
We tear each other down

In 2014, let's try something new
Let's use words in such a way
to build other up
To make sure that people know they are loved
Let's leave hate and anguish in 2013
It's simple really
Be kind to those you don't know
Be kind to those you love
Be kind to those who have been nothing
but hateful towards you.
Let's work on ourselves.
Let's be lovely-
It breaks my heart to see all the hate and drama that happens everyday, all almost always it started with someone who was maybe having a bad day, so they were unkind to another- which put that person in a bad mood and it's just a cycle of hate and anger that keeps going. Let's try and fix that this year.
320 · Jul 2013
I wonder..
Silver Lining Jul 2013
I wonder,
How awful must it be to be a danilion?
They are so hated when alive.
People poison them.
Cut them down.
Throw them out.

I wonder,
How awful must it be to think that the only way you could bring a smile, was by dying?
Silver Lining Mar 2014
Melt over my body
Scotch my skin
Peel away the pain
By adding a new sensation

How did we get here?
Crumpled being on the tile
Unable to rescue themselves

Maybe you're right
Wear me out
Wring me dry
Hang me out on a line.
313 · Apr 2014
Mental Monsters - n
Silver Lining Apr 2014
Mental* monsters that rule our minds. They whisper, taunt, and cry. Never leaving a moment of peace in ourselves. We put our happy thoughts up on a shelf. Protection. In hopes of resurrection. Mental monsters turn to silver. Hard cold and clever. Step on one and she will show you. Now she's all you'll listen to. Take another in your hands. Give him a stage so he can dance.
He'll leave reminders of the metal monsters everywhere...

And now we're all scared.
I know I am.
308 · Dec 2015
Silver Lining Dec 2015
Who would have thought that breath would ever be something that you have to focus on to make happen

Yet here I am, holding my breath because I forgot to think to exhale

I can not get enough air in and it feel like a block of ice is on my chest holding me down, freezing me out. I feel like I'm drowning but there's no water in sight.
302 · Sep 2013
In a room
Silver Lining Sep 2013
Have you ever wondered how total silence would feel?
Would you feel at peace?
Would you feel suspended in space?
Or would you simply go mad with only your thoughts echoing?

Imagine a room with no distinct color, no smell, no sound.
What would you hear?
299 · Dec 2013
Finding Your Way
Silver Lining Dec 2013
Use the map
That's printed on my body
If you want to find me
If you want to know ME
If you want to know my feelings
Follow the map

Follow the signs
And the trails etched on my being
The marks or construction,
And the marks of destruction.
Follow the map that snakes up my legs
And across my hips
Follow the map to find my soul.
294 · Jan 2014
Jane Doe
Silver Lining Jan 2014
Maybe this is me lashing out
In a way I never could
I can't yell or scream
I can't hurt you
So I hurt myself

I do something that I wouldn't do
I don't want to be me anymore
Maybe that's why
But now all of this is going down
And everyone's freaking out

They want to send me away
Lock me up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad
I wouldn't have to be me
I could be anyone
"Hello, my name's Jane Doe."
290 · Feb 2014
The Truth About Us
Silver Lining Feb 2014
We all say that society is ugly
But we all have wished to look like her.
287 · Dec 2013
Silver Lining Dec 2013
What you expect:
                                  ­ y
                       ­  e
Obvious steps, one at a time until you're at the top.


r     c
   e         o
r       v

You don't really know if this is even what you want. You crawl up a few, only to come crashing back down in an endless circle of hate.
Addiction is not an easy thing to just "get over". And in reality, there is no such thin as full recovery- you may be IN recovery, but you still battle the same demons every single day, second and with every tempting thought.
277 · Dec 2013
Silver Lining Dec 2013
Curled up in a ball

You try to be so small

Trying to hide so the voices can't find you

But they start up, right on que

Lay your head down, and go to sleep

But tonight you won't be counting sheep

Count your flaws, stay up until your done

Mark them all down, one by one

Such a beautiful child you were suppose to be

But then came the pressures of society
271 · Apr 2014
Silver Lining Apr 2014
It's so easy to be happy with you
                     To smile

It's so easy to feel better with you
                     To feel alive again

But of course- you can't stay
                     I know that

I want to feel this way on my own
                      When it's late

I want to feel safe when I'm alone
                      I will not be dependent

What would you do if you found out?
                     I hope you never do

Because those few hours of safety
                     Are keeping me *alive
It's stupid to say this I know- but he really is amazing. And I want to feel the way I feel when I'm around him all the time.
253 · Nov 2013
At a loss of.. Emotion.
Silver Lining Nov 2013
I write when I am at a loss of words.
When I don't know how to express how I feel.
When I can't tell someone why I'm crying-
Because I don't know myself.

When I am at a loss of emotion..
I write music.
I pound away on the piano.
Which I find funny because-
I've never taken lessons.
I can't read the music.
I feel it instead.
Replacing emotion with music so I'm not so-
Utterly empty.

— The End —