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6.2k · Oct 2014
The Romantic Sins
Md HUDA Oct 2014
You are the brainteaser for what all the intellectuals have become somnambulist
Still you are inconclusive;
All the linguists have become asinine
Since the language of your eyes are indecipherable
Every single iota of your heart is a nuclear
And all men are in love with nuclear
When they burst, burst in silent
You are the only cloud
that brings rain in the heart
For you all sins seem Romantic
And all catastrophes are Dramatic
All lovers watch, and remain as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
Taken from king James bible
5.7k · Sep 2013
My song of adolescence
Md HUDA Sep 2013
Soon  I will be done with the ledger of my adolescence
The sun is still in his puberty, though older than me
The moon is still in her perfection, a blessed queen
I have bejeweled you with the sweat of my love
And have garlanded your beauty with rubies and pearls….
Today you are the ocean of love,
And I the sunny heat of summer.
You came that day, Expecting for your arrival
Sun poured shower of anguish on my amethyst Panjabi
Out of the blue You appeared like an expected spring
In her colorful curcuma domestica costumes.
Your locks  under the veil of spring’s yellow umbrella
Still counting the days, the nights, the ongoing time,
Sometimes my heart in quest of a Time –machine….
We took  the weight off our feet under a Blessed tree
I touched your hand joining my two palms
The cold current of  spring was soaring  there
My ill-fated heart could not Kiss your "Petals of Blood"
I drowned, I drowned in my own made ocean……..
curcuma domestica - yellow
5.4k · Jul 2014
Love made me beggar (15W)
Md HUDA Jul 2014
I was crowded by the beggars

One of them said," Lovers are the melancholic beggars".
3.5k · Dec 2012
Mystical Severe turmoil
Md HUDA Dec 2012
Without you how I can remain well
My heart is in mystical severe turmoil
The heart is burning like a mosquito’s coil
Or like an egg full boil or half boil..
My love, come to me pour the rain of love upon my heart
How can I wait as Things Fall Apart
Since you depart
I started to follow love flowchart…
Even …. Even … Even…
The lovebird and the rose of love had left the Eden..
Joyfully expressing how the feelings are from her departure...
3.4k · Dec 2013
A dead pigeon
Md HUDA Dec 2013
I seized a colorful pigeon on my palm
And I started to engrave the story of our love in its feathers
It flew away to orate our love
And in the night I met him in my dream
He was dead, and said “This is how the society deals with love
2.8k · Jan 2013
Eterno salsa and Musica...
Md HUDA Jan 2013
Heart’s eyes are more dominant than our eyes
It can gaze far-flung beyond the skies
Where the heaven lies…
Where the Angel stays
Where the Torrent  engages in recreations
Where the eternal bird chants
Where the heavenly rose shows its salsa
Where the leaves making love with each other crafts a fascinating musica
Where the sun can’t go moon can’t smile
Oh heart! Oh heart! Take me, Take me
Bear me aloft, Bear me aloft
Let me fly on your eternal wings that can fly an infinite mile…….

Md HUDA Jan 2013
Hey flossy! Don’t offer this smile anymore
Mysterious smile torments the heart
That smile raises up the thirst.
If you agree to surrender all your mysterious smiles to me  
In return I will return your love with the usury of love
And with time’s compound interest rate.

If you turn down to surrender your smile
Then know the consequences of it,
Taking incalculable stars as my co – operator
I will abduct the  celestial curve moon on the land.

Hey belle! Don’t turn your face away
Tell me,
You will be the reason of how many wars,
And the cause of scrimmage amongst the juveniles?

If you don’t pay attention to me today
Then know it, You spectacular lady,
In the theater of mysterious smile
I prosecute for the execution
Of your heart snatching smile….
2.5k · Oct 2013
You are my Ruya
Md HUDA Oct 2013
Imaging you when you were a school girl
Mini- sarong, small white shirt
A bag jam-packed with books hanging on your shoulder
Tiara in head, and two queues like two small dark snake
And those long eye petals highlighted with collyrium
Your two sapphires fluctuating in deep Blue Ocean
Impish humming birds were humming with their assiduous tongue,
to get your attention.
Let the Almighty curse their tongue was your supplication
Walking in two fickleness legs, licking an Ice- cream
Bewilderingly, you became my “A Midsummer night’s dream”.
Each second I encounter you in my Ruya
For years you are my Ruya.
Ruya(dream)- A turkish word
Md HUDA Jun 2014
Take your seat
Your love gifted me thousand buckets of memories all are smeared with tears
Drink the caffeine-tears I shed for you
I want to know the feelings of lacerating me that you nourish in your heart,
I am trapped in your love
Like a fly trapped in a spider’s web
If you are not a picaroon, if you are not a sorceress,
If you are not a heart breaker, if you are not the heart snatcher
If you are not the birth giver of my poetry, if you are not my chimera
Reason of my all phantasm, if you are not an oath breaker
Then you are not my woman.
For you my poems are the best caffeine that you might ever have….
2.0k · Oct 2013
The Huckster Of Love
Md HUDA Oct 2013
I am the huckster of love, bibulous in love
She is my bijou, she is my billow
She is my Hob-goblin.
At dead of night she called me
I fell into oblivion
She came off with flying colors
I was impressed by her green eye
She was a pack of lies
I sailed, I sailed under her false colors
I sailed, I sailed under her false colors
These are the hows and whats of my love
Waiting to pay the debt of nature
Waiting for the call of my creator
Living to write my swan song, living to write my swan song
Expecting to write it ere long, expecting to write it ere long
I am the huckster of love, bibulous in love
She is my bijou, she is my billow
She is a hob-goblin.
Huckster of love- the man who travels around with love
Bijou- jewel
billow- grave sea
Hob goblin- Naughty fairy
Swan song- the last work of life.....
Md HUDA Feb 2013
When I will embrace your chest by my chest at that time
You will comprehend how mature my love is
How lukewarm it is
When my lips dancing up and down will utter the word “love”
You will realize lips that never lie
How many drops of rainwater can make you soggy?
My one stroke of lip kiss can do more than that…
When you become the subject of my poem
My pen starts to dance like a new born baby does seeing his mother
My page is never touched by the vilest caterpillars
When they come to do the sting they find you are laughing in my poems………
Md HUDA Jan 2013
Your memories breathe with the breath of mine
It will breathe until the rays of sunshine…
In your absence nature has become my lover
Birds become the singer
The drops of the rain have become the drummer…
And I am the only listener…
The army ants bite me instead of biting the earth  
They are enjoying my flesh but I don’t sense the pain
Your memories are killing me harder than those army ants….
1.8k · Nov 2013
Teach me my love
Md HUDA Nov 2013
I become motionless when I look at your Azure –grave mystical eyes
My love I don’t know how to swim.
I am an Illiterate, love makes me so
You the mystic lady,
Taught me how to deceive this deceitful world without deceiving…
Don’t trust lady, separation is the only solution
When everything fails Death receives the admiration…….
1.8k · Jun 2013
We are out of Eternal bliss
Md HUDA Jun 2013
We are out of eternal bliss
Let me kiss the mauve like lips
Let me kiss the cheeks like new born petals
We are out of eternal bliss

Let me lie between your two malleable hills
Oh my love! My love is out of eternal bliss
Your body- where the pearls are dancers
The pigeon’s hairs are your hairs
Let me go to meet my maker! Let me breathe my last breath! We are out of eternal bliss

I want to feel the feelings, you feel for me,
The rhythms of my lines are calling thee
Sing the heart-beat song that transports me
The rhythms of my lines are calling thee

Open your closed eyes, afraid not- the eyes of the heart are fliers
Our fortune is unfortunate we are out of eternal bliss!
1.8k · Nov 2013
Dangers Have no shadow
Md HUDA Nov 2013
If you read my poetry my love
For they are conquering bereavement
To bring you back, my words are arranging a court of river
To sail you on the court my pens are breaking down and turning into a boat….
For you my love, I have learned dangers have no shadow
If a tragedy closes a door, it also opens a new door
For a memory is lost by another memory
Though you will live in my poetry century after century……
Md HUDA Apr 2013
In Inferno, in a lurid inferno, smell of the dead bodies
Extreme lustful, famished, ferocious, poisonous worms are in a procession of merriments.
Swarthy, in grave swarthy, a sightless life, listening only lamentation
Coming, someone is coming towards me to help but no intention.
Having seen the face of light very little light, Brother, listen to me, “we are two souls in one.”
I see death through the death “Will you save my son?”
“ Oh Mom, why are you lamenting? Why are you smacking your heart? I feel pain for that
May I get a few drops of water? I will not beg yours milk, I am not frightened by death.
From an Inferno I have witnessed another inferno
Swimming in the ocean of blood instead of crying, I am the bravado.
See mom- no tears in my eyes; get up mom to see your child’s face
You came alone? I can’t find my father’s face in this death’s race.
I will sleep mom, I will see the world through my death
In the eternal world I will call you “Mom” this is my eternal oath.
In Bangladesh an 8 storied building collapsed and more than 4 thousand people were working in that building. Thousand people died and 2500 were saved. A mother died while she was giving birth of a child in that inferno. Before the child could see his mother he died as well.
1.5k · Sep 2013
You appeared in the pipe
Md HUDA Sep 2013
I never smoked
Since you left me to bestow me rigorous ache
I pressed one pipe amid my two lips
Then I was about to lit the pipe with a gaslight  
All on a sudden your face emerged from the pipe
I stopped! Tell me how could I burn your Beautiful face?
1.5k · May 2013
What a beauty she can make
Md HUDA May 2013
She comes, and she goes but she never stays
She looks, she smiles, but she never speaks.
I look at her; she is a beauty of forever,
She brightens the way like a shining star.
She walks like a snake sweetly,softly and silently
her open hair flying in the open air
I know, does she know?
What a beauty she can make!
1.4k · Apr 2013
The sins are ruling
Md HUDA Apr 2013
She is standing in front me,
And above her the celestial moon is shining
I can’t see, I can’t praise two beautiful creations at a time.

The moon is getting older, still she is the same
Moon your beauty is constant, my beloved’s one is variable.
Let me see her, she is changing.
Her beauty is decaying
Over her the sins are ruling.
1.3k · Apr 2013
Return the screw of my heart
Md HUDA Apr 2013
She unlocked the ***** of my heart
Without taking my heart she went away
‘Come, come this heart is for you'
She went away and never came back.

All the lovers are busy in loving
And I am still in search of you
Love me or not return the *****
Let me live and let me write for another woman…….
1.0k · Dec 2012
séquelles de amour
Md HUDA Dec 2012
Oh !Do not love
If you do not have the ability to solve the aftermath of love….

— The End —