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 Oct 2016 Martin Narrod
i have survived
i have survived a father's voice like thunder;
handprint lightning flowers petal over my skin
like i am a garden to sinners-
adam and eve call my grassroots their home and hum lullabies-
i have survived
pros and cons of
clock-ticking therapy sessions where money is thrown at my gaze,
fixed on the wall,
dollar-a-second drumming fingers
screaming so loud that heaven shuts the blinds and hangs a "closed" sign on the door.
pros and cons of
stumbling home,
under a murky peerless crowd of smoke,
slurring words trail around and behind me like moths to a porchlight.
morning headaches,
angry adults
damaging drywall and breaking family portraits
exhausting search for answers
exhausting search in a silence that lengthens the disconnect from child to mother
where your mind goes red and the honest truth that stays stuck to the roof of your mouth falls out
where you become an overflowing mailbox and your hands shake
the absence of parents who never taught you to hold your tongue
i have survived
i have survived the specific type of loss that you feel in the pit of your stomach
the one that lies next to you
when you stare at the ceiling and your face hurts from crying
tears scrub your eyelids raw and you promise,
"if i ever make it through this,
i will never be here again."
i have survived giving up,
taking it all back, throwing it all away,
parallel structures of contemplation and decision
i have survived
angry storms of abandonment, melodies of the lonely and the hurt
i reprise to the ones that add injury to insult,
you are not the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
i echo choruses to the people that force me to grow up at sixteen
i have destruction embedded into my neurotransmitters
i have shooting post-traumatic pain in my memories
i have survived
a hell that your hands are not stained enough to touch.
i assure you,
my love,
i will survive
you as well

This is my end
surely this is
the end of it all
all I know is here
and though I am
young this is the end
of life as I know it
now and soon I will
see my home no more
for this is my end
here where I shelter
from all I cannot
think beyond this ending
surely the end of all
I know is here
and will be gone

(after a cine still from 1930 of a St Kllda woman)


house above the hut
of shadows holds itself
against the relentless wind
on so open a shore
islands and inlets beyond
reasonable number stand
before its policies
its promontory land
Up on the third floor
light fills every corner
expelling its shadows
to the hut held
within its sight


slowly the darkness
reveals less than
a shadow thrown
against a plastered wall
inside silenced from the wind
an image grows as the eyes
succumb to less than light
used to looking Suggestion
and the memory of outside
supply the rest

(two poems connected by Chris Drury’s Hut of Shadows on North Uist)


following footsteps
crisp in the sand
hour-fresh from tide-fall
now the shadows form
in the weight of press
the imprint mark
different with every
fall of limb and claw
the 3-pronged bird-foot
the sandaled human
step singular one
before another after
another until perspective
conceals and merges
into distant sand


silence suddenly
the ringed plovers
hold their breath
then chorus
a chirping as they wade
together in their own
the water like glass
at their feet
movement that light
hop for a few steps onto
a slight but sturdy island

tweet then terweet
inflected upwards
a questioning call


the taste of salt sea
in the mouth
the touch of water
thick sea-water
on the legs between toes
the sharp cold plunge
immersion envelopment

sunlight throws a cascade
of bright steps across the sea
gradually merging into a band of light
ablaze on the horizon
at the base of distant Monarchs
a silhouette of massed rock
rises from the sea crowned
by static clouds decorating the sky
gentle white ermine-soft
These poems are part of a collection of forty-five written during July and August 2016. Thirty-six of these poems were written in the Outer Hebrides on the islands of North and South Uist,  and on Eriskay. They are site-specific, written on-the-fly en plain air. They sit alongside drawings made in a pocket-size notebook; a response to what I’ve seen rather than what I’ve thought about or reflected upon. Some tell miniature stories that stretch things seen a little further - with imagination’s miracle. They take a line of looking for a walk in words.
 Jul 2016 Martin Narrod
remember, start with

round all totals.

try not to lick honey
off of the honey

bear. avoid./
lucky glitch/ O

humble weather. the
coffee is too cold no

w that you've added mi
lk. in the morning I

emerge with my debit
card stuck to my thigh.

I move close to the
occupied port
of my kitchen sink.

haptic feedback,
chaos on max cool.

what are you doing
dying my judgement?

*see, it
looks like a mountain range
 Jul 2016 Martin Narrod
@ the end of the world
    summer is unbearable.

a man freezes water
with liquid nitrogen

and then, there he is -

bare feet and a six pack of
whatever is available

cooling off in a kiddie pool.
 May 2016 Martin Narrod
they make goodbyes
sound easy
when they're at your door
late at night
and they scream your
name like a warning
from the bottom
of the staircase
you leave them,
until apologies make
your tongue as raw as
those nameless boys
the one's with
smoky breath,
they write your name
to the skies
constellate it to their
forefingers and cross it
over their forehead
like a baptism
those boys with hands
that eat like worms
at the dying heart
of your feelings
no, they don't love you
only death can
love you,
nameless girl
with the
countless faces.
© copyright
I'm sick
I'm crying, sad but not dying
I need a release
Something to calm my nerves
A chill pill for my head
But something that works,
I'll roll up my cure and light it up
Inhale my prescription
To make the stress stop,
all my problems can be solved
And my anger will dissolve
Because there is no reason to hate
When I fall back
And self medicate
 Dec 2015 Martin Narrod
I am empty
I find as time goes on
it is as if my emotions were tied to me by a thread that has been cut and now I hold these feelings in my hand so familiar and yet foreign at the same time,
I know I should feel but I cannot
and I have found there is nothing more terrifying
 Dec 2015 Martin Narrod
Do you find yourself in need of
A State animal
or mascot for your home
well your search is at an end friend

You may think a lion is good
regal and proud
you may find yourself drawn to the otter
cute and funny
these may be good for a few
but I fear not you

Instead you should follow the current of the Jelly
Free to drift where they will
and hunted by very few
They have no spine but do just fine
And some are quite deadly
if you're into that sorta thing.
Just avoid
Sea turtles
ocean sun fish
And humans
The smoke looks like pillows surrounding me
As I exhale the negativity
That i see
And that I feel,
The numbing drug slows down what's real
It's like my lungs have been filled with warmth
A feeling of bliss that calms my soul
And as I feel the rough skin across my arm
I conclude that this pain is too old
So I'll light up my joint
A representation of the stress in my head
And slowly get the point
That all is well, forget this feeling of dread
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