I thought you had thrown in the towel 2 weeks ago.
HP, suddenly, went off the air!
Communicated with a few of my HP mates, Nat n' Stevo, Vix in England.....enquiring whether they thought this was so?
The universal horror that HP may be no more hit us all like a brick wall.
Truely amazing what an global impact your little poetry site weilds. What an impact you, directly, weild to a whole spectrum of worldwide creative people.
I'm sure, initially, you had no conception how this idea would mushroom. How much importance we would all place on your continuity to provide.
One day you will die....and with your departing soul shall fly the lamentation of a host of worldwide poetic tragedy, for we will all have lost something of immense and personal value.
My thanks to you for your inspired creation and your willingness, enthusiasm and sacrifice to maintain it.
We would be quite lost and distraught in a world without your unique and wonderful brainchild.
I felt it was important to let you know this.
Respectfully Sire.
17 August 2024