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 Jul 2016 Mark Lecuona
Please don't be pretty,
please don't be pretty,
please don't be pretty,
please don't be pretty* . . .

Hi, it's so nice to meet you.

*Ah ****.
(That's just lust, stupid.)
Another day has come
As the rolling stone comes with the stream
The thin crescent in the sky
Smiled upon the womb of clouds
Flow of joys outburst in the outside air
At the end test of gonna
As if the long waiting rain comes down
If you will come back

Everyone's gone fast in a chariot
Away the owl calls out in the way of dark
Light and dark playing on the canvas of memory
Rain song comes up on the track
Early at dawn woke up with that mystic song
Still I'm just Thee revolves
The moon and the sun
Together once stood
When the heavens were young
And the world yet good

They sang together
Across the blue sky
Of far off things
Unseen by the eye

In time however
They grew apart
No longer together
Of one shared heart

The sun grew lonely
The moon jeleous and bitter
As they took their turns
Setting the world aglitter

Long ages past
Infinite orbits revolved
Yet the two celestial's problem
Could not be resolved

The pain of loneliness
And that of regret
Struck the two bodies
Every time that they set

Tired and lonely
The sun reached out
And lended its light
That healing might sprout

And though together
They could never again be
They shared their light
Over both land and sea

That is why the moon
Carries the light of the sun
Long after it sets
When the day is done

And Ever do they sing
Carrying on that ancient tune
That once they sung together
United sun and moon

No, don't go now. Please
don't go now; the fog is creating ghosts
out of people and we're breathing clouds out of our mouths.
Tell me about that time when you held your breath
under the lake for six years and still survived;
tell me how if I do that, it'll never work.
I'm not a sea God
any more.


My knees tell better stories than my tongue
ever did, please don't; wretched hive harangues
the mind in a plague, can't you see I'm holding you down
and telling you you're all I ever wanted,
you're all I ever wanted; your head is the stuff of dreams
you're all I ever wanted; you can put your arm
right through me and only feel mist;
I am fog. I'm creating ghosts out of you.


Make it up to me in a rainbow of hues of grey;
at the end of it I'm holding my ribs open. I've never
been more colourful and sad at the same time.
You're the mirrors to my house; stay
has always sounded better than don't go

yet neither seems to work anymore.
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