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Mar 2016 · 503
Marina Avellani Mar 2016
When your high
Your unstoppable
Nothing can break you
Your indestructible
Nothing to bring you
down from the clouds
Then it wears off
Like all drugs do
You feel like ****
Everything around you is bad
Even the sunniest of days
Will look like a storm
Once your on that
Downward spiral
Its impossible to break
By this time
You can't speak
You can't ask for help
So you continue
To spiral out of control
Until you hit rock bottom,
and your alone,
and your numb,
and your gone.
Mar 2016 · 314
Marina Avellani Mar 2016
Remember me
Not for my failure,
but for my successes
Remember me
Not for my bad days,
but the good ones
Think of me
When you find yourself alone
Remember that
Those days will pass
Never forget
Who you are
When you lose yourself
You lose everything
Mar 2016 · 227
Marina Avellani Mar 2016
Remember me
Not for my failure,
but for my successes
Remember me
Not for my bad days,
but the good ones
Think of me
When you find yourself alone
Remember that
Those days will pass
Never forget
Who you are
When you lose yourself
You lose everything
Mar 2016 · 489
Marina Avellani Mar 2016
I am an only
Just one like me
My thoughts race
In the psyche
Which is me
I tell them all
"You don't know who I am"
Understanding me
Is like a black hole
Just the mindset
Of myself
Would send any normal person
Into a tailspin
So now i ask you
Do you want to know?
Mar 2016 · 294
Marina Avellani Mar 2016
Happy child
Where did you go?
Lost in the chaos
Of the world
Remembering the times
Of fun
Sometimes I wonder
If life is done,
But then I ruminate
On all that has happened
And remember one thing
Through it all
I'm still here
Sometimes I fall,
But get back up,
And then what
What is next
To my story to be told
My sheltered life
Never bold
Feb 2016 · 935
Marina Avellani Feb 2016
The tranquil light
In the quiet night
Allows me to escape
To take a break
The silhouette of the waning moon
Bring a sense of peace
To this wacked out world
Through the eyes
of a child to old for her age
A broken girl
Who stays unspoken
The silent girl
She has her dreams
She looks guidance
Her world is timeless
The night whispers to her
The illusion of dealing
with all her emotions
Leads to commotion
Her desperate devotion
To a night who never loved her back.

— The End —