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like glass falling to the pavement
like the expensive china buried in the dumpster  
an exquisite poceline doll at the mercy of a toddler
too young to apprehend it's true value
fingers soft and buttery it easily slips through
crashing instantaneously, bringing the whole world to a standstill
Sending across chilling thrills
this poem
is not about you

even though
your spirit is in every word
your voice sounds strong
in the halls of my mind
telling me things
I am now sure
I want to know

this poem is
about me

trying to understand
I feared to feel
My soul too young to resolve
Cold as snow,the tale of my heart
Bitterness and anguish the tune of my music

Then paths crossed with Him
A teacher to my heart, a new rythm born
A wave of the most pure
Yet happiness braced with fright
The freedom too unreal

A deadly  ring in mind, was i playing too naive?
Mama's story, Cousin's story
Where they felt solitude when love ran out
I couldnt, I shouldnt
Forced to forget

Sorry doesnt mend this
I was a fool to believe
The story unfinished
Maybe we will meet and make history
When the heart is brave
Brave for love.
It was wind and wild - sunset on the California coast
we watched the birds seemingly fly backwards
seagulls and brown pelicans
the wind bit my cheeks quite red
barefoot, we sank in the cooling sands
watching the final flash of glassy sun
firewater reflecting on the darkened lands
the sky swallowed the sailing light away
with the half moon askew above the bay.
A speck of paradise
A miracle abandoned
Only waiting for the clouds to change to gray
Hanging in those dark untitled spaces
Her petals are a useless perfection
Her poetry a moonlit someday

A messy galaxy
A teardrop infinity
Grace doesn't paint amorous feelings
On headaches in the space under the bed
Her flower blooms a bruise
Her worlds are dying words
Dedicated to a friend
Like a toddler taking maiden steps
The narrow stream moves through the woods
Tripping and falling over pebbles and boulders
Chiming its silver anklets

Forcing itself in irrepressible flow
It thrusts and shoves its way down
Through thickets and a line of ferns
And the tangle of creepers and thorny brambles

Drowning the whisper of bamboo leaves
Its sweet murmur falls in my ears
As an eternal living melody
The cosmic song heard over eons

As the water sluices down the rocks
It becomes a frothing braided torrent
Producing a harsh grating roar
Like the crescendo of a tribal symphony

There it forms into a small pool
With its waves gently rippling
Where birds merrily come to take a dip
And sunning their feathers, fly back refreshed

Sometimes travelling unseen
It suddenly emerges into the open
Cutting its way through cracks and fissures
Never willing to surrender before hurdles

With a bearing immaculate in grace
It sends out waves of pure delight
What joy it is to watch the dilly dally
Of this sedate pilgrim moving to its destination
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