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 Aug 2015 Malene
kat lykke
 Aug 2015 Malene
kat lykke
we speak with blue tongues
when we hide ourselves in secret songs
only written to remind you that my soul aches for a place
that i have only visited in your dreams
i exist in smokey thoughts and
swim in the space between your teeth
like unknown love notes
on the last page of chemistry books
a stranger's devoted words
etched in your skin and
you covered it up with white inked lips
without showing anyone in daytime
but even i can see that you got her hands
all tatted up on your heart
with closed eyes

I watch him smoke the cigaret
And I hand him another one
Because I want to defect his lunges  
The way he neglected my heart
Vi lå afklædte i din seng
og du hviskede i mit øre du ikke vil dø
Længe lå vi og stirrede op i loftet i fuldkommen stilhed
Jeg kiggede på dig og små sommerfugle fløj rundt i din mave
Jeg kyssede dig så inderligt at himlen pludselig virkede besynderligt nær
Uden at sige et ord, konstaterede jeg for mig selv
du aldrig ville dø
for jeg skrev jo lange digte om min længsel og om dine store øjne
Jeg ville ikke lade dig dø
Jeg ville gemme den bedste samling af ord om dig
og lægge den i en æske og sende den direkte til evigheden
wet cigarettes and broken bones
always swallowing words like blue
bruises in my mouth
you loved me one coffee ago,
don't bother sharpen your spine,
i'll never be yours or anyone else's
it would be acceptable to leave an
apology on your desk, but i'm not
sorry for leaving you, actually i'm sorry
for making you a home  in my veins
don't tell me you need me when i can't
even look you in the eyes
don't tell me you love me
when i can't say it back
- don't do poetry, it will **** you
 Mar 2015 Malene
Up in Smoke
 Mar 2015 Malene
I started smoking thinking I could burn you out of my throat, but now I watch the smoke coil and float. I'd never understood the phrase "gone up in smoke", but now it makes total sense. Here one moment gone the next, without a trace. We caught like a flame and went out just a quickly. Our romance was a slow burning candle, that one swift blow burned out. It's been a year and the smell of your cologne makes me look around the room for you. Even though I know you are no where to be found. A candle with a burnt out wick, wont relight no matter how hard you try, you just get burned.
 Mar 2015 Malene
sparks flew as you stared at me, your eyes full of galaxies of shooting stars, and dreams of a love that so easily could have been, a beauty that i could barely contain in my heart as it burst in a slow motion shower of everything i am and was.
now that i'm alone, sitting in the backseat of a car where we once sat together, i miss you. realizing now that most of what you said to me was merely cruel deception,
there's this empty feeling in my bones that makes me so cold because i thought i was your everything.

but someone's nothing is someone elses' everything. and i was your nothing and i thought you were my everything
sketchy, not quite sure, think it's okay, lacking ideas,oops . besides its christmas, so HAPPY CHRISTMAS people:*

quin-i hope you like
 Mar 2015 Malene
heart break
 Mar 2015 Malene
children of the darkness,
listen in
you pretend that it doesn't
bother you,
but we know that you're just
concealing it,
from the prying eyes which
stare profusely,
through the dying light into
your own.

and you shake with the anticipation
of another
shot of alcohol dripping down your
aching throats,
numbing the pain of freshly broken
and instead of screaming helplessly
at skies
of crimson, you watch the tears stream
down your cheeks.
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