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2.7k · Feb 2020
Bridjitta Feb 2020
You’re the man I want to be with for the rest of my life
But I don’t know why I’m suffering this strife
It seemed that fate won’t let you be mine
I know you’ll leave me after some time

Yes, I still imagine myself walking down that long aisle,
My face showing a big smile
For there you are at the altar, waiting
Before the church bells go ringing

Yet as I am near the altar now
About to take my wedding vow
Another guy grabbed my arm
As I looked at him, with his smile so warm
My heart was shattered for it felt so harmed

And there you are
Still standing on the altar
You gazed at me, I tried to avoid it
But when I looked at you, I cried and couldn’t help it
When you muttered the words:
“In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit”.
2.4k · Oct 2018
The Call of Loving You
Bridjitta Oct 2018
I was just staring at the invitation someone gave me
Yes, that someone who played a significant role in my life
My eyes are crying,  my heart's in agony
For I never thought it will bring me this strife

As tears rolled on my cheeks, I reminisced that day when we first met
That day when you gave my life a new direction
My reminiscing stopped for a knock was heard
"Twas my friend saying, "Hurry up, we're late for his ordination"

As I entered the church, I gazed at the altar
On that same altar where thirteen years ago
You held my hand, saying "I love you with all my heart
But there is someone whom I love more than the way I love you"

I see, it's God whom you really love more
I cannot blame you, for after all
You wanted to serve him for the rest of your life
All the while, you were waiting for His call

Today is the day you have been waiting for
The day where everyone will get to call you "Father"
How I wish we could have a picture together
But I am your ex-lover, It'll just make you bothered

The ceremony has ended, your mother saw me
My heart stopped, I didn't hear a noise
She muttered "Hey sweetie, long time no see!"
I was about to reply when I heard a familiar voice

As I gazed around I saw a lovely man
Yes, that same man  whom I loved for thirteen years
He still looks handsome in that clerical collar
I cannot speak a word, I embraced him, wetting his shirt with tears

He embraced me back, telling me "Dear, I'm sorry
For now, I cannot grant your dream wedding
But this I promise you, on that day
I'll be at the mass, I'll be the one presiding"

I left the church with a smile
Thanking God for that closure
As I watched you from afar for a while
I told myself "Someday, I'll be happy for sure"
1.5k · Oct 2018
Bridjitta Oct 2018
I can only watch you from afar
Looking at you from the shadows
Observing the people that surround you

But I was never there
And there will never be that day
I can only dream of such things

Just looking from afar, makes me more than happy
Hoping that you would look my way for once

There are millions of words in my heart
But I must refrain from saying a single word
When I’m alone, I can only say to myself that I love you

Though there are times
That we are close together
But you always look pass me

Wish you could hear the words in my heart
But it’s probably too quiet for you to hear
One word of love blown away by the wind before it can ever reach your heart
As it fades away
1.4k · Nov 2018
Fallen for You
Bridjitta Nov 2018
I always listen to your problems
When you cry I wipe a tear
I love you with all my heart
And that's my greatest fear

I can't get you out of my head
I just keep on missing you
Even before going to bed
I am still thinking of you

You're always there when I'm asleep
And all throughout the night
In the morning when I wake up
You never leave my sight

It's a game of love roulette
And my gun is fully loaded
As loving my best friend is friendship suicide
So I'll make sure it's noted
This one's for the people who's in love with their best friends and don't have the courage to confess
Bridjitta Nov 2018
He loved you
So don't you ever think that
He's only playing with your heart
You are important to him
It's not true that
He broke your heart
Because you know for sure that
You are more than enough for him
It's not true that
He's loving someone else,
He left you,
He chose someone else,
Because the truth is
His heart beats for you alone
Don't ever think that
Anytime he's willing to let you go
The truth is
He'll love you until eternity
Don't ever think that
He's lying.
Believe me,
This is the truth.

(Now read from bottom to top)
785 · Oct 2018
A Boy Named John
Bridjitta Oct 2018
His name was John
The boy living next to your door
The boy whom you've shared your toys with before
You were his only companion
For he was shy to show himself to others

You were the only one who knew him
From the rest of the children, Ella and Tim
Every time you tell stories about John
They only shook their heads, for they've never seen one

You wonder why he hides from others
Why he doesn't want to be recognized
For he said maybe you'll be apart
And it would break his heart

In the middle of the cold nights
While everybody soundly slept, you played
At the old fountain, at the park or the stained swing
While telling you many things

Of his Mama and Papa, their great mansion
Their hacienda of a hundred hectares
Of this farmer who took his Mama away
And left his Papa crying in vain

But there was something about John you cannot explain
Why does he have a wounded head and a suit full of blood stains?
He will just nod and wink an eye
Now, I bet you know the reason why.
436 · Aug 2019
La Pacencia de un Amante
Bridjitta Aug 2019
Lost is the girl
With a sorrowful smile
She waits for her love
A long and weary mile

He stole her heart
Before she'd ever seen
He'd be her king
And she'd be his queen

Though far away
She knows in her heart
A connection between them
Cannot be torn apart

Born to love him
All of her life
She awaits his return
With no grief or strife

Love will draw them near
And will see them to the end
Together they will be
Their distance, time will amend
265 · Jul 2019
Bridjitta Jul 2019
It was thy eyes
That made me fall
The reason why I risked it all

It was thy eyes
That made me see
Love’s splendor and misery

But their eyes
Are all on me
Judging me for loving thee

Yet it was thy eyes
Where I saw the mirror of my soul
A love they’ll never covet
A love that made me whole
193 · Jun 2019
Take me back to Talisay
Bridjitta Jun 2019
Please take me back to Talisay
the city of  tourist attractions and marvelous places
the land full of people with smiling faces
the place where we made memories I'll forever cherish
where we promised ourselves that our love will never diminish

Please take me back to Talisay
back to the time when you made me euphoric
where each moments we shared were majestic
Those moments with you I cannot replace
For on that moment, in my heart you had a place.

Please take me back
not only in Talisay, but in your life as well
to the place where we were happy back then
to the time when you still loved me back when
back when it was only me and you, and no one else.
Please take me back, Micoh.
193 · Jun 2019
Bottled Up Inside
Bridjitta Jun 2019
I want you to know
something I'm trying to hide
the way that I love you
is stuck bottled up inside.

I want to tell you
exactly how I feel
and that my feelings
are completely real.

I want to tell you
that I truly do
love you with all that I am
this is the truth.

I hide this feeling
only because I know
you don't feel the same
and I can't let you go.

I don't tell you this
for many reasons
but mainly because
my friendship with you
is too important
to ruin by three words.
I love you!
#hidden #feelings #friend
185 · Jun 2019
Bridjitta Jun 2019
I'm now wearing my miraculous medal
The medal which served as our remembrance
wrapped around our necks
with a golden chain so lovely
and a pendant not too heavy

But the convention ended,
And so did we.
We went back to  our daily routines
And our love was never again seen
The bliss of our summer love had gone,
With the reminder of the medal, the Blessed Mother
and of you, my almost answered prayer.
175 · Nov 2018
When You're Close
Bridjitta Nov 2018
Everytime your hands hold mine
I have with me the heavens Divine
When you're close this world is naught
Destroyed in your love, a triumph sought

As close as the fragrances are to your breath
Or as love songs are to your lips
As close as sleepless nights are to memories
Or as the dewdrops are to the leaves

As close as the waves are to the ocean
Be that close to me, O beloved of mine
When you're close this world is naught
Destroyed in your love, a triumph sought
164 · Aug 2019
Bridjitta Aug 2019
There's something in your voice that makes it alright
Something in your smile that gets me through the night
A comfort in your grin that helps my day pass by
A twinkle in your eyes that lights my dark sky
Your embrace says "don't worry" and your laugh, it says "I care"
That kiss you give when we say goodbye that says "I'm always there"
It's all these things about you I couldn't live without
It's you that makes me happy, It's you without a doubt

— The End —