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maddy Apr 2018
ah how kindly
he strokes your peach fuzz covered cheeks

he stares into your deep brown eyes
and you feel him looking into your soul

you connect as his hand
reaches for yours, interlocking

finger woven through finger
blazing heat lingers between your palms

your mind melts
your heart tightens

you can't think of anything
except for how you feel

heart is pounding
can he tell?

hands are shaky
surely he knows.

breath is stiff
don't pass out.

so kind and comforting
are thoughts of him

your gaze slowly drifts back to his face
and you stare with intent

you melt and re-melt
everytime he blinks

each second you hold your stare
his presence becomes warmer

he is so beautiful
you think to yourself

your faces grow closer
nose touching nose

your heart stops racing
you've grown calm

thinking of really happy recent memories usually brings on this type of poetry.
maddy Apr 2018
lies and deceit
pool at my feet

you deny and deny
and you lie and you lie

can’t you see i’m in pain
shattered like a window pane

your games, they’re unfair
cause me to dwell in despair

but i’m wrapped around your finger
and I still seem to linger

because I love you so
I won’t let go

and I’ll stick around
you know that I will

because I know that you’ll change
I just have to stop acting deranged
this is taken from really old emotions from last year, but still worth the poem!!
Apr 2018 · 14.9k
self worth (5w)
maddy Apr 2018
self worth is self hope
how much do you have?
Apr 2018 · 243
its there, you know it.
maddy Apr 2018
An ever-lasting buzz
Oh you can feel it in your face

Your cheeks blazing
Red with passion

It radiates off your skin
Following you everywhere

You can never feel down
Its always consuming you

Its warm tender hands caressing your arms
Telling you its there

You know its there

Let the feelings melt into you.
Lay them out,
hot in the sun.

slowly seeping into your skin.
let them fill you with warmth.

fill you with joy

breathe in the air
as you feel it at the back of your throat
you can feel the love
as it tickles you on its way down

taste it.
feel it.
love it.

its there.
you know it is
this ones about my boyfriend. he generally makes me feel a lot better about my bad days. he's the best.
Apr 2018 · 258
The hole
maddy Apr 2018
How come overtime I feel like things are getting better,
It just goes back and
my ankle,
yanking me back down
into that deep black pit of pure

But why is this hole in my home?
and why is it in my bedroom?
at the foot of my bed.
What lies in it?
the monster?
the monster that grabs you when you try to cool?
is it hot lava you swore you wouldn't touch,
by jumping chair to chair?
Why is this hole that
brings you down,
living in the place you love most?

why does it keep you stuck in your bed
as it it slowly develops the floor around you,
so you can't get up?
and when it does finally find a way to just
pull you back in,
why is that the time you
that you've found a way to get out of it?
a way to get up and out of bed
and over the lava
and across that monster.
why is it strongest
when you are at your strongest?

and when you think you've risen above it
it grows two times your size,
and steps right on your back,
paralyzing you of any control or mobility
over the life you felt you could build.

when you've finally chosen to Stand up,
it stands up with you and gets right in your way.

stop thinking you've got it in your control,
when its clearly so far out o your hands
you can't even see it.
stop trying to take what is not even tangible.
you haven't got it.
its not yours and it never was.

if it takes you that much time to get up
and out of bed,
and across that hole and over that lava,
its really not worth trying.
it would come so much easier if it was meant to be,
it would come to you.

whats the point in continuously trying
when you fall right back into that same hole
time and time again?
except somehow each time you fall,
you go deeper than before.
stop trying.
if you stay there
how much deeper can the hole really get?

wallow in that hole,
as you watch the world around you move
right in front of your glossed eyes.
yet its all outside the pit.

you are meant to stay there.
in that pit.
in the hole.
stop trying to climb out
if you've already tried endless times.
If you haven't gotten out by now,
are you really supposed to?

What good are you if you just sit
and watch a world around you.
you can't move,
yet everyone else can pursue
achieve great things,
and all you do is watch.
and try to get out.
but mostly watch.

so stop watching and waiting,
its pointless.
it is time that you withered away,
slowly fading into nothing.
stop it all now.
I just noticed I go from talking about myself to talking to myself. its weird.sorry this is so sad, bad days do this kind of thing

— The End —