I made my way through thin, cigarette trees
as I searched for, and simultaneously, lost myself.
The foliage coated the ground in different shades of gold,
soft earth's natural armour against my violent feet.
I whispered like smoke, from some conscious place,
"where are you,
where are you?"
I found the moon in wavering waters,
resembling a pale dinner plate.
The stars, its companions,
the table on which it was set.
I looked for recognition in the eyes of my reflection,
the face was that of another woman.
One that did not flinch like an exposed nerve;
One that knew she was more like a grains of sand at her feet,
than the gravity around her.
I folded my tired self into her stillness,
knowing that I controlled nothing, and
finally rested.
With so many ugly things going on in the world I clench my fist, and my jaw more often than I don’t. I must remind myself that I can neither be gravity or affect it, I have to let nature take it’s course.