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 Dec 2015 Lynx Ng
I made my way through thin, cigarette trees
as I searched for, and simultaneously, lost myself.
The foliage coated the ground in different shades of gold,
soft earth's natural armour against my violent feet.

I whispered like smoke, from some conscious place,
"where are you,

                       where are you?"

I found the moon in wavering waters,
resembling a pale dinner plate.
The stars, its companions,
the table on which it was set.

I looked for recognition in the eyes of my reflection,
the face was that of another woman.
One that did not flinch like an exposed nerve;
One that knew she was more like a grains of sand at her feet,
than the gravity around her.

I folded my tired self into her stillness,
knowing that I controlled nothing, and
finally rested.
With so many ugly things going on in the world I clench my fist, and my jaw more often than I don’t. I must remind myself that I can neither be gravity or affect it, I have to let nature take it’s course.
 Dec 2015 Lynx Ng
 Dec 2015 Lynx Ng
I watch the leaves fall
Caught by the pull of the wind
Dancing on the currents
Weightless and free
A flock of color and movement
Each one synchronized to it's own rythym
Yet together, they move as one
Slipping between the fingers
Loosening themselves
From a tangle of gnarled branches
Finding release in the moods of the season
Gently falling in the pools of water below
Spinning in the fluidity
Reflecting the tones and the hues of the Earth
Reflecting the discarded sorrows of men
Reminding the eye of the cycle of change
A silent symphony of discordant notes
Creating a mural of raw, powerful beauty
The colors blend like a Monet
A sparkling image of hope
Winter's fragile bones
An undeniable promise of Spring
 Dec 2015 Lynx Ng
In Absence
 Dec 2015 Lynx Ng
Through your power

Moving mountains
Spittin fountains
Youth crowding

Smoking loudly
Bass booming rowdy

Times infinity
The Empowered Soul
Counting, countless
Forming symphonies

Heavens gleam
Life's a dream
Life's a dream
Life's a dream

Mind has wings
And we fly
We fly
And we flying

War, turning men to predators

Will we Will we
Still see heavens doors

Anytime anywhere
cluster jam
man can be led like a lamb

how can a lion flow

eating, without ripping meat
or breaking a bone

oh, my soul
my soul
I still let go
 Dec 2015 Lynx Ng
Ronald D Lanor
For thirteen years
the old man
the sun rise
and fall
until one day
he did not.

Those were
the happiest
thirteen years
his life.

— The End —