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 May 2015 Lynn Legend
 May 2015 Lynn Legend
The figures round about
In and out of my mind
Like tendrils of smoke
Coiling in curls
Turning figures into question marks
That wrap around my fingers like rings
Which I wear and hold with pride.
The rings that shape me
And who I am today.
Idk lol this is ******* tbh and I've stopped caring. I need sleep ***.

Car radio
By twenty one pilots
I’m bored, I don’t have anything to do
This is boring, I don’t want to do it
I challenge these statements with this,
There is nothing boring, only boring people
People that cannot find something to do are boring
People that complain that the job is boring are boring
There are more ways to entertain than any time in life
You can read a book, go for a run, take an internet course
People that are bored, are too lazy to figure out what to do
They want someone to think for them, to entertain them
So the answer is don’t say you are bored, say you are boring.
 Apr 2015 Lynn Legend
Sara Jones
Darling I'm not the same as I was back then,
I thought comets and stars were things in the sky
Until I looked around one day to find
That they're in as many people
As they are in my mind

No one is really ever the same, you see
Everything changes you and me
Every thought and action we do will lead
Into another alternate reality.

What if we turned left instead of right that one day?
Would we have met with early demise?
Or would we have gotten that job we had hoped to find?

See these are the things that are constantly on my mind
For I can't help but contemplate how the stars align
To bring us closer together or further apart
Or weather or not you see someone's true heart.

I guess it's a difficult concept for some to grasp
I mean even I am having a momentary lapse of reason

I guess that's just part of being human
Thinking about what's bigger about us
Or what could bring our downfall

So many of us just sit and contemplate what it means to be in this body
And the longer we think about it the more uncomfortable we become with ourselves

Because with how our world works if you're not a size zero through nine you're not worth the time of the males searching for mates.

Or if the muscles in your stomach don't look like a six-pack then you're not a very good looking male in the first place.

But if you sit and think about how to make this world crumble
You'll see how everyone thinks they're nothing.
But if you tell a girl or guy they're made of stardust and clear skies
They'll laugh and call you a dreamer.

Maybe I am,
Or maybe that's what poets are
Dreamers who think the world is pretty terrible
So they string lines together to create a scenario to help others see the bigger picture

That everyone is made from stardust.
That everyone is beautiful.
Inspired by the quote "You are made of comets and stars, don't let anyone treat you like you are dirt and dust" by unknown
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