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lxs Nov 2014
and despite all the people who say i am enough
i can't help but feel like i'm not
because that B on my report card
looks like an F
and this poem is just useless words
typed up on a computer
and ****
i should not be this jealous of my best and only friends
but their talents constantly outshine mine
and im left to feel like a rock in a sea of diamonds
i just want to feel proud of myself
lxs Nov 2014
meet me in the parking lot
neither of us are dead
even though we pretend to be
pretending is what we do best
apart from blurry 2AM mischief
i write about her too much
lxs Nov 2014
i made the mistake
of turning you into my medicine
lxs Jun 2014
it’s days like this
where i become nostalgic
for the things that were never
mine in the first place

— The End —