I have been here before
My soul sighs
When my mind conjures up these words
In that particular order
Combined emotions
Of relief, grief and satire
Often follow suit
Behind those words
I have been here before
I am reminding myself
That we faced this thing before
And that we faced it then
Simply means getting back on
That same horse
We rode it out last time
And we can do so again
I have been here before
Loss of a loved one
Hard times
Job loss
Irrespective of the cause
I have been here before
Do we really want to
Go through something again
We've already faced and conquered
A resounding no and a sigh
Combined with resilience and retaliation
And yet a soft smile
I have been here before
We know the horse and the road
Better this time around
Even so
I have been here before
And might be again
But now we stand up and saddle up
Bring what we have left over from the last round
And ride this one out
The scared little me that doesn't want to
And the big strong me who remembers how to
With a smile and a sigh
I have been here before
We were OK afterwards then too
We remember
About going through hard things in life, as we get older, some things Come around more than once. And that time we thought it would **** us also. Yet the hard things never does. And we survive them. And we learn how to weather them. It doesn't get easier but we take strength from the knowing that we have done certain hard things before, and can do them again, even if we don't want to go through certain things. At least we have the knowledge that it didn't **** us last time either.
There's relief in finding familiarity in something, however painful or uncomfortable