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I dreamt an Angel came to me
With a grin and blood on his face.
Still, a tear was in his eye.
His head hung in disgrace.

He did not speak a word to me
Yet, I knew his mind.
I felt he was a part of me,
As I am, cruel; but kind.

He took me to a stair well
Leading up and down,
Splayed in e'er' direction,
As I gazed around.

Then, were lambs and goats
Battling in a field of fire,
And swine possessed of a madness;
To which I could not aspire.

The Angel pointed, with boney claw,
At the desert and the sea.
I could not choose between the two
Which one should I be.

His wisper was a fount
Of living, crystal clear
Water moving over me,
Flowing in my ear.

His fiery cloak embraced me.
It burned upon my skin.
He brought me to ground, turned me around.
The Mystery has no end.
This is the first poem I wrote that had ever been published. I was 26. I have always been really proud of it. It was lost in the bottom of my entries so I am reposting.
There may be many like you, but none so curious as you. For as broken as you may be, your only focus is mending the broken hearts of those nearest you, ignoring your own pain, in hopes of healing another. This cannot possibly last forever though. Given enough time, even the strongest may fall. Allow me then, the carpenter, to attend to you. To sand away the rough edges and glue the splinters together once more. I cannot stand to see you broken, a divine angel, fallen from heaven. Allow me then to take your place. Allow my dreams to be scattered like ash, that you may live out yours. In the end though, my simplest dream has been fulfilled. You are happy. So am I.
Not sure how this one turned out. Just had a though floating in my mind and ran with it.
 Jun 2015 Loststargirl
When your mind is shattered
Your eyes are blinded
There is pain everywhere
you go
Don't give up and
Don't give in

When the wheel of fortune
is stuck at 6
No hope remains
Don't give up
Don't give in
Noon will be coming around

When loneliness is
your only friend
it keeps calling you names
Don't give up
Don't give in

There are times
when life is
ablaze with horrors
Don't give up
and Don't give in

Those that survive
are those that find meaning
those that passively
take to their bed
are bound
Don't give up
Don't give in

When the law's
got your name
and no payment can be
you have to go
along with their plans
that have been laid,
Inside, where you hide
Don't give up and
Don't give in.

Time only stops
Don't give up
Don't give in.
This kiss is the last word tonight
It mutes your soft whisper
And the comfort of your voice
Leaving musings on my side of the bed

This noise of a thousand thoughts
It drowns out your breathing
And the silence of the night
As words toss and turn inside my head

This secret is locked in my heart
It veils all our untold stories
Like poetry behind closed eyes
Dreaming that it won’t remain unsaid

This evasion of verbal confrontation
It quiets the bemusing pieces
That would come out misshapen
Making unspokenness easier than regret
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