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I say I'm done
with being treated like ****
because I'm a human
and I deserve respect
but I still get surprised
when I'm treated right
and I apologize
when I've done nothing wrong
but I do stand up for myself occasionally
so that's something
 Jul 2015 Lost and Searching
I'm lonely, yet not alone.
I'm cold on a hot day.
I'm dark in the brightest of lights.
I'm bad to everyone's good.
I'm a waste of everyone's space and air.
I'm hideous in this superficial world.
I have no purpose in this society where everyone has purpose.
I have absolutely no talent in this talented community...

I guess the only 'positive' thing I can say about me is "I am"
As you wish
So shall it be
How I felt with you near
Rapid heartbeat, unnecessary fear
I could swear I saw it in your eyes
As clear as the sunny skies
If only I could just forget
Then i'll no longer be this upset
These uncried tears
All these years
I love you
And I wish you knew
You might never get another chance to tell someone how they mean the world to you.
What do I do.
When's everything I do,
Everything I say,
May never seem the best in anyway,
I test my limits, learn my boundaries,
But never push to far,
I give comfort, respect, loyalty,
Anything you want, anything you need,
But why,
But why is it never good enough?
Almost seems that every day I seem to live the same thing,
A bunch of useless hours and days,
Only good part is that I get paid,
I can only wish that one day things will change,
I want to be happy again.
Something to look forward to at the end of the day, week, month, year.
Something to keep me going.
Just someone.
If not, every day just seems the same.
remember middle school?
**** that ****.
finally i muster up the courage to tell You how i feel
i proclaim my love for You
You wrap me up in Your embrace
Suddenly, our clothes are gone
we're in my bed
my room is clean
You love me
we kiss
i smile
suddenly we hear a loud beeping
i'm awake now
You love him
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