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 Jul 2016 Loreana
Sophia Granada
I am like all other fools;
Nothing broke my heart.
My spine of brittle woven sticks
Cracked under nothing.
My lungs gave out under
Years of whistling
"Shu-Shu, Xu-Xu,
They had breathed in too many daydreams
And real air calcified them with the shock
Of finding it all had been delusion.

A life of smiling at babies and dogs and buttercups
Left me unprepared for their destruction
And my own ruin.
It was my own fault that I was abandoned
In the face of a tsunami of stormclouds
Barreling out of the Western sky:
The last sigh of a sun that goes there
Each day
To die.
Xu-ni-de means virtual or unreal in Chinese.
 Jul 2016 Loreana
Adolph Hamilton
Leave no road untraveled ,no sea unsailed ,follow your heart through life and you will prevail.
 Jul 2016 Loreana
Prathipa Nair
Your canvas in my eyes
Warning my eyes not to blink
Your words poke my pupil
Making my tears colourful !
 Jul 2016 Loreana
Akira Chinen
Breathing like pages of an open book
Exploding like fireworks painting the night of the 4th of July
Living every moment as death might kiss me in the next
Rearranging the colors of the rainbow
To reveal the secret shades
And hues of aphrodisia
Painting the moon in unknown
Tints and washes
To unfold the lost tales of
The melancholy of the night
Burning the heart of the sun to squeeze out
The purest white torrid dancing flame
Forging blood and heart
To endless pulsing fire
Forever swimming in
The intoxicating blaze
Of the rapture
Swirling in the stars and sea
Of you infinite ocean
Eyes of Vincent blue
And every part of
Perfect love
And you
 Jul 2016 Loreana
kenny Diamond
I battle  myself
A war  that never seems be won
I give in to my own thoughts
I am trapped  inside  myself
I was just second class in  your life
You will never  understand me
So stuck in past as load  your gun
Not with bullets  but mistakes i made
The words cut my skin
Blood pours out on to floor
My tears mixed in
I look up for hope
see  only image you wanted to see
I wish i could be more in your life
But  i can't  be sheep if want become the wolf
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